(1) QUT is committed to promoting an environment for study, research, and learning that is harmonious, just, and underpinned by principles of procedural fairness. This policy emphasises a timely, accessible, and consistent process for the resolution of student complaints. (2) This policy aims to provide the overall framework under which the University will handle academic and administrative complaints. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Resolution of Student Related Complaints Procedure and information provided on the Student Ombudsman Office page on the HiQ website. (3) Except in special circumstances, as determined by the Head of Academic Division in consultation with the Student Ombudsman, a complaint will not be accepted where it is lodged later than six months after the date on which the complaint was alleged to have arisen. (4) These procedures are limited to complaints raised by current or immediate past QUT students arising from QUT teaching, learning, research or administrative activities. In particular, these procedures may apply to complaints concerning: (5) These procedures will not apply if the complaint relates to any of the following: (6) The Student Ombudsman or relevant University officer receiving a complaint may take advice as necessary from other areas of the University such as Human Resources, Graduate Research Centre, or People Services Portfolio. The University reserves the right to determine under which policy or procedures a complaint will be handled. Where it is determined that an action initiated under these procedures should be managed under a different policy or procedure, the complainant will be advised of the procedures under which the complaint will be managed. (7) This Policy assists the University satisfy the provision of standards within 2.4 Student Grievances and Complaints and 6.2 Corporate Monitoring and Accountability, specifically Standards 2.4 and 6.2.1j, of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021. These standards ensure current students have access to mechanisms that are capable of resolving complaints and the occurence and nature of formal complaints are monitored and action is taken to address underlying causes. (8) It is recognised that persons involved in complaint procedures may require support. Before applying these procedures the Student Ombudsman may discuss options for accessing QUT support services including but not limited to disability services, international student services and counselling services. Students may elect to be supported by a person of their choice who could be a representative of the QUT Student Guild or an authorised third party. This person must not be a practicing lawyer. (9) Confidentiality will be respected and maintained by all persons involved with the complaint at all times, except where it is necessary to afford procedural fairness or to ensure matters are investigated. Where it is necessary to disclose confidential information, relevant parties will be advised. (10) Participation in these processes under the Resolution of Student Related Complaints Procedure may result in details of a complaint, including the personal information of the complainant being disclosed to appropriate areas within QUT (e.g., Student Administration, Office of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar, Faculties, or Schools, and to relevant third party providers of QUT for the purposes of liability assessment and/or formal advice in managing the complaint. (11) Requests for information made to the University from third parties acting as a representative of a person involved in this procedure, will only be considered if a verifiable, signed authorisation from the person is provided. (12) A complaint may be discussed anonymously by a complainant or respondent (or their authorised representative) for the purposes of seeking advice or guidance. (13) At the time of lodging a complaint, a complainant may request that their complaint is de-identified for the purpose of the complaint process. Where possible, such complaints will be considered for investigation having regard to the limitations which may be imposed by de-identifying the complaint. (14) (15) Disciplinary action in accordance with relevant University policies may be taken against any person who initiates or incites adverse action against another person because of their involvement in these complaint resolution procedures. (16) Students and/or staff involved in these procedures are expected to participate in good faith, and behave according to the relevant University Code of Conduct, including the Code of Conduct - Student, Code of Conduct - Staff, and the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld). (17) Where it is considered that the alleged actions or behaviours of a student which constitute the complaint may involve misconduct (as defined in the Code of Conduct - Student), the matter will be managed according to the Management of Student Misconduct Policy. (18) Where it is considered that the alleged actions or behaviours of a staff member which constitute the complaint may involve serious misconduct (as defined in the relevant enterprise agreement or policy), the matter must be referred to the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer. (19) A student may withdraw their complaint at any time, however, the University may determine that the seriousness of the matters raised warrant the University continuing to review the matter. (20) If internal complaint avenues have been exhausted, the Student Ombudsman Office or relevant Senior Officer will advise the complainant in writing within 10 working days of reaching an outcome of their right to access an external complaints handling process. (21) Persons involved in a complaint process may be surveyed to monitor satisfaction and to obtain feedback on the effectiveness of these procedures. This survey will be conducted by the Student Ombudsman in consultation with the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar. De-identified data will be used to analyse and report on the survey. (22) There are no delegations made under this Policy.Resolution of Student Related Complaints Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Relationship to TEQSA Threshold Standards
Section 5 - Important Considerations Regarding Complaint Handling
Student Support
Duty of Disclosure
Third Party Authorisation
Anonymous Complaints
Frivolous or Vexatious Complaints
Reprisals or Victimisation
Misconduct and the Complaint Process
Withdrawing Complaints
Avenues for External Complaints
Student Satisfaction
Section 6 - Delegations
Section 7 - Definitions
The QUT student/s submitting a complaint under this policy.
A real or perceived cause for disagreement, conflict, dispute or similar problem.
Higher Degree Research (HDR) Candidate
A candidate for an award defined by the University as a higher degree undertaken by research (i.e. Doctor of Philosophy, Professional Doctorate by research, Masters by Research). For the purpose of this policy and the Resolution of Student Related Complaints Procedure, reference to a student includes higher degree research candidates.
Relevant University Officer
A university staff member, usually in the school/faculty/division/portfolio of the complainant, who because of their work responsibilities is in a position to assist parties to informally resolve a complaint.
The person/s subject to a complaint under this policy and the Resolution of Student Related Complaints Procedure.
Senior Officer
Is defined in the Organisational Structure Policy.
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Head of Academic Division
Oversees overall conduct under this Policy and the Resolution of Student Related Complaints Procedure.
Prepares annual reports.
Receives, acknowledges, investigates, reports, and provides advice relating to student complaints.
Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Receives requests for and determines if a Level 2 complaint is to proceed to Level 3.
Following consultation with the Student Ombudsman, oversees proceedings at Level 3 and reports the outcome to the Student Ombudsman.
Senior officer
Collates information, investigates, and formally reports outcomes to the Student Ombudsman at Level 2.
Relevant University officer
Collates information, investigates, and informally reports outcomes to the Student Ombudsman at Level 1.