Frequently Asked Questions

Using the MOPP
( Top )How do I find a policy?

All QUT policies are listed in the View A-Z page in alphabetical order, by title.

If the name of the policy is known, simply click on the letter the policy begins with e.g. Code of Conduct – Staff, click on ‘C’ to view policies that begin with that letter.

If you are unsure of the policy name, use the ‘Search’ function to find a policy. Access the A-Z navigation panel on the home page or the ‘Search’ tab on the menu at the top of the home page.

Use the search form to find a policy by:

  • Full Text (i.e. words contained anywhere within the database or the documents themselves);
  • Keyword (i.e. words contained in a document's title, keywords and summary descriptions fields, also an old MOPP reference e.g. A/9.1);
  • Document Realm (i.e. governance, academic or management);
  • Document Category (i.e. Governance and organisation, Human resources, Learning and teaching, Research, Student services and administration, Information management, Financial management, Facilities management and campus services, International and community engagement) [Note: these categories are the former MOPP chapters, for example if you know the policy you are looking for was in Chapter C, then filter the Learning and teaching category];
  • Target Audience (lists documents based on who they apply to - i.e. students, staff or all).
( Top )How do I search for a particular word/term across all policies?

Choose the 'Search' panel from the MOPP home page or the 'Search' tab from the menu at the top of the home page.  

Complete the search form by:

  • entering the search term into the 'Full Text' window of the search engine;
  • choose 'Match Exact Phrase';
  • choose 'Search Documents'.

If your search does not return your match, click search again and adjust the search parameters (using the user notes as a guide).

( Top )Where do I find appendices, charts, diagrams or related documents?

These are now available in the Associated Information link at the top of each policy document.

( Top )How can I get a copy of a historic or previous version?
  • For versions prior to December 2023, contact QUT Governance – mopp@qut.edu.au.
  • For versions after December 2023, open the current version of the policy document, and select Historic Versions from the menu bar at the top of the document.
( Top )What is the University Policy Glossary?

The University Policy Glossary is a list of terms and their standard definitions. Unless separately defined within a document, the glossary definitions apply to all documents. Within policy documents, a broken line will appear under terms which are defined in the Policy Glossary. Users can hover over the term and the definition will pop up in a small window. There may be a need to include certain definitions/terms in some polices where a definition is policy specific.

Currently QUT has populated the glossary with existing terms, but the full glossary function will be applied over the coming months following review and consultation with Policy Owners.

( Top )How will I know if/when a policy changes?

The Bulletin Board lists recently approved policies. You can view the summary of changes from a previous version in the Status and Details tab for each policy document.

( Top )Do I need to login into the system?

No login is required to view QUT policies, however some associated information, restricted to QUT staff or QUT staff and students will require your QUT login.

If you are a policy author or approver, you will need to login to the system with your QUT login to create, edit and/or approve documents.

You may also require a password to login to some documents on the Bulletin Board if they are in the early stages of development. The author of the documents will set up the password to access these documents.

( Top )How can I provide feedback on a policy or procedure?

Policies that are in draft or under review are posted to the Bulletin Board. You can provide feedback on any document posted for comment on the Bulletin Board by clicking on the document title and following the prompts. Your comments will be sent through to the author for consideration.

If a policy is not under review, you can provide feedback by navigating to the current version of the document and selecting the Feedback tab. The steps to comment or provide feedback are available by clicking on the document title (version draft).

( Top )How do I search for a policy that was in the previous MOPP by Chapter?

Using the dedicated search engine, you can filter using the Document Category. Policies have been categorised using the following:

Document Category
Facilities Management and Campus Services – formerly Chapter H
Financial Management – formerly Chapter G
Governance and Organisation – formerly Chapter A
Human Resources – formerly Chapter B
Information Management – formerly Chapter F
International and Community Engagement – formerly Chapter I
Learning and Teaching – formerly Chapter C
Research – formerly Chapter D
Student Services and Administration – formerly Chapter E

Or refer to the ‘How do I find a policy’ question.

( Top )What is the Bulletin Board?

The Bulletin Board displays policies, procedures, charters and protocols that have recently been approved and/or came into effect in the last two months.It also displays draft documents available for comment and feedback. Draft documents are not approved and should not be relied upon in any way.

Feedback and comment on existing documents may be provided at any time directly to the Responsible Officer shown on the Status and Details tab at the top of each document.

( Top )What information do the tabs on the menu bar provide for each document?

The menu bar at the top of each document has several tabs that provide you with easy access to information related to a policy document.

These tabs include: 

  • Status and Details: Contains information about the document’s status including approval, implementation and review dates, the Policy Owner and contact details for enquiries.
  • Associated Information: Allows you to find associated documents and information (formerly Related Documents) that contain information related to the policy document you’re viewing.
  • Historic Version: Contains previous versions of the policy document.
  • Future Version: Shows future versions of policy document if there is a future effective date.
  • Print: Allows you to open and print the document in a PDF format.
  • Feedback: Enables you to provide feedback on the policy document at any time
( Top )How do I find Committee Charters and/or terms of reference?

University level Committee Charters include the committee’s responsibilities, membership categories and information specific to each committee. Charters are sometimes called “Terms of Reference”.  A complete A-Z list of formal university level Committee Charters can be accessed from the MOPP Home Page, or from the Committee Charters tab in the ribbon at the top of the page.

The QUT Committee Structure is available from the MOPP.

( Top ) Do you have an enquiry or feedback?

If you have an enquiry regarding a policy or would like clarification on how it is applied, then contact the Enquiries Contact for the policy, available from the Status and Details tab. If you would like to provide feedback on a policy that is not currently under review (for example an error, or have an opinion about the policy that you wish to be considered in the future) then navigate to the feedback tab for that particular policy. Feedback and comments for policies under review are provided through the Bulletin Board. 

( Top )Where do I find the Register of Authorities and Delegations (ROAD)?

From the home page, click the Register of authorities and delegations navigation panel to be directed to the ROAD (Register of Authorities and Delegations),  Access is available for QUT staff only.

( Top )What does the 'review date' mean?

Policies at QUT are scheduled for review on a regular basis to ensure their ongoing relevance and applicability.  The following review cycles, applied by QUT Governance are a guide:

  • 1-year review cycle – new policy
  • 2-year review cycle – committee charters
  • 3-year review cycle – academic policy or management policy
  • 4-year review cycle – Human Resources policy to align with enterprise agreement bargaining
  • 5-year review cycle – governance or academic policy

The 'review date' listed in the 'Status and Details' tab is the date from which a review is scheduled commence.

( Top )Printing

You can easily print a pdf of the current, historic or future version of the policy, procedure, protocol or charter. 

Be sure that you are printing the correct version:

Current Version: You will see a GREEN box around “Print to Portable Document Format” link.

Future Version: You will see a BLUE box around “Print to Portable Document Format” link.

Historic Version: You will see a RED box around “Print to Portable Document Format” link.

( Top )What is the difference between the Bulletin Board and Feedback?

Bulletin Board: 

The Bulletin board is made up of two sections; Recent Approvals and Draft Documents for Comment.

The Recent Approvals section shows all the recently approved policy, procedures and protocols for a 2 month period. 

The Draft Documents for Comment sections shows draft policy, procedures and protocols that have begun the review process and are currently out for consultation. This consultation can be to a restricted audience or to the wider public.  You will notice a shield next to the documents that are restricted.


The feedback option is for current version of the policy, procedures or protocol that is in the MOPP.  You can provide comments on the document at any stage excluding when the document has began a review. 

For the policy owners and authors, we would encourage you to collect feedback received during the live cycle and consider this when your review phase commences.

( Top )What versions have what colours?

Current Version: The current version of the document has a GREEN bar across the top of the policy. You will see this theme continue with GREEN boxes around content on other pages.


Future Version: The future version of the document has a BLUE bar across the top of the policy. You will see this theme continue with BLUE boxes around content on other pages.


Historic Version: The historic version of the document has a RED bar across the top of the policy. You will see this theme continue with RED boxes around content on other pages.