These are a list of terms and definitions used to provide consistency of language and meaning in QUT policy. Unless separately defined or the context of the policy requires otherwise then the following definitions apply to all documents.
Click on a letter from A to Z below to view Glossary items that begin with the selected letter or use the scroll bar located on the right-hand side of this page to browse the entire list.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person – An Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander is a person who is of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent; identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander; and is accepted as such by the community in which they live or have lived. Academic freedom means: An Academic record may be described by other terminology such as academic transcript. Accredited assessment design is the outline of how summative and formative assessments promote progressive achievement of course learning outcomes with reference to assessment types, sequencing, quantum, timing and connection, approved in accordance with the Curriculum development, approval and accreditation policy, at the time of course accreditation or reaccreditation. Acquisition is the process of securing works of art through purchase, commission, gift, donation, bequest or exchange with other public collections. Active Management - Investment Managers are focused on employing skill to add value (e.g. Stock Selection) to generate returns in excess of the market. Active transport refers to modes of transport, such as walking and cycling, which contribute to an individual’s health and wellbeing and lead to positive environmental outcomes. Administrative charges are charges levied for administration of a student service which is not regarded as part of the usual service provided for all students (examples include late lodgement fees, replacement of student cards fees, fees for review of grade). Adoption leave means leave taken in association with becoming the primary carer of the placement of a child who is under six years of age with the staff member for adoption, and who is not a child of the staff member's partner. Advanced standing means credit for prior learning which contributes towards the volume of learning required to complete a course at QUT. Advanced standing at QUT may be granted as auto-credit, specified advanced standing or general advanced standing. Advanced standing precedent is an approved advanced standing decision that is available for reuse in subsequent, comparable advanced standing applications. Accounts used by staff, students, or alumni for conducting business or creating relationships that are related to QUT. These may include alumni chapters, student work showcases and university supported student clubs, and are listed on QUT’s social media website. Affirmative action programs are provided to assist various groups of people by removing barriers in employment and education which are the result of historical or existing disadvantage, harassment and discrimination. These programs do not constitute unlawful or unfair discrimination are not inconsistent with anti-discrimination or human rights laws and, for some groups, are required by law and/or policy. Agreement period means the fixed period of 12 months which the purchased leave agreement relates to. Allegation means a claim or assertion arising from a preliminary assessment that there are reasonable grounds to believe a breach of the QUT Research Code has occurred. May refer to a single allegation or multiple allegations. For the purposes of section B/8.1.5(b) of this Code, an irrelevant factor includes a person’s age, breastfeeding, family responsibilities, gender identity or intersex status, impairment or disability, lawful sexual activity, parental status, political belief or activity, pregnancy, race, relationship or marital status, religious belief or activity, sex, sexuality, social origin, trade union activity, irrelevant criminal or medical record. Applicant means either a student who makes an application for recognition of prior learning for advanced standing of a unit/s or a prospective student who seeks entry to a course based upon recognition of prior learning. Refers to an officer with the authority to approve the appointment of candidates to positions, in accordance with the Register of Authorities and Delegations. Appropriately qualified means a person with the qualifications, experience or standing appropriate to perform a function or exercise a power of office. A policy Approval Authority is either Council, the Vice-Chancellor and President, a senior university officer, or University governance committee delegated authority by Council to approve documents in the MOPP. An Approval Date is either the date a new policy or an existing policy was approved by the relevant approval authority. Approved research means a project reviewed and approved by a University Review Body and/or other review body or delegated pathway. Approving officer means the officer who has the relevant authority for approving travel. Assessment means work (for example, an examination, written task, project, practical, performance) which a student is required to complete for educational purposes, including to permit grading. The Assessment and feedback protocol (QUT staff access only) provides guidance on summative assessment tasks recognised at QUT. Assessment Officer (AO) means a person appointed by the Designated Officer to conduct a preliminary assessment of a concern or complaint about research. May refer to a single AO or multiple AOs. Assignment means an assessment item that must be submitted by a specific due date through the learning management system or if the assessment outcome is a physical artefact, physical submission by a specific due date. Assignments do not include examinations (in person or online), tests or quizzes completed within the learning management system or assessment that requires a student’s physical or virtual presence to complete. Assignment extension is defined above in the Student Academic Concessions Policy, section 8. An assignment extension is normally required when the 48-hour late submission period is not long enough for the student to complete the eligible assignment due to the special circumstances. Assistance animal means: An Assisting Party is the person appointed by the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer to attempt to assist the parties to resolve the Complaint at the First Level. The Assisting Party will generally be a staff member. An Associated Distributed Site is defined as typically having the attributes of a Primary Distributed Site except that it comprises a small QUT footprint and limited QUT investment, and has one or more of the following characteristics: Attend an examination includes completing an online examination. Australasia for the purposes of this policy, refers to the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea (including Papua New Guinea), Fiji, New Caledonia and Vanuatu. Australian Privacy Principles means the set of 13 principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) governing the collection, quality, use, disclosure, management and transfer of personal information. Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) is the version of a research article that has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication. It includes revisions made by the authors during the peer-review process, but it does not include the formatting and copy-editing contributed by the publisher when producing the final published version. An authorised officer means a QUT staff member who holds a position of responsibility within the university and who exercises authority in performing the duties and functions of that responsibility on the delegation of QUT Council or the Vice-Chancellor and President. Authorised visitors means visitors that the University may provide with access to facilities to enhance their ability to complete tasks for the University or to liaise with the University. Such visitors may include, but are not limited, to alumni, external auditors, regulators or consultants, potential clients or business partners, contractors or vendors, volunteers, conference delegates, and students and staff of other universities. Auto-credit is granted when the student has passed the same QUT unit within a specified timeframe. When granted auto-credit, the grade from the unit is given. Award parchment is an official document issued to an individual who has completed the requirements of an award course. It may be described by other terminology such as testamur, or graduation certificate. Bachelor honours degree is a qualification located at level 8 of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Binary construct (relating to gender) is a social construct that identifies an individual as either male/man or female/woman and does not take account of other sex or gender identities or presentations. Blind carbon copy or BCC means the recipients of your email cannot see who else was BCC’d and they will not continue to receive emails. Breach means behaviour by a researcher that fails to meet the principles or responsibilities of the QUT Research Code, or fails to comply with relevant policies or legislation. May refer to a single breach or multiple breaches. Examples of breaches of the QUT Research Code include, but are not limited to, the following: Bridging program is the non-award study available for the general community to meet the requirements of university study, for example, prerequisites for entry to an award course. Brokering means when a person or organisation acts as an agent or intermediary in arranging the 'supply' of Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) goods, software and technology between two people and places located outside of Australia. For the activity to be considered brokering, the 'person' must receive money or a non-cash benefit or advance their political, religious or ideological cause for arranging the 'supply'. A bursary is a payment awarded to a student on the basis of specified criteria. Bursaries have a value up to $2000 per annum and can be taken at any point during a program of study or research, subject to specified eligibility criteria. Business Continuity management is any preparation in a systematic manner to resume business after a disruption. Campus means the grounds and buildings of QUT, external offices, distributed sites or any other location where QUT conducts its activities. Where a visit involves the habitation of digital spaces (i.e. a public lecture delivered remotely), that digital space will be considered part of the QUT campus. Cancellation of enrolment means that a student has discontinued an award course or a program of non-award studies. Candidate means any person admitted to a planned course of research leading to a higher degree research at QUT. Candidature means the period of study towards the higher degree research being the period from the date of commencement until the end of enrolment based on successful completion of all coursework and mandatory training completed satisfactorily leading to lodgement for thesis examination (after which time the candidate holds the status of 'Under Examination’) or until the candidature is terminated or the candidate withdraws. Carbon footprint is the amount of 'carbon' emitted or attributed to an organisation. Are people and purpose-oriented, reflecting the crucial role of data in advancing Indigenous innovation and self-determination. These principles complement the existing FAIR principles encouraging open and other data movements to consider both people and purpose in their advocacy and pursuits Carer means parent, legal guardian, or other responsible adult with guardianship of the child and who is charged with the care and supervision of the child. A case coordinator for the purposes of this policy will be an academic or professional staff member nominated by the Executive Dean, Director, QUT College or Director, Graduate Research Centre. Central examination period means the period of time designated for delivering centrally timetabled examinations, as detailed in the University’s Academic Calendar. Centrally timetabled examination means any written examination included in the timetable for the central examinations period, and/or administered by Student Administration. Chief Investigator is an academic member of staff with principal responsibility for a research project. Child/children means a person(s) under the age of 18 years as defined by section 36 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954. Client custom education (CCE) means engagements with local, national and international organisations for educational offerings, award and non-award, that only consider enrolment from nominees of the sponsor and/or related organisations. Close relative means: Cluster qualification is two AQF courses clustered together with the qualifications for each being met. A bachelor honours is a cluster qualification comprising a bachelor degree and a bachelor honours degree. Cognate exemption is advanced standing granted upon admission that reduces the course duration in recognition of prior cognate studies. Collaboration means individuals from different academic departments, institutions and/or industry partners working together to achieve a common goal. Collaborative project means a research project whereby the University works in partnership with another research provider(s) or stakeholder(s) of the research to share equally or proportionately (as contractually agreed) the costs and benefits of the research. Collaborative research means research undertaken between researchers from different academic departments and/or institutions that are working together to achieve a common goal. Collection is a body of acquired objects held by the university. The objects are acquired, conserved, researched, communicated and exhibited, for the purposes of study, education and enjoyment, material evidence of people and their environment. A collection may have regular, limited, sporadic or no displays. Commence an exam means the start time of the exam session on the published examination timetable. Commercial decisions/outcomes means getting the best result that meets QUT’s business needs. Commercial outcomes are achieved by taking into account a range of factors including (but not limited to): Commercial research means research other than competitive research that is conducted in collaboration with government, private or charitable organisations. It may result from direct negotiation with an external organisation or a through an application-based, competitive process organised by an external organisation (sometimes known as a tender or a request for proposals or quotes). In some cases, it may be a collaboration with an external organisation where QUT is a named collaborator or where QUT is identified as a subcontractor to perform a particular research task. Commercialisation expenses means the expenses incurred by QUT in the production, development, protection, marketing and commercialisation of QUT intellectual property. Commercialisation revenue means the gross cash revenue received by QUT from the commercialisation of QUT intellectual property and does not include payments pursuant to a research or consulting agreement or payments used Contributor means any other staff member, student or visitor who has substantially assisted with the development of QUT intellectual property other than a creator, as determined by the Vice-President (Business Development). to subscribe for equity in a company. Commonwealth whistleblower laws for the purposes of this policy refers to the whistleblower protections as set out in Part 9.4AAA of the Corporations Act 2001 and Part IVD of the Taxation Administration Act 1953. Communities of Practice are designed to share information and coordinate plans relating to the Student Transitions and First Year Experience strategies and operations. Competitive research means research that is funded by an external organisation following an application-based, competitive peer review process and where the external organisation does not directly receive, or expect to receive, any material benefit or advantage in return (e.g. new intellectual property or commercialisation rights). Competitive research may involve collaborating partners that do expect to receive benefit or advantage (e.g. new intellectual property or commercialisation rights). A Complaint is a type of problem, concern or grievance about work or work-related matters raised by a Complainant. A Complaint under this policy may include allegations or concerns regarding: Complementary studies - a group of units that may be required in addition to core units and a Study Area A in order to fulfil course requirements. Compliance officer means a member of the University staff appointed in writing by the University Librarian to consider the waiving of penalties where borrowers provide reasonable explanation of exceptional circumstances. Compliance risk is the risk of exposure to legal or financial penalties or other material losses (including reputational damage) due to a failure to prevent, detect or reduce the undesired or unacceptable effects of non-compliance with external laws, regulations and other externally imposed requirements. Compliance risk management is the program of activities to address or mitigate compliance risk, including the establishment of culture, policy, procedures and processes. Conciliation is the process of resolving a complaint through the parties involved agreeing to a resolution. A conciliator is an independent person who assists the parties to reach agreement. Conferral is the process by which a degree or certificate is formally awarded to a student who is then entitled to receive an official academic award document. Confidential information means information about QUT students, studies, teaching, research or other lawful University activities, or information provided to a student about the business affairs or clients of an industry partner, which is in the possession of the student or the University or a member of the University's staff and which: but does not include any information which: A conflict of interest is a discord between a staff member’s University duties and responsibilities and their personal or other interests or duties, where this could inappropriately influence the performance of University duties and/or the conduct of the staff member. A conflict of interest may be of a personal, professional, pecuniary or non-pecuniary nature, and will include a conflict of duty, where a staff member has duties or roles in another organisation which may conflict with their University duties. Consideration should also be given to interests relating to associates such as close family members. Conflicts of interest may be actual (where there is an existing or current conflict between a staff member’s personal or other interests, and the scope and ambit of their duties or role within the University), perceived (where it could appear to a reasonable person that a staff member's personal or other interests may inappropriately affect the performance of their duties and/or their conduct - whether or not this is true) or potential (where a staff member’s personal or other interests could possibly conflict with their official duties and responsibilities in the future). Consent, in relation to sexual harassment and sexual assault, has its legal meaning, which includes voluntary agreement (through words or conduct) to engage and continue to engage in an activity or act, and may be withdrawn at any time. Consent only applies to each specific instance and type of sexual activity and not another instance or type. Consultancy means a project that involves an external agency buying the skills and expertise (pre-existing know how) of staff and/or use of QUT equipment to work on a specified project. Consultancies involve the application of existing knowledge and do not normally lead to the development of new intellectual property. Income from activities of this nature is not normally included in Department of Education research income definitions. Consultancies may be funded following direct negotiation with the external organisation or a through an application-based, competitive process organised by an external organisation. In some cases, it may be a collaboration with an external organisation where QUT does not receive external funding. Continuing professional education (CPE) captures both non-award client custom education (CCE) and open professional education (OPE) offered by the University. Continuous service means a period of unbroken service. A staff member's service will be deemed to be unbroken provided that the time between ceasing employment and recommencing employment with the University does not exceed three (3) months. A contract is an agreement between parties intended to have legal significance and involving the transfer of consideration (that is, value - financial or some other type of benefit - flowing from the beneficiary of the transaction). Contracts generally articulate business relationships for the acquisition or supply of goods or services, for the exploitation or transfer of intellectual property rights (eg licences) or for the provision of funding, including gift agreements. A contract manager is a QUT officer appointed by the contract signing delegate to administer and manage a contract over its lifecycle. A Contract Signing Delegate is a QUT officer delegated with the authority to sign contracts on behalf of QUT, in accordance with the Register of Authorities and Delegations. In most cases, the Contract Signing Delegate is also the Financial Delegate, responsible for ensuring funds are available for the contract over its lifecycle. Contributor means any other staff member, student or visitor who has substantially assisted with the development of QUT intellectual property other than a creator, as determined by the Vice-President (Business Development). Control or control activity is any action taken by QUT Council, management, and other parties or officers to protect assets and manage risk, and thus to increase the likelihood that established objectives and goals will be achieved. This includes appropriate approvals, checks on accuracy and security of data, adequate segregation of incompatible duties such that no one person has complete control over all aspects of a transaction and IT security related control activities. It also includes planning, organising and directing the performance of sufficient actions to provide reasonable assurance that objectives and goals will be achieved. Controls may be preventive (to deter undesirable events from occurring), detective (to detect and correct undesirable events that have occurred), or directive (to cause or encourage a desirable event to occur). The concept of a system of control is the integrated collection of control components and activities that are used by an organisation to achieve its objectives and goals. A corporate business system is defined as a system that has been implemented to support a specific business function and is supported and funded centrally by the university. It does not include tools such as email services or file storage systems. Corruption is defined in a practical way by AS8001-2021 as dishonest activity in which a person associated with an organisation (e.g. director, executive, manager, employee or contractor) acts contrary to the interests of the organisation and abuses their position of trust in order to achieve personal advantage or advantage for another person or organisation. This also can involve corrupt conduct by the organisation, or a person purporting to act on behalf of and in the interests of the organisation, in order to secure some form of improper advantage for the organisation either directly or indirectly. A course is a structured and coherent set of units or thesis components purposely designed to support students to learn and achieve the course learning outcomes of the qualification. In this policy ‘course’ means an award course. Course design is the architecture of the course of study that articulates a clear set of intended learning outcomes. It describes how the learning and teaching approaches and assessment are scaffolded, from introduced to mastered, to support learners to progress towards and achieve those learning outcomes. Course learning outcomes are a set of attributes (knowledge, skills and application of knowledge and skills) that graduates will be able to demonstrate upon the completion of the course. They are future-focussed and explicitly identify and align with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level of the qualification, reflecting the standards of the discipline and the profession and the QUT Real World Learning Vision. They include transferable, non-discipline specific skills. Course requirement refers to the specific requirements for completing an award course and are approved by University Academic Board in accordance with the Awards courses policy. Requirements may include: Course requirements are the specific requirements for admission to and completion of an award course. Course work means a unit or units of study involving directed learning, including face-to-face instruction, online learning, distance learning or combinations of these. Coursework course is a course in which the methods of learning and teaching that lead to the acquisition of skills and knowledge does not include a major research component. As defined in Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. This licence allows for commercial use. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) licence allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. Creator means a staff member, student or visitor who creates QUT intellectual property, and includes inventors of patentable subject matter, authors of works and makers of other subject matter subject to copyright and designers of industrial designs. Credit points indicates an estimation of the volume of learning associated with an award course, study area and unit. A crisis is an event or series of events, beyond the expertise and resources of any one faculty or division to manage, with the potential to critically impact the University as a whole. Cumulative means a staff member’s entitlement accrues progressively during a year of service and accumulates from year to year. Curriculum encompasses the intentionally-designed learning environment to assist learners to achieve desired course or program learning outcomes through the planned design of courses, units, modules, learning activities, assessment, and embedded support. Custodianship means the direct responsibility for protecting research data, including accurate recording and proper retention, maintenance, access, sharing, and disposition of the data. Normally, the Data Custodian is the Chief Investigator. In cases where a project has several Chief Investigators, the Data Custodian is the first-named Chief Investigator. Custom award course means an award course that only considers enrolment from nominees of the sponsor and/or related organisations. Sharing of the information asset to the maximum extent possible in accordance with data standards and data security and defining the conditions of use of the data. Deaccession is the permanent removal of an item from a collection inventory or database following a detailed process. A deed is a formal legal instrument under which a promise is given to meet an obligation to do or to refrain from doing something. Unlike a normal contract or agreement, deeds do not require consideration (that is, money or another benefit provided in return for a legally binding promise) to be enforceable. Certain deeds have specific execution requirements. Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) means the compilation of munitions (military) and dual use goods, software or technology that are regulated when exported, supplied, published or brokered, as updated from time to time. The DSGL is defined into two separate parts: Defence Export Controls (DEC) means the Australian Government Department of Defence, Defence Exports Controls office. Defensive Assets are defined as cash, fixed income and investment grade credit. Deferment period means domestic applicants offered admission to an undergraduate award course may apply to defer the commencement of their studies for one year and after the first year request, for up to a further 12 months. Deferred examination means an examination rescheduled for the student to undertake. For centrally timetabled examinations, deferred examinations are held in the Supplementary/Deferred exams period for a teaching period. Delegate means a committee or member of QUT’s staff granted authority to represent, or act for, the university. Delegation means the assignment of a statutory authority, power, or function. Delegator means QUT Council, the Vice-Chancellor and President or a member of QUT’s staff who has the authority to assign an authority, function or power of their position to another individual. Department is a formal grouping of a number of staff, physical facilities and equipment, which is responsible for a functional area of of administrative or educational services, or academic program. Designated officer (DO) means a senior institutional officer appointed to receive concerns or complaints about the conduct of research or allegations of breaches of the QUT Research Code and to oversee their management and, where necessary, investigation. May refer to a single DO or multiple DOs. At QUT the Designated Officer is the Head of Research Portfolio (may be delegated). Digital refers to the use and management of data, information, communications, and technology to enable delivery of university services and for the fostering of innovation and enabling strategic change through transformation. A digital signature is a signature created within an approved digital signature software program containing encrypted information used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a document or email, and to minimise the risk of fraud or impersonation. An electronic signature consisting of a picture of text is not considered to be a digital signature. Refers to the process of appointing an individual to a position without the requirement to advertise the vacancy or conduct a competitive selection process. Direct appointments may be classified as either short-term or long-term, and specific requirements apply to each classification under this policy. Disability refers to disability, injury or health condition. The Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 include detailed definitions of ‘impairment’ and ‘disability’. A disability may be temporary or permanent, total or partial, life-long or acquired. Discloser means a person who makes a public interest disclosure (PID) about a matter concerning QUT. The discloser may be an employee or other officer of QUT, or for certain types of disclosure as described in B/8.3.2, may be any person (student, members of the public). Disclosure is an option available under these procedures to seek access to support, advice about options, and assistance but where the person is not seeking investigation or other action by the University in relation to the matter. Support will be provided to students and staff to make an informed choice about actions they wish to take, if any. Discrimination happens when a person or a group of people: Discrimination, discriminating against and discriminatory each have the following meaning, as the context allows. Protected characteristics or attributes include a person's age, breastfeeding, family responsibilities, gender identity or intersex status, sex characteristics, impairment or disability, lawful sexual activity, parental status, political belief or activity, pregnancy, race, relationship or marital status, religious belief or activity, sex, sexuality, social origin, trade union activity, and irrelevant criminal or medical record. Disposal is the physical removal of an item from a collection, after it has been formally de-accessioned. Division is a formal grouping of a number of portfolios, departments and/or independent sections drawn together for the purpose of coordinating activities and for administrative efficiency and convenience. A division is characterised by complexity of operation and responsibility for the provision of a wide range of administrative and/or academic support services, including the provision of student services. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) means a doctoral degree, which has a research component comprising 66.6 percent or more of the total course of study, and which involves significant and original research that contributes to knowledge, research and theory in a field of study. QUT has nine operational classifications into which policy documents are grouped. The categories are: facilities management and campus services, finance, governance and organisation, human resources, information management, international and community engagement, learning and teaching, research; and student services and administration. The document realm is the high-level governing classification into which documents are grouped. QUT has three document realms – academic, governance or management. Domestic and family violence means violent, threatening or other abusive behaviour by a close relative of a staff member or a member of a staff member’s household that seeks to coerce or control the staff member and that causes the staff member harm or to be fearful. Domestic applicant is an applicant who is an Australian citizen, New Zealand citizen (including a diplomatic or consular representative of New Zealand), or holders of an Australian permanent visa, as defined in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth). Domestic travel means travel more than 50 kilometres (one way) from a QUT traveller’s regular place of work/study. Due diligence means continually and comprehensively ensuring that all members of the QUT community are kept safe and involves taking reasonable steps to secure compliance with legislation. The duty to foster the wellbeing of staff and students means: Dynamic Management involves adjusting the asset allocation away from the strategic asset allocation to take advantage of changing market conditions and opportunities, in order to reduce risk or improve expected returns. Early Retirement Scheme means a scheme initiated by the university and approved by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) providing for voluntary early retirement of a specified class of employees with a view to rationalising or reorganising the operations of the employer. Staff aged under 65 at the date of retirement are entitled to special concessional tax rates as prescribed by the ATO. Economy class excludes Premium Economy. Educational digital media resources are materials utilised in physical and virtual learning environments to support quality learning experiences and learner success. These materials consist of a wide variety of digitally formatted resources including audio, video, graphics, images or photos which may also include interactive components. Educational partner means the domestic or international partner involved in the delivery of QUT award courses (either wholly or partly) or non-award study on the behalf of QUT. Educational partnership means a contractual agreement between QUT and another party (in Australia or overseas) to deliver some or all of a QUT award course or non-award study on the behalf of QUT. Educational partnerships are third-party arrangements within section 26 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (Cth). The effective date of a document contained in the MOPP is the date the document begins to take effect, usually the date of publication. A document may have an effective date to commence in the future. Elective units are units that are not core units in a course but may be undertaken to contribute to the required credit points of a course for completion as part of the complementary studies of the course. Electrical equipment within the Electrical Safety Policy means any machinery, equipment and instrumentation that is operated by electricity at a voltage greater than extra-low voltage. The Electrical Safety Act 2002 (Qld) s14 contains a full definition of electrical equipment. Electrical risk, electrically safe and electrical safety are defined in the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (Qld) s10. Electrical work refer to Electrical Safety Act 2002 (Qld) s18. Electronic cigarettes include e-cigarettes, e-cigars, vapour pens, a personal vaporiser or any device used for the inhalation, exhalation or emission of a substance as defined by the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 (Qld). Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a method of exchanging messages ("mail") between people using electronic devices. Email is the medium, and each message sent therewith is called an email. When used in the course of QUT’s business email is a form of digital record. Eligible assignment means as assignment that may be submitted within the 48-hour late submission period without a grade of 1 or 0% being awarded and an assignment that may be subject of an application for an assignment extension. Assignments may be approved as exempt from allowing the 48-hour late submission period and assignment extensions. Unit outlines identify which assignments are eligible assignments. Embargo in academic publishing is a period of time during which access to a specific version of the work is restricted. Embedded honours is a cluster qualification, embedding AQF level 8 components into a four year bachelor degree to create a bachelor honours. Enabling program means a program designed to enable students to undertake an award course. Students who complete an enabling course would generally commence a course of study leading to a higher education award. An endorsement is provided where an original document cannot be replicated in every respect, to identify that the document is a replacement or substitute. An endowment fund may arise from a direct allocation of University funds or from a gift of money and/or property from a donor to QUT, to be used to fund specified activities that may include scholarships, bursaries and prizes. Endowment funds for scholarships, bursaries and prizes are generally established with a financial capital base that allows for the continued funding of scholarships, bursaries and prizes, through investment or other means in perpetuity, or for a defined period of time. Energised (live) electrical work means electrical work above 50VAC or 120V DC carried out in circumstances where the part of electrical equipment being worked on is connected to electricity or ‘energised’. Enforcement refers to Schedule 1 Control of traffic and conduct on university land as per QUT Act (Queensland University of Technology Act 1998, Schedule 1 s1). English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) means a registered (CRICOS) program designed for students who require English language training before commencing formal studies in Australia. Enrolment means the units which define a program of study, the amount and timing of that study and the fees and charges that will be applied. Environmental protection means the practice of protecting the natural environment by individuals, organisations and governments. Its objectives are to conserve natural resources and the existing natural environment and, where possible, to repair damage and reverse trends. Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL) is a measure used by the Commonwealth Government and QUT to measure total load consumed by a student. At QUT one year of full-time study is 96 credit points which is equal to 1 EFTSL. Ethical principles include disclosure, transparency and integrity as provided in the Conflict of interest policy. Evidence means any document (hard copy or electronic, including e-mail, images and data), tangible item (e.g. biological samples), or testimony offered or obtained to prove or disprove a potential breach of the QUT Research Code. Examination means the formal assessment of the candidate's thesis to critically evaluate whether the conditions for the award of the higher degree research have been met. Examination invigilator and exam supervisor means the staff member responsible for administering the examination. For in-person centrally timetabled examinations these staff members will be appointed by Student Administration. Examination script means written answers to examination questions. Examiners means the appropriately academically qualified specialists appointed to undertake an examination of the candidate's thesis. Exceptional circumstances affecting learning and teaching means circumstances affecting learning and teaching that are caused by factors outside QUT’s control. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, outbreak of pandemic disease, damage to QUT physical or virtual infrastructure, industrial action or strikes, action/s required by QUT under law or any other circumstance that requires activation of QUT’s Crisis Management Plan (C/5.5.14). Exclusion means a student is not permitted to enrol in any units forming part of the program they have been excluded from. Executive Dean includes Executive Director, QUT College. Exempt means staff may undertake outside work without the need to seek approval. Expected Tail Loss is a downside risk metric which represents the expected return when financial markets are very adverse. It is equal to the average return in the bottom 5% of return scenarios. Export means the tangible export of physical items out of the Australian border (this can include tangible forms of controlled technology such as on storage devices or paper). Extension means an extension to the due date of an eligible assignment. External entity means a business, company, partnership, statutory authority or third party which is independent of QUT or in which QUT has no ownership or interest. External party advertising means paid advertising containing an external advertiser's message or logo. External regulators includes (but not limited to) the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), the Australian Research Council (ARC), the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), the Office of Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR), Defence Export Control Office (DECO), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF). External User Charge is raised when a faculty/division charges an external user of a good or service, produced within the Queensland University of Technology or procured by the University, which is outside or ancillary to the mainstream goods and services of the University. Extra-low voltage means voltage that does not exceed 50 volts alternating current (50 V AC) or 120 volts ripple-free direct current (120 V ripple free DC) e.g. mobile phone, laptop/tablet, e-reading device, any device that draws power through a USB cable, battery-operated tools etc. Facilitated learning activities engage learners with academics and other experts who guide and support learning. These activities may involve synchronous or asynchronous learning, on-campus or online learning, and can include combinations of didactic, active and/or collaborative learning (Unit and module information protocol - QUT staff access only). Faculties are university-level organisational structures at QUT. Faculties are primarily focused on teaching and research within subject areas. Faculties includes QUT College. Faculty means a formal grouping of academic programs, schools, disciplines, centres, or any combination of these, drawn together for educational purposes and/or administrative efficiency and convenience. Faculty executive dean / relevant responsible officer means the member of staff, within the organisational area at QUT through which the professional experience activity was organised, who has the authority to make a determination about a student’s suitability for professional experience and whether or not the student may engage in a professional experience activity. Faculty Research Centres are established to provide a focus to support and grow research capability consistent with the faculty strategic plan/s. FAIR means the FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. These principles are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. QUT has adopted these principles to ensure best practice in the management of research data and primary materials. More information is available at FAIR Principles. A fee sponsorship may be part of a scholarship benefit package and consists of a payment by QUT of some or all of a student’s tuition fees. Sponsorships are usually awarded on a merit or equity basis in accordance with specified criteria. Feedback means information provided to students on the standard of their work with a view to improve it. Feedback may be directed to an individual student or to a cohort. Is the consolidated financial plan that comprises the annual budget and the agreed longer-term outlook. The First Year Experience is the student’s experience at QUT from the point of offer until the successful completion of 96 credit points of study in the student’s current course of study. A First Year Student has not completed 96 credit points (e.g. 8 units @ 12 credit points = 1 full-time year) of study at QUT within their currently enrolled course. This includes students entering through alternative pathways (such as advanced standing for TAFE or equivalent certificates) who are commencing in their second year of study, and may therefore miss the intentionally designed first year curriculum. Fleet services refers to all registerable vehicles owned or leased by the University. Forecasting is the projecting of the result for the full year, based on year to date actual and anticipated transactions, updated at regular intervals throughout the year. Formal learning means learning that takes place through a structured program of learning that leads to the full or partial achievement of an officially accredited qualification. Formative assessment (or assessment for learning) is used to monitor student learning and provides feedback to students to assist them in improving their learning outcomes. Foundation program means the registered (CRICOS) program for international students that equips them with the skills for entry into Australian higher education study. They provide an academic entry pathway to first year undergraduate study or its equivalent. Fraud is defined by AS8001-2021 as dishonest activity causing actual or potential gain or loss to any person or organisation including theft of moneys or other property by persons internal and/or external to the organisation and/or where deception is used at the time, immediately before or immediately following the activity. This also includes the deliberate falsification, concealment, destruction or use of falsified documentation used or intended for use for a normal business purpose or the improper use of information or position for personal financial benefit. Fraud can also be seen as a major subset of corruption and is a deliberate, intentional and premeditated dishonest act or omission acted out with the purpose of deceiving to gain advantage from a position of trust and authority. It includes acts such as theft, making false statements/representation, evasion, manipulation of information, criminal deception and misuse of university property or time. Freedom of speech means the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other medium of choice, other than as restricted or prohibited by law. Frivolous complaints are complaints that have no serious purpose or value, and investigation would be out of proportion to the seriousness of the issues complained about. Full-time enrolment program for the teaching period in the case of a student enrolled in an award course, is usually designated to be at least 75 per cent of the number of credit points for a standard enrolment program load for full-time enrolment in that course; or in the case of a student undertaking non-award studies, at least 75 per cent of the number of credit points for a standard enrolment program load designated by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar for that purpose. Fund Manager refers to the primary provider of outsourced investment services, including portfolio management and implementation. Gardens Point Campus - all land occupied or owned by QUT in the vicinity of the Brisbane City Gardens Point reach of the Brisbane River for University purposes, for its role as trustee of Old Government House, and for the car park under the south eastern freeway. Gender is part of a person’s social and personal identity. It is typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological, referring to the characteristics that a culture delineates as masculine/male or feminine/female (see definition for ‘gender diverse’). Gender diverse is a term used to recognise people who do not fall within the gender binary construct of male and female. General advanced standing is granted where a student's prior learning is assessed as contributing towards course learning outcomes and is recorded as a number of credit points towards a component of a QUT course. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) means the legal framework governing the collection and processing of personal information of individuals located in the European Union (EU). A gift is a donation of money or in-kind goods equipment, shares, artwork, property) given freely to the University without an expectation of material benefit to the donor. Gifts and benefits are defined in section 5. A governing policy is the overarching guiding policy under which: Grade means the final grade awarded for the unit. Grade point average (GPA) is calculated as follows: Graduand is a student who has completed all of the course requirements of an award course but has not yet had the award conferred (awarded) by the University. Graduation is the ceremony at which the student is formally and ceremonially conferred with their degree and receives their award parchment (in person or in absentia). A grant or grant-in-aid is regarded as being equivalent to a scholarship or bursary, but awarded as a one-off payment in response to specific circumstances that have arisen (e.g. financial hardship) or to fund a special activity (e.g. attendance at a conference). These circumstances are the criteria used to award the grant. Grants are funds provided by an agency under generic terms and conditions to support the cost of a project or programme of academic research activities (such as Cooperative Research Centres, ARC Centres of Excellence, ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hubs or Training Centres, NHMRC centres and other government or industry funded centres). Normally, they are awarded after a competitive process and generally allow the researcher(s) to propose the program of activity Greenhouse gases (GHG) include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and some artificial chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons, which often in this context are just referred to as ‘carbon’ or carbon equivalent’. Grievance means a real or perceived cause for complaint, disagreement, conflict, dispute or similar problem. Growth Assets are defined as equities, property, infrastructure, non-investment grade credit, and other alternatives. Harassment is as defined in the university’s Resolution procedures for sexual harassment, sexual assault and discrimination related complaints. Harm means any detrimental effect on a child’s physical, psychological or emotional wellbeing. Harm can be caused by physical, psychological or emotional abuse, neglect, and/or sexual abuse or exploitation whether intended or unintended. Harm can be caused by a single act, omission or circumstance or a series or combination of acts, omissions or circumstances (Child Protection Act (Qld)1999, s9). Higher education standards refer to the Higher Education Standards (HES) Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 established by TEQSA under the TEQSA Act 2011 and any other codified quality-related standards applicable to Australian universities. Higher risk refers to disciplines or courses new to the university, transnational courses and courses or Study Areas A that have received overall course performance scores in the underperforming range in at least three of the last five years. Home institution is the institution where the student is undertaking their primary award course. Household member is someone with whom the staff member lives. Human rights has the meaning set out in the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld). Rights relevant to a student’s relationship to the University may include (but are not limited to) the rights of freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief; freedom of expression; peaceful assembly and freedom of association; cultural rights including of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; the right to a fair hearing; and the right to protection of privacy and reputation. Hybrid work is a flexible work model that supports a blend of in-office and remote workers. It seeks to enable staff to access greater flexibility within their work environment, whilst satisfying organisational and business needs. Hybrid work arrangement refers to the arrangement approved by a supervisor, that facilitates a staff member to work part of their work week remotely. The arrangement includes the proposed regular remote work days and remote work location, along with any other relevant details, and is captured via the Hybrid and Off-Site Work Agreement (HOSWA) request form (QUT staff access only). This arrangement will normally be reviewed at least annually. Hybrid work principles are the principles that inform staff and guide supervisors when assessing a hybrid work request, and include the following: Use of social media is use of social media that enables the audience to identify a user as a QUT staff member or student either directly or by reference to information that can reasonably be ascertained. Illiquid Investments are defined as investments that are not publicly traded in sufficient volume to facilitate, under most market conditions, prompt sale without severe market price effect and cannot be liquidated to cash within a six month time horizon. Incidental fees means fees or charges imposed by the University for goods or services where the item is not essential to the course, or if essential, alternative providers or forms of access are available. QUT also refers to these as student user charges. Incidents means all injuries, accidents, near misses, safety issues, dangerous events and environmental harm. Incompatible unit means a unit in which the subject matter or the body of learning is substantially similar to that included in the specified unit. Indigenous Australian means a person of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent who identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person and is accepted as such by their community. Indigenous Australian staff means a staff member of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent who identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person and is accepted as such by their community. Industry and community is used as a term to describe the many partners that work alongside the University and students in delivering WIL. WIL can engage with a variety of industry partners, including community groups, government, not-for-profit enterprises, corporations, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and the University in its capacity as a business. Infectious diseases are diseases caused by pathogenic agents or microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites) when they enter the body. An infectious disease may also be transmissible from person to person or animal to person otherwise known as a communicable disease. Informal learning means learning gained through work, social, family, hobby or leisure activities and experiences and is not organised or externally structured in terms of objectives, time or learning support. Informal resolution can include a direct, respectful approach to the other party to seek a resolution, or a process of conciliation, mediation, or a facilitated discussion with the relevant parties. Information refers to any collection of data that is processed, analysed, interpreted, classified, or communicated in order to serve a useful purpose, present fact or represent knowledge in any medium or form. This includes presentation in electronic (digital), print, audio, video, image, graphical, cartographic, physical sample, textual or numerical form (Glossary | For government | Queensland Government). University information has the capacity to be created, collected, stored, modified and transmitted by any QUT user. Information is not limited to records as defined in the Records Governance Policy, but information that represent university records should be managed as such. for the fostering of innovation and enabling strategic change through transformation. Information is any collection of data that is processed, analysed, interpreted, classified or communicated in order to serve a useful purpose, present fact or represent knowledge in any medium or form. This includes presentation in electronic (digital), print, audio, video, image, graphical, cartographic, physical sample, textual or numerical form. Information may also be a public record or an information asset if it meets certain criteria. Information and communications technology (ICT) resources means any ICT resource or facility provided by the University to assist or support learning and teaching, research, administrative and business activities, and includes: Information Assets refers to an identifiable collection of information or data stored in any manner and recognised as having value for the purpose of enabling the university to perform its business functions. Information assets are categorised from the perspective of content and business use rather than by the information technology systems that hold them (QLD Information Standard 44 – Information Asset Custodianship). An information asset can be made up of one or many data entities that represent our collective understanding of a subject and are collected into a defined asset for the purposes of effective governance and management of the underlying data. Information Privacy Principles means the set of 11 principles in the Information Privacy Act (IP Act) governing the collection, use, disclosure, management and transfer of personal information by organisations such as the university. The Information security annual return is a self-assessment of the information security controls mandated by and to the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group (QGCDG). An ISMS is a systematic approach to managing sensitive information so that it remains secure. It includes people, processes and IT systems by applying a risk management process. Information refers to any collection of data that is processed, analysed, interpreted, classified, or communicated in order to serve a useful purpose, present fact or represent knowledge in any medium or form. This includes presentation in electronic (digital), print, audio, video, image, graphical, cartographic, physical sample, textual or numerical form (Glossary | For government | Queensland Government). University information has the capacity to be created, collected, stored, modified and transmitted by any QUT user. Information is not limited to records as defined in the Records governance policy, but information that represent university records should be managed as such. Infrastructure refers to digital technologies used to run systems, store or process data, including software, hardware, firmware, and networks, regardless of who owns and manages the infrastructure, i.e.. includes cloud infrastructure and platforms. This definition encompasses all the devices, networks, protocols and procedures that are employed in the telecoms or information technology to foster interaction amongst different stakeholders . Inherent requirements are the Institute is a formal grouping of staff engaged in research and teaching activities contributing to university strategies and initiatives. QUT intellectual property is intellectual property owned by, assigned or licensed to QUT. This includes intellectual property created by staff during their course of employment at QUT or assigned to QUT by staff, students, visitors or third parties. Intellectual property under this policy covers registrable and non-registrable intellectual property rights and proprietary knowledge such as confidential information, know-how and trade secrets. An internal booking refers to a booking made by a QUT staff member, student or affiliate for activities to be undertaken by QUT staff and affiliates and / or students and affiliates. It is expected that at least 50 per cent of attendees of student bookings will normally be currently enrolled QUT students. The University reserves the right to perform identity checks in relation to student bookings. Internal Compliance Plan (ICP) is the QUT TraPublication is when items on the Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) are made available to the public or to a section of the public via the internet or otherwise. Publication controls apply to anyone in Australia, or an Australian citizen or resident or Australian organisation located anywhere in the Controls Internal Compliance Plan. An Internal User Charge is raised when: International applicant has the same meaning as ‘overseas student’ in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth). International student has the same meaning as "overseas student" in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth). International travel means travel outside the borders of the Commonwealth of Australia. Intersex refers to people who have genetic, hormonal or physical characteristics that are not exclusively ‘male’ or ‘female’. A person who is intersex may identify as male, female, intersex or as being of indeterminate sex. Investigation is the term used to describe the action of investigating an allegation of a breach of the QUT Research Code by an investigation panel, following the preliminary assessment. The purpose of the investigation is to determine whether a breach of the QUT Research Code has occurred, and, if so, the seriousness of that breach, and to make recommendations about further actions. Investigation panel refers to the person(s) appointed by QUT to investigate a potential breach of the QUT Research Code. The composition of the investigation panel must be proportional to the allegation. Investment Manager refers to underlying investment management organisations selected by the Fund Manager to implement specific asset class allocations or investment mandates. Investments are defined as arrangements that are undertaken or acquired with the expectation of achieving a financial return through interest, profit or capital growth. ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organisation with a membership of 164 national standards bodies including Australia. ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized Information Security Management System (ISMS) standard. It is a framework for the requirements to manage an organisation's information security risks. IT resources means any information technology resources or facility provided by the University to assist or support learning and teaching, research, administrative and business activities, and includes: Keeping in touch day means a day a staff member may attend work and undertake activities for the purposes of staying up to date with their workplace, refreshing their skills and assisting in their return to work, in line with the Federal Government requirements. Kelvin Grove Campus - all land owned or occupied by QUT at Kelvin Grove for University purposes in the vicinity of Musk Avenue and Victoria Park Road, including land owned or occupied by QUT in the Kelvin Grove Urban Village. Key management personnel (KMP) means members of QUT Council, heads of division and University senior executive officers. Key management personnel is a term used in Accounting Standard AASB 124 - Related Party Disclosures, which is defined as “…those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the entity, directly or indirectly, including any director (whether executive or otherwise) of that entity". The Commonwealth Department of Education, Skills and Employment has provided further guidance on KMPs via the “Financial Statement Guidelines for Australian Higher Education Providers”, in which the Government confirms that Executive Deans are not considered KMP’s: “[Key Management Personnel] should have authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the whole entity, and not just a faculty.” For the avoidance of doubt, Key Management Personnel means: Late submission period is the 48-hour period from the original due date in which eligible assignments may be submitted without a grade of 1 or 0% being awarded for the assignment. Lead Committee is defined as the committee who is allocated to undertake review and approval of a research project. Learning activities are the tasks that learners undertake to develop and gain the required knowledge, skills and professional behaviours, and achieve the learning outcomes. Means materials created for any learning activity, including class recordings, transcripts of classes, feedback on learning activities and assessment, assessment tasks, content guides, examples of assessment and resources provided to support any learning activity (e.g., presentation slides). Non-public accounts created by university staff to conduct learning and teaching activities. Learning design refers to the systematic and intentional process of creating, curating, and organising educational experiences to support learner engagement and success. It involves the thoughtful integration of learning and teaching approaches, content, resources, digital tools, assessment and support to enable learners to achieve specific learning outcomes. Learning experiences are constructed by individual learners through their personal engagement in and with the learning activities, opportunities and resources provided. Leave of absence means a place in the course will be held for the student for the approved period. Lectures are typically instructive, oral presentations delivered by teaching staff or a guest lecturer. These lectures are related to the themes or concepts of the unit and may include guided interaction. Those delivered on-campus are recorded and available afterwards for download or online viewing (Unit and module information protocol - QUT staff access only). Library Borrowing Conditions means any conditions designated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) which govern the borrowing of QUT's library resources, including: Library resources means any library resource (physical or digital) service provided by the University to assist or support learning and teaching, research, administrative and business activities. Library review officer means a member of the University staff appointed in writing by the University Librarian to make final decisions relating to an appeal against a decision made by a Compliance Officer to impose a penalty. Licensed animals means animals currently licensed for research and teaching purposes in accordance with the Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes. Local area means within a faculty, division, school or department (i.e. not university-wide). Locally managed consultancies are consultancies (excluding international projects and expert witness projects) that are typically conducted under an agreement that is an approved QUT template and are valued at $25,000 or less. The ability to access the QUT’s information systems using a username and a password either directly or through remote access. Maintenance of University property is categorised as: Major research output examples of major research outputs include theses, dissertations, exegeses, creative works or other major works submitted for the award of a higher degree. Major research outputs are assigned a code and an Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL) value and are approved by faculty academic boards. All major research outputs are coded using the same schema as for units. Maladministration is defined in the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 as an administrative action that: Mandatory leave means an approved leave of absence that has not been requested by the student and may include conditions that must be satisfied before the student can re-enrol in the course they were previously enrolled in or another course. Mandatory reporting is a term used to describe the legislative requirement for selected groups of people to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect to government authorities. Master of Philosophy (MPhil) means a masters degree, which has a research component comprising 66.6 percent or more of the total course of study. Maternity leave means leave taken in association with the staff member giving birth to a child or becoming a parent and primary carer of a child born in a legal surrogacy arrangement. A Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) is a document intended to formalise the terms of a relationship, arrangement or understanding between QUT and another party, but is not intended to be legally binding on either party. An MOU is a general, mutually agreed but diplomatic document, setting out principles, strategies and mechanisms for dealing with the common issues of the relationship. It may lead to the negotiation and development of separate contracts with legal intent. A memorial prize, bursary or scholarship is established to honour the memory of a deceased staff member, student, alumnus or affiliate of QUT. The Advancement Office should be consulted on the establishment of all memorial awards at QUT. Metadata means information or facts about research data and its context, content, provenance, accessibility and licencing arrangements for the purpose of attribution, description, management, verification and discovery. It provides other researchers with the information needed to understand and reuse a dataset as well as making the dataset more findable. For example, metadata may include collection title, chief investigator/s, description, collection period, unique identifier, licence, access conditions and storage location. Micro-credential means a structured and coherent set of learning and assessment activities for professional development that addresses a need in the market, meets the standards of the relevant profession or industry and meets the following criteria: Minor value means a minor gift or benefit valued at less than $150. A mobile amusement device means a device used for commercial purposes and used or designed to be used for amusement, games, recreation, sightseeing or entertainment, and on which persons may be carried, raised, lowered or supported by any part of the device (including, for example, any car, carriage, platform, cage, boat, plank, chair, seat or thing) while the part of the device is in motion. Module means the most basic component element of learning offered at QUT. Modules may be stand-alone elements of learning or may be grouped to achieve stated learning outcomes in award or non-award study. Typically, they provide a structured and coherent set of learning and/or assessment activities that work alone or in concert with other forms of learning. A module may or may not have a credit point value but may lead to a credential, provide a basis for advanced standing into an award course and/or contribute to meeting entry or other requirements for an award course. Where a module leads to a credential or advanced standing, the learning must be quality assured and assessed formally and provide a credit point equivalence. Monitoring means the review of data, information, reports, documents, publications and activities to ensure compliance with appropriate legislation, guidelines and policies under which the research activity is governed. The MOPP system is the University’s online corporate policy system through which: Museum is a collection which is displayed in a purpose-specific space and is open to the public at regular times. Nested suite courses are two or more postgraduate courses at different Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) levels that allow students to easily articulate between courses at different levels and provides multiple entry and exit points. All units of the lower level course are included in all of the higher level courses in the suite. Net commercialisation revenue means commercialisation revenue less commercialisation expenses in relation to a particular item or related items of intellectual property. New learners are QUT students who face a broad range of new experiences that may require support, this includes students new to QUT, new to higher education, new to a course, and new to a mode of learning. Non-award study is defined in the QUT non-award study framework. Non-award studies means a unit or group of units which a student undertakes at the university other than as part of an award course of QUT. Non-formal learning is learning that takes place through a structured program of learning but does not lead to an officially accredited qualification. Notifiable conditions are diseases that are required to be reported by a health care professional (e.g. doctor) to government authorities. Officer is a QUT staff member or University committee member who holds a position of responsibility within the University and who exercises authority in performing the duties and functions of that position. Presences in the public domain used by organisational areas to conduct official business of QUT. Official accounts appear on QUT’s social media website. On demand services refers to transport services which are able to be booked by individuals and are available based on the demand. Open access (OA) is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers. Through licensing via an open licence (usually a Creative Commons Licence), freely available outputs can also be legally shared and reused. Hence, open access is more than just free access. Open Educational Resources (OER) are educational materials which are licensed in ways that provide permissions for individuals and institutions to reuse, adapt and modify the materials for their own use (as per the OER Foundation definition). Open Educational Resources may include all materials that are used in supporting learning and teaching, such as entire courses, units or components such as study guides, videos, podcasts, assessment items, software, simulations, or online tools. Open professional education (OPE) means non-award study that is open for public enrolment. Refers to a recruitment process in which a vacancy remains advertised, and applications are assessed on a rolling basis after a minimum advertising period of 10 days, continuing until a suitable candidate is appointed. Organisational chart is the graphical depiction of QUT's Organisational Structure, including reporting lines and organisational hierarchies and accountabilities. Other review body includes other Australian registered human research ethics committees and animal ethics committees and other institutional review pathways for human and animal research (e.g. administrative review, outside scope, tissue use and exempt research). An outdoor booking refers to a booking made by a person, organisation or group outside of, and not affiliated with, the University. This includes any booking made by a staff member where costs are not managed through internal charges for the relevant department because the activity is not QUT related. Outside work means any activity, whether paid or unpaid, undertaken by a staff member for an entity other than QUT. Such activities include but are not limited to Staff undertaking such outside work are representing themselves and no agreement has been entered into between QUT and an external entity. Outside work may be ‘related outside work’ or ‘unrelated outside work’. Parking refers specifically to parking allocation, parking services and parking related technology on QUT campuses available for staff, students, visitors, and maintenance and service vehicles. Part-time enrolment program load is normally designated to be less than 75 per cent of the credit points for a standard enrolment program. Parties to a complaint include the complainant (the aggrieved person who was allegedly subjected to discrimination or harassment), and the respondent (the person or organisation about whom the complaint is made). Partner means spouse (including a former spouse, de facto spouse, former de facto spouse, same sex partner and former same sex partner) of the person who gives birth or become a parent and primary carer of a child born in a legal surrogacy arrangement or, in the case of adoption leave, of the person who is nominated as the primary carer. Partner leave means short-term leave taken by staff in association with their spouse or de facto partner giving birth to child, becoming a parent and primary carer of a child born in a legal surrogacy arrangement, or adopting a child. Pathways describes and acknowledges the collective variety of entry options into a course of study. These include but are not limited to recent secondary school graduates, VET and bridging courses, international students, graduate entry and mature-age students. Pay equity means individuals receiving equal pay for work of equal or comparable value and there is no gender bias at any point in the remuneration process (for example at commencement, base salary, out-of-cycle pay reviews, discretionary loadings and bonuses, and movement within the total remuneration range). Peer review means the impartial and independent assessment of research by others working in the same or a related field. Personal data has the meaning given to it in Article 4 of the GDPR. Personal information is as defined by the IP Act as information or an opinion, including information or an opinion forming part of a database, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion. Personal information includes usernames, passwords and unique identifiers such as staff and student numbers. It can be recorded in any format including hard copy documents, electronic documents, databases, administrative systems, photographs and other images, and staff/student identity cards. A personal interest is anything that can have an impact on a staff member, including on the people the staff member is related to or associates with. Personal interests can bring benefit or disadvantage. A personal interest may be pecuniary or non-pecuniary in nature: Personal Mobility Device sometimes referred to as a rideable, is powered by an electric motor and designed for use by a single person. Examples include electric scooters, skateboards and segways. A personal relationship is a relationship between a staff member and another person, or persons, unrelated to their University responsibilities and duties. This may include friendships, family relationships, intimate relationships (ie consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships), or even acrimonious relationships. A personal relationship does not include a staff member’s professional interactions with other members of the University community in the performance of their responsibilities and duties. PID is a public interest disclosure as that term is defined in the Public Interest Disclosure Act. A Policy Owner is the senior staff member designated as the officer responsible for ensuring the ongoing Is a failure to maintain the standards of academic integrity when the failure may be reasonably judged to be attributed to inexperience or a lack of understanding and the academic judgment is that further education is required. Portfolio is a formal grouping of a larger number of staff, physical facilities and equipment, which is responsible for a major functional area or administrative or academic services. Portfolios are part of a division and may contain departments and sections. Post-nominal is the abbreviated form of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification type and field of study or discipline used by a graduate to identify their qualification. Predecessor institution means any of the following educational institutions formerly operating in Queensland: Brisbane School of Arts, Brisbane Technical College, Central Technical College, Brisbane Kindergarten Training College, Queensland Teachers’ Training College, Kelvin Grove Teachers’ College, Kedron Park Teachers’ College, Queensland Institute of Technology; Brisbane Kindergarten Teachers’ College, North Brisbane College of Advanced Education, Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education, Brisbane College of Advanced Education. Preliminary assessment refers to the process of gathering and evaluating the evidence to establish whether or not the potential breach of the QUT Research Code warrants further investigation Preservation means a series of managed activities necessary to ensure continued access to research data for as long as necessary. Primary carer parental leave means leave taken where the staff member has or will have primary responsibility for the care of their own, or their spouse’s new born child, or their child born in a legal surrogacy arrangement. A Primary Distributed Site is defined as typically having the following attributes: Primary materials means physical and digital objects collected and/or used during research from which research data may be obtained. It includes, but is not limited to, biological samples, mineral samples, survey questionnaires, measurements, recordings, artwork and photographs. Principal Investigator means the person responsible for the conduct of a clinical trial at the study site. Where trials are conducted at more than one site the terms Coordinating Principal Investigator and site Principal Investigator or a Sub-Investigator are used to differentiate the roles. This is a different definition to Chief Investigator and is specific to clinical trials. A privacy breach occurs when there is a failure to comply with the information privacy policy or the IP Act's 11 privacy principles. Usually this will result in unauthorised disclosure of or unauthorised access to personal information. A privacy complaint is a complaint about an act or practice of QUT in relation to an individual’s personal information that is a breach of this policy or the IP Act. Use of social media in a way that does not associate the user with QUT, its staff, students, or partners and/or does not have an impact on the university. Private use of social media should take account of the privacy and security settings of a particular platform, in the awareness that a user’s association with QUT may be recognised due to the public nature of such networks. A prize is presented to a student who meets specified criteria and does not normally require an application. A prize may be offered by QUT, external organisations or donors. To achieve a prize, students will normally have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement or other merit criteria in a specified unit, major, program of coursework study or research program or activity. Prizes are normally one-off awards presented at any stage of a program of study; have a value of at least $500; or be in the form of a prestigious acknowledgement determined at the discretion of the relevant area offering the prize. Probationary enrolment indicates that academic progress has been unsatisfactory. Procurement encompasses the whole process of obtaining goods and services. Beginning with the identification of needs, procurement can include the functions of planning, design, standards determination, specification writing, selection of suppliers, financing, contract management, disposals and other related functions. Procurement does not include grants. Professional Doctorate (Research) means a doctoral degree, which has a research component comprising 66.6 percent or more of the total course of study, and which involves applied research to solve problems or improve practices in a professional field. Professional experience activity is a work integrated learning (WIL) activity which forms a formal and assessed component of a QUT course, or an activity outside of the curriculum which a student undertakes in order to obtain experience of engaging with a particular profession. These activities may be known as practicums, work placements, industry experience, internships, work experience, etc. A professional experience activity may also be an activity where students gain first-hand knowledge outside of the regular classroom environment, in activities which closely mirror activities undertaken by particular professionals in day-to-day practice of their profession and form a formal component of a QUT course, for example field trips and study tours. Professional experience provider is the provider of the professional experience activity, based in Australia or overseas, which may include, for example, local schools, QUT itself or other education providers, hospitals or medical service providers, public or private businesses, government departments, non-profit providers, etc Program is a generic term used at QUT that may include defined sequences of non-award study or non-formal learning. A Psychosocial Hazard is a hazard that: Public officer is a staff member, a member of QUT Council or another University committee. A public sector entity includes ‘a university established under an Act’, as defined in the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994. Public space has the meaning given to ‘public place’ in Schedule 4, Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009 (Qld), namely: Public transport refers to public buses, trains and ferries and includes the inter-campus bus and night shuttle services available to QUT staff and students. Quality assurance is defined as the activities and management processes used to ensure that the services and quality of higher education provision meet the University’s goals and priorities and the requirements of the sector, including complying with quality-related standards. Quality improvement is described as the activities and management processes in place to systematically and continuously improve the provision of higher education. A predecessor of Queensland University of Technology includes Brisbane College of Advanced Education, Brisbane Kindergarten Teachers' College, Kedron Park Teachers' College, Kelvin Grove Teachers' College, Kelvin Grove College of Teacher Education, Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education, North Brisbane College of Advanced Education, Queensland Institute of Technology, and the [Queensland] Teachers' Training College. QUT Act means the Queensland University of Technology Act 1998 QUT advertising publications means all print and online publications identified as being authored by QUT. QUT campus means places managed or controlled by the University including: QUT campuses; primary and associated distributed sites; QUT vehicles. It also applies to off-campus locations (such as field work, research sites, or travel on University business) where the University conducts its operations. QUT community means all staff, students and authorised visitors. QUT corporate advertising means all paid promotion of QUT in any media (print, broadcast, on-line - including search engine marketing and content marketing initiatives), excluding staff recruitment advertising. QUT Handbook is the official record of course and unit offerings from past years, publicly available ( QUT land means campuses, facilities, offices, laboratories, distributed sites and other premises owned, leased or operated by QUT, or otherwise under the control of QUT. For the purpose of this definition ‘facilities’ includes IT infrastructure, motor vehicles, marine vessels and aircraft. QUT logo means the official logo of QUT as approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President following consultation with Council. QUT name includes ‘the Queensland University of Technology’, ‘QUT’, ‘the University’ or other words used by QUT from time to time as its name. QUT premises means any physical site under QUT control, including: QUT Research Code means the QUT Code for Responsible Conduct of Research. QUT tagline means the words ‘the University for the real world’ as approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President following consultation with Council. QUT You is a core/compulsory component of an undergraduate course, including double degrees. Recognised emergency management body means: Recognition of prior learning (RPL) means the recognition of an applicant’s knowledge and skills based on an assessment of these from the applicant’s formal, non-formal or informal learning. This can be used to determine the extent to which that individual meets requirements in terms of entry to the course or providing advanced standing. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) advisor means the academic staff member with appropriate expertise nominated by the Head of School to make Recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessments. A record is defined by Queensland State Archives as any recorded information created or received by an organisation in the course of their business or conduct of their affairs. A record provides evidence of activities. This is irrespective of the technology or medium used to generate, capture, manage, preserve and access those records. Records may be in many formats, both physical/hardcopy or electronic, including unstructured data for example emails, or structured data (any data that resides within the fixed fields within a business system, the combination of which can constitute a record). Refers to an officer with the authority to approve the initiation of recruitment for positions, in accordance with the Register of Authorities and Delegations. Redundancy means a situation where a position occupied by an ongoing or fixed-term staff member is identified as surplus to the university’s requirements for reasons of an economic, technological, structural or similar nature in accordance with the relevant enterprise agreement or the Voluntary and Involuntary Redundancy Policy - Senior Staff. A staff member who accepts redundancy will receive a benefit according to the relevant enterprise agreement or Section 4, Calculation of redundancy benefit, of the policy. Reference Portfolio is a portfolio consisting entirely of passively managed listed equities and bonds, which have been set to target the desired level of risk in a portfolio. Registered health practitioner means a practitioner registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency or equivalent international body. Regulated child related work means work that falls into a category of regulated employment as defined by Blue Card Services Qld. Related outside work means any activity that is iUnrelated outside work means any activity that is neither related nor similar to the staff member's work, duties or responsibilities (as determined by QUT) and where QUT is not a party to the contract.n the area of expertise for which the staff member is employed by QUT. Remote work location refers to any alternative work location/s, other than QUT work premises, that is approved for hybrid work. Required in-person activities can include meetings, planning activities, or other team-related events where a supervisor deems that physical attendance is required. A replacement parchment replaces a parchment issued originally by the Queensland University of Technology. Reportable gift for Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) purposes is any gifts or benefits with a value of $300 or more (or equivalent in any foreign currency); or a series of such similar gifts received from a single provider to a staff member within a calendar year, where the total value is $300 or more (or equivalent in any foreign currency).The value of the gift is the market value on the day the gift was received and may incur a fringe benefit tax liability to QUT and a reportable benefit on the staff member’s annual payment summary. Reportable gifts means any property, travel, entertainment or hospitality with a value equal or greater than $150 (or equivalent in any foreign currency); or a series of such gifts received from a single entity or made to a single recipient within a calendar year, where the total value is equal or greater than $150 (or equivalent in any foreign currency). Reprisal means causing, attempt to or conspiring to cause, detriment to another person because, or in the belief that, a disclosure has been or may be made. It includes conduct such as exclusion, harassment, interference with personal property, denial of professional opportunities or a promotion, and other conduct negatively impacting on a person, but does not include reasonable management action (such as performance management processes or disciplinary action related to the discloser or others). Research means the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies, inventions and understandings. This could include synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it is new and creative. Research Courses are Higher Degree Research courses offered at QUT (PhD, Professional Doctorate, Master of Philosophy and Masters by Research). Means data in the form of facts, observations, images, computer program results, recordings, measurements or experiences on which an argument, theory, test or hypothesis, or other research output is based. It relates to data generated, collected, or used, during research projects, and in some cases may include the research output itself. Data may be numerical, descriptive, visual or tactile. It may be raw, cleaned or processed, and may be held in any format or media. Research data may include the software, algorithm, model and/or parameters, used to arrive at the research outcome, in addition to the raw data that the software, algorithm or model is applied to. Research data lifecycle means the various stages of creating the data, from the point of creation or collection through to dissemination. The research data lifecycle typically continues beyond the research project period during which the data was created. Research data management means all the processes and actions required to manage research data and primary materials throughout the research life cycle for current and future research purposes and uses. Research governance means QUT’s policies and processes that have been implemented to ensure accountability for all research conducted under the auspices of the University. This includes ethical approval, compliance with legislation, regulations, guidelines and codes of practice. Research Groups have the primary purpose of representing a cohesive discipline-based group or multidisciplinary group of researchers to deliver high-quality research of sectoral or emerging significance, and supporting the development of QUT’s researchers, including early career researchers. Research Integrity Advisor (RIA) is an experienced researcher with knowledge of the QUT Research Code appointed to promote the responsible conduct of research and to provide advice to those with concerns or complaints about potential breaches of the QUT Research Code. A list of Research Integrity Advisors (QUT staff access only) is available from the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity. Research Integrity Office (RIO) is staff with responsibility for management of research integrity at an institution. At QUT this includes staff within the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity. Research Misconduct is a serious breach of the QUT Research Code which is also intentional or reckless or negligent. Research output means modes that communicate or make available the findings of research that may be in hardcopy, electronic or other form. Examples of research outputs include journal articles, book chapters, books, conference papers, reports, datasets, patents and patent applications, performances, videos and exhibitions. Research training programs are a range of training options offered by faculties and divisions, which are available to candidates enrolled in higher degree research courses. They are aimed at supporting research and skills development. Researcher means any academic, professional, or senior, staff member, research student, or affiliate of the university, engaged in or supporting the conduct of research at QUT as members of the QUT community who are engaged in research activities (refer to the Management of Research Data and Primary Materials Policy). The review date of a document in the MOPP is the date the document is scheduled for review, as mandated by the University’s policy review cycle timeframes. Policies remain in effect past their nominated review date until they are approved for: Risk is an event which, if realised, has the potential to affect the achievement of the university’s ability to contribute to its vision, goals, organisational values and objectives. Risk appetite is the amount of risk QUT is willing to accept in the pursuit of its strategic objectives or strategic priorities for the purpose of maximising value to its stakeholders. Risk management is the coordination of activities to direct and control QUT with regard to risk, including the establishment of culture, policy, processes and structures. Risk Profile defines the investment portfolios percentage allocation to growth assets vs defensive assets. As such, an allocation to growth assets is used as a proxy for the “riskiness” of the portfolio. As the percentage of growth assets increases so does the risk of the portfolio. Risk treatment is the process of modifying risk by implementing a risk strategy. Routine employment information of staff is any information which does not relate to the personal aspects of a staff member's employment at the university. This includes information such as a staff member's position title, QUT email address, work phone number or any information which is publicly available on the QUT website. Scholarly works are QUT intellectual property in the form of articles (refereed or un-refereed), books or book chapters, manuals, musical compositions or creative writing, or any digital or electronic version of these. Computer programs, education resources or administration material are not treated as scholarly works under this policy. A scholarship is a benefit or package of benefits which includes a financial consideration awarded on the basis of specified criteria. Student scholarships may be offered in a variety of forms (QUT staff access only). Scholarships have a value of over $2000 per annum. Receipt of the scholarship may take place at any point during a program of study subject to specified eligibility criteria. School means a formal grouping of academic and professional staff, physical facilities and equipment, which is aggregated in order to conduct courses identified with specific professions or disciplines. Schools are responsible for teaching, consulting, research and community service, and for associated academic support activities. School-based examination means any examination administered by a faculty, QUT College or QUT online. Section or unit is a formal grouping of a relatively small number of staff, physical facilities and equipment, which is responsible for the performance of a discrete set of activities. Sections are normally part of a department. A number of sections within the University are classified as 'independent sections' and have similar responsibilities to a department, but on a smaller scale. Sex means the characteristics associated with biological sex, generally assigned at birth usually described as being male or female. A person’s sex and gender identity or presentation may not necessarily be the same. Sexual assault is any unwanted or forced sexual act or behaviour without consent. It covers a broad range of sexual activity. Sexual assault occurs when an offender: Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated, where a reasonable person would anticipate that reaction in the circumstances. It includes uninvited physical intimacy such as touching in a sexual way, uninvited sexual propositions, and remarks with sexual connotations. It can also include sexually offensive telephone calls, text messages, graphics, screen savers, posters, social media posts, emails or such communications via any other electronic media. Significant procurement includes goods and services identified by QUT as being high expenditure and/or for which there is a high degree of business risk. Value for money means more than the lowest price, including: Single unit study means a unit of an award course offered as non-award study. The learner may complete the unit without being admitted into the course. Single unit study includes the units offered through the START QUT program. Smoking includes the use of cigarettes and other tobacco-related products (herbal cigarettes, loose smoking blends, cigarette papers, cigarette making machines, cigarette filters, and electronic cigarettes) or other devices used for similar purposes. Social media refers broadly to internet and mobile-based channels and tools that allow users to interact, voice opinions, and create and share content – via written comments, video or audio files – and encourage participation and engagement in building communities or networks (including, but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, as well as blogs, forums, discussion boards, wikis and groups). Specified advanced standing is granted where a student's prior learning is assessed as satisfying the learning outcomes of a specific unit or units. Speech means all forms of expressive conduct including oral speech and written, artistic, musical and performing works and activity and communication using social media; the word ‘speak’ has a corresponding meaning. Sponsor means an individual, company, institution, or organisation which takes responsibility for the initiation, management, and/or financing of a clinical trial. Stand-alone honours is a separate honours year with AQF level 8 learning outcomes following a three year AQF level 7 Bachelor degree in the same discipline. Standards means Australian Standards (AS) and other International Standards (ISO, IEC etc.). Strategic Asset Allocation is the portfolio’s target allocation for each asset class, set the align with the investment strategy of the fund. Structural elements are the components of the course structure as set out in Section 10, Award Course Structural Elements of the Award Courses Policy. Student Ombudsman/Deputy Student Ombudsman means the QUT officer performing the functions set out in the Student Ombudsman Office Policy. Student Services Amenities Fees (SSAF) is a charge for non-academic student services made under the Higher Education Support Act 2003. A Student User Charge is raised when The Study Area A (a major) is included on academic transcripts. A Study Area B (a minor) may be a second major that is linked to a Study Area A, a Study Area A extension or may be specific faculty units or a set of specific university-wide units. Study mode is designated as: Subsidiaries are all those entities that form part of the QUT consolidated group for financial reporting. A substitute parchment substitutes a parchment issued originally by predecessors of Queensland University of Technology. Substitute parchments will not be issued for parchments issued originally by Education Queensland or bodies not currently associated with higher education. Suitability for professional experience means a student’s capacity to successfully engage in professional experience activities through meeting the conduct, health, safety, performance, compliance (and any other) requirements of QUT and a professional experience provider whilst undertaking a professional experience activity. Suitability to study includes suitability to engage with studies, research and/or to function more widely as a member of the University community. Suitability to study advisory group means a group of QUT staff with expertise in student health, disability, welfare or support nominated by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar on a case-by-case basis. The group provides advice to university staff on reasonable adjustment to studies and appropriate ways for the university to respond to and support students with suitability to study issues. It will not make a diagnosis or provide advice on the management of a student’s health or disability related condition. Suitability to study panel means a panel of at least two persons with expertise in student health, disability or welfare, and with no previous involvement in the case, nominated by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar. The panel may seek advice from the relevant faculty. The Suitability to study panel will be supported by a Secretary appointed by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar. Summative assessment (or assessment of learning) evaluates student learning outcomes against specified standards or criteria, providing the basis for grading and reporting student achievement. Supply is when someone in Australia provides technology included on the Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) to another person outside of Australia. Examples include supply via email or fax, or by providing someone outside of Australia with passwords to access controlled technology stored electronically. Sustainability encompasses environmental, social and economic dimensions and focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable transport refers to transport which has a low environmental impact and can include, low emission vehicles, cycling, walking, public transport and on demand transport services. System refers to an application program or application software, that being a computer program designed to carry out a specific task other than one relating to the operation of the computer itself, typically to be used by end-users. This includes software as a service. Tangible gift is an item having a lasting value. Teaching period means a designated period of weeks in which the program of study and instruction for a unit or an award course is undertaken Technology, specically in the Trade Controls for Goods, Software, Technology and Services Policy, means Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) controlled specific information necessary for the development, production or use of a product. This information takes the form of technical data or technical assistance. Specified technology for the DSGL Dualâ€'Use (Part 2) List is defined in the General Technology Note and in the Dualâ€'Use List. Specifiedâ€< technology for the Munitions List (Part 1) is specified in the DSGL ML22. Technology and Goods Control Plan (TGCP) is a documented and approved plan for the management of controlled activities for specific research projects that includes information security management for the transmission, storage and classification of information and technology. Thesis means a document or collection of materials, which for thesis by creative works includes an exegesis, which provides an argued case for a significant and original contribution to knowledge. The thesis presents the candidate’s research and findings and is presented for examination. In the award course, the thesis component is deemed equivalent to the research component. Thesis means a document or collection of materials, which for thesis by creative works includes an exegesis, which provides an argued case for a significant and original contribution to knowledge. The thesis presents the candidate’s research and findings and is presented for examination. In the award course, the thesis component is deemed equivalent to the research component. Third party advertisements means advertisements published and/or paid for by third parties that carry the QUT logo. Time limits are the maximum time allowed to complete a course. Trade controls laws are a system of laws and regulations prohibiting the unlicensed export, supply, publication, brokerage and import of controlled goods, technology, services, and software for reasons of national security, foreign policy and economic protection. They are underpinned by the following legislative instruments: Traffic infrastructure refers to traffic related infrastructure including parking equipment, signage, carparks. Transgender is a general term for a person whose gender identity is different from their sex assigned at birth. A transgender person may take steps to live permanently in their nominated sex, with or without medical treatment. First-year experience is part of course design underpinned by Transition Pedagogy which focuses on enhancing the student learning experience through pedagogy, curriculum design, and learning and teaching practice in the physical and virtual classroom. This aligns with QUT’s approach to whole of course design (Curriculum Design, Approval and Accreditation Policy), involves units and learning experiences which have been specifically designed and placed into a course to introduce threshold discipline concepts, create a sense of belonging and form the foundation for professional practice and lifelong learning. Transitions describes times in a student’s life at QUT where there are new experiences and changes in circumstances. For example, the transition into university, the first year experience, transition into and through later years of study, course progression, and when completing their course and/or leaving QUT. Transnational education (TNE) means a course or program that is provided to one or more specifically targeted cohort(s) either partly or fully outside Australia through face-to-face instruction or any mix of online and face to face instruction. Transnational education (TNE) may involve collaboration with one or more international third parties external to QUT. Such arrangements are subject to specific standards and conditions. Transnational education (TNE) may be offered as an award course (C/3.1) or non-award study (C/3.3). Award and non-award Transnational education (TNE) activities may be offered to the general public or to an external organisation (corporate). Trauma-informed refers to approaches and responses that demonstrate understanding and recognition of the impact of trauma, and emphasise physical, psychological and emotional safety, and the importance of empowerment and choice for those who have experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment, discrimination or harassment. Responses are designed to avoid causing further harm, trauma or distress to those who report allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault or discrimination-related behaviour. Travel is an approved journey involving commercial transportation (eg aircraft, train, bus, car hire) and/or accommodation as part of QUT business activities. Travel acquittal is the process to substantiate and approve business related expenses. Unacceptable material includes material in any format that is one or more of the following: Unacceptable use means any use of QUT’s ICT resources in a manner contrary to this policy including but not limited to the manner defined in Section 5 of the Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technology Resources Policy. Unconscious bias is a form of discrimination also known as implicit bias or implicit social cognition. It arises from the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner. Under Examination is a status assigned to candidates once they have submitted their thesis for examination and prior to lodgement of the final thesis. During this time candidates are not considered to be enrolled students but remain admitted to the course for the purposes of final submission. Unique identifiers including student and staff numbers are used as the basis for recording a large amount of personal information. Other unique identifiers include payroll numbers, tax file numbers, credit card numbers and bank account details. UniSuper is the industry superannuation fund for the Australian higher education and research sector. A unit is a structured and coherent set of learning activities that normally work in concert with other units to contribute to one or more course learning outcomes. Each unit is assigned a unit code and a credit point value and approved by faculty academic boards. The list of faculty/school codes and level indicators for Units is available on the HiQ website. A unit outline provides information to current and prospective students and other stakeholders, and is also used for approval of the unit. A University Research Centre is a University-level entity established to build and develop high-quality, critical mass in research capabilities that are nationally and internationally leading. University Review Body means the University Biosafety Committee, University Animal Ethics Committee, University Human Research Ethics Committee and other human ethics review bodies approved by the University, e.g. review of low risk human research. University site means any campus, land or building owned by or under the control of the University. Unjustifiable hardship refers to when it is unreasonable for the University to make certain adjustments because to do so would be too onerous. The relevant State and Commonwealth administrative bodies require detailed evidence to support a claim of unjustifiable hardship. Unrelated outside work means any activity that is neither related nor similar to the staff member's work, duties or responsibilities (as determined by QUT) and where QUT is not a party to the contract. Means summative assessment which is capable of confirming that the student being assessed undertook the assessment work. Version of Record is the typeset, copyedited and published version of journal article, book chapter or published contribution to a conference. Vexatious complaints are complaints made in bad faith; they can hurt and disrupt another person's life in such a way that their career or study can be damaged and may result in psychological injury or financial cost. Vexatious complaints are a form of misconduct. Victimisation means subjecting or threatening to subject a person to some form of detriment because they have: VIP means a very important person whose presence, or the context of their visit, requires special courtesy or formality. Visitors who may be accorded VIP status will include, but may not necessarily be limited to, the following: Such persons may reside in Australia or Internationally. Visiting speaker means a person who is not a QUT staff member or student, and who is either: Volume of learning is a dimension of the complexity of a qualification. It identifies the notional duration of all activities required for the achievement of the learning outcomes specified for a particular Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification type. As defined in AQF. For award courses it is expressed in equivalent full-time years, for a full-time year or unit it is expressed in hours. Refer to C/3.1.12. Work integrated learning (WIL) is a learning approach that enables students to learn through engagement with industry and community partners in authentic activities that are planned for and assessed as part of their course. Units and learning activities are designated work integrated learning if they demonstrate all the following key characteristics: Young person/young people for the purposes of this policy means a person(s) under the age of 18 and is at an age normally associated with secondary education.Return to TopA
(a) the freedom of academic staff and other staff engaged in academic work to teach, discuss, and research and to disseminate and publish the results of their research
(b) the freedom of staff and students to engage in intellectual inquiry, to express their opinions and beliefs, and to contribute to public debate, in relation to their subjects of study and research
(c) the freedom of staff and students to express their opinions in relation to QUT
(d) the freedom of staff to participate in professional or representative bodies
(e) the freedom of students to participate in student societies and associations
(f) the autonomy of QUT in relation to the choice of academic courses and offerings and the ways in which they are taught, the choices of research activities and the ways in which they are conducted, and the choice of engagement activities and the way in which they are conducted.
Return to TopB
a) Research standards
Conducting research without ethics approval or not as approved by an appropriate ethics review body.
Conducting research without the required approval, permit or licence.
Misusing research funds.
Concealing or facilitating breaches or potential breaches of the QUT Research Code by others.
b) Fabrication, falsification, misrepresentation
Fabrication, falsification or misrepresentation of research data or source material.
Falsification or misrepresentation to obtain funding.
c) Plagiarism
Misrepresenting the work of another person as the researcher’s own.
Duplicate publication (also known as redundant or multiple publication or self-plagiarism) without acknowledgment of the source.
d) Research data management
Failure to appropriately maintain research records in a retrievable format.
Inappropriate destruction of research records, research data and/or source material.
Inappropriate disclosure of, or access to, research records, research data and/or source material.
e) Supervision
Failure to provide adequate guidance or mentorship on responsible research conduct to researchers or research students under one's supervision.
f) Authorship
Failure to acknowledge the contribution of others fairly.
Misleading ascription of authorship, including failing to acknowledge others contribution or awarding authorship to those who do not meet the requirements.
g) Conflict of interest
Failure to disclose and manage a potential, perceived or actual research conflict of interest in accordance with the Conflict of interest policy.
h) Peer review
Failure to conduct peer review responsibly.Return to TopC
For these procedures, consent will not be taken to exist where the person:
Return to TopD
Part 1: lists the munitions (military) items; and
Part 2: lists dual use items that may be used for commercial purposes but which may also be used in military systems or for weapons of mass destruction programs.
* is treated less favourably than another person or group because of a particular characteristic or attribute (or because they associate with another person or group with a particular characteristic or attribute) (‘direct discrimination’); or
* where an unreasonable rule or policy, which applies to everyone has an unfair effect on a person or group, because they have a particular characteristic or attribute (‘indirect discrimination’).
Protected characteristics or attributes include a person's age, breastfeeding, family responsibilities, gender identity or intersex status, impairment or disability, lawful sexual activity, parental status, political belief or activity, pregnancy, race, relationship or marital status, religious belief or activity, sex, sexuality, social origin, trade union activity, and irrelevant criminal or medical record.
Discrimination occurs when a person or a group of people:
Return to TopE
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1. a subordinate procedure or protocol is made; or
2. another policy is made.
sum of (unit credit points x numeric grade awarded for the unit)
sum of credit points of completed units
For example, for a semester of completed study comprising four x 12 credit point units with grades of ‘7’, ‘4’, ‘6’, ‘3’:
(12 x 7) + (12 x 4) + (12 x 6) +(12 x 3)
=5Return to TopH
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a) was taken contrary to law; or
b) was unreasonable, unjust, oppressive, or improperly discriminatory; or
c) was in accordance with a rule of law or a provision of an Act or a practice that is or may be unreasonable, unjust, oppressive or improperly discriminatory in the particular circumstances; or
d) was taken:
(i) for an improper purpose; or
(ii) on irrelevant grounds; or
(iii) having regard to irrelevant considerations; or
e) was an action for which reasons should have been given, but were not given; or
f) was based wholly or partly on a mistake of law or fact; or
g) was wrong.
1. new policy developments and reviews of current policies are managed; and
2. policies are published.
QUT Governance publishes the MOPP.Return to TopN
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Return to TopP
effectiveness and accuracy of a policy document within their specific operational area. The Policy Owner must not
be the same staff member as the policy’s Approval Authority and must not be a committee or operational area.
public place means a place, or part of the place -
a. the public is entitled to use, that is open to members of the public or that is used by the public, whether or not on payment of money; or
b. the occupier of which allows, whether or not on payment of money, members of the public to enter.Return to TopQ
* all QUT campuses;
* QUT distributed sites; and
* Transport and mobility management - vehicles.Return to TopR
* a body that has a role or function under a plan that is for coping with emergencies/natural disasters (prepared by the Commonwealth or a state or territory);
* a fire-fighting, civil defence or rescue body; or
* any other body which has a substantial purpose in responding to an emergency or natural disaster, such as the State Emergency Service (SES).
1. continuation (with or without revision); or
2. rescinding.Return to TopS
* without lawful reason indecently assaults a person (eg groping, inappropriate touching of a sexual nature) or
* procures a person, without their consent, to commit an act of a sexual nature.
Sexual harassment does not have to be deliberate or repeated to be unlawful.
Some sexual harassment, such as sexual assault, indecent exposure and stalking is also a criminal offence.
* cost-related factors (such as up-front price, whole-of-life costs and transaction costs associated with acquisition, holding, maintenance and disposal);
* non-cost factors (such as fitness for purpose, quality, delivery, service and support);
* local benefits/outcomes that may be achieved through procurement;
* advancing social, environmental, sustainable and economic outcomes.
* A faculty/division or school/department charges an internal, external or off-campus student of the University for a good or service either provided internally, or procured from an external organisation
* The charge is not regarded as the normal course enrolment fee, student union fee, or administrative services charge, all of which are levied at the commencement of study within a year.
* Internal or on campus: An internal or on campus study mode is where students engage in a variety of learning activities at QUT campuses, at other locations and through online environments.
* Online: An online study mode is where students engage in learning primarily in online environments. In some courses, students may be required to attend events, for instance, a learning intensive, assessment or work placement at a specified location.Return to TopT
* Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (Cth)
* Customs Act 1901 (Cth)
* Charter of the United Nations Act 1945 (Cth)
* Defence Trade Controls Act 2012 (Cth)
* Weapons of Mass Destruction (Prevention of Proliferation) Act 1995 (Cth)
* Export Administration Regulations (EAR) USA
* International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) USA
Transnational education (TNE) courses and programs are normally delivered in English.
Some specific characteristics of Transnational education (TNE) can include:
* a QUT staff member travelling to an overseas destination to teach the program to specific cohorts resident in other countries, or
* a QUT staff member travelling to an overseas destination to train local teaching staff in the delivery of a QUT award course.Return to TopU
* unlawful, including breaches of federal or state legislation
copyright material that is not obtained and/or used under an applicable licence or permission from the copyright owner
* * sexually explicit or pornographic
violent, as judged against accepted community standards for material on public display in a workplace or learning environment
* defamatory, harassing or abusive, including personal observations using unacceptable or offensive language
* spreading or inciting hatred
* offensive, as judged against accepted community standards for material on public display in a workplace or learning environment.Return to TopV
Return to TopW
* students engage with an industry and/or community partner
* students undertake authentic activities for industry or community
* students are assessed in relation to these authentic activities.
Work integrated learning (WIL) may occur on-campus or through virtual environments where students work individually and/or in disciplinary or interdisciplinary teams with industry and community partners.
Types of WIL include:
* placements (e.g. practicums, co-operative education, clinical placements or internships). Through placements, students undertake work activities with industry or community partners as a part of their course of study. Students learn on-the-job and are supported to integrate this learning through partnerships between the workplace supervisors and the University.
* WIL projects (e.g. industry or community projects, work-based projects, research projects in workplace or community settings). WIL projects involve students addressing real problems and needs for industry and community partners.
* service learning (also referred to community engaged learning and community-based learning). In service learning, students explore learning outcomes through community-based activities with the intent that the activity benefits both the learner and the community.
* other WIL activities such as activities designed to engage students in research and inquiry for industry and community partners (e.g. market research to contribute to industry or community initiatives) and entrepreneurial/ intrapreneurial WIL.Return to TopY