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Organisational Structure Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) QUT's organisational structure is designed to promote the efficient and effective management of the University and to support its vision – the university for the real world – and purpose – to provide transformative education and research relevant to our communities (Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027). This Policy sets out the requirements for establishment and disestablishment of organisational structures and the designation of principal and other senior officers within that structure.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to organisational structures established as a constituent part of the University. It does not apply to subsidiary companies.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Is responsible for the overall management and control of the University's affairs, property and finances, including the appointment of the University's staff (section 9, QUT Act).
Approves components of the academic organisational structure of the University.
Establishes and closes faculties and institutes.
Vice-Chancellor and President
Approves components of the academic organisational structure of the University.
Establishes and closes schools (including graduate schools within a faculty), centres and other organisational units for academic and academic support purposes.
Approves the professional organisational structure of the University.
Establishes and closes divisions, portfolios, departments and independent sections providing administrative and service functions for the University.
Director, QUT Governance
Publishes the University’s official QUT Organisational Structure in the policy library – Manual of Policies and Procedures.
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Section 4 - Vice-Chancellor and President

(3) Council has delegated all operational aspects of the management of the University to the Vice-Chancellor and President as Chief Executive Officer (referred to as Vice-Chancellor).

(4) As Chief Executive Officer, the Vice-Chancellor and President provides leadership to the University, promotes QUT’s vision, priorities and objectives, and advances its development and organisational values.

(5) The Vice-Chancellor and President is ultimately responsible for the management, operation and performance of the University, including its academic, administrative, financial and other functions. The Vice-Chancellor and President is designated as President of the University, recognising the responsibility for the professional functions of the University.

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Section 5 - Heads of Divisions

(6) The Vice-Chancellor and President, may nominate Heads of Division for the overall leadership, management and administration of a division.

(7) Positions that may be a head of division include the Vice-Chancellor and President, Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, and Deputy Vice-Chancellors and/or Vice-Presidents.

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Section 6 - Senior Executive Officers

(8) The following senior Executive Officers are responsible for the overall leadership, management and administration of high-level University functions.

Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor

(9) This position is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor and President for the leadership, management and improvement of a senior portfolio of activities, including overseeing academic governance and the academic faculties. The Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor acts for the Vice-Chancellor and President in that officer’s absence.

(10) The Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor position is equivalent to a Head of Division.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor and/or Vice-President

(11) A Deputy Vice-Chancellor and/or Vice-President is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor and President or a Head of Division for the leadership, management and improvement of a senior portfolio of activities.

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Section 7 - Executive Dean of Faculty

(12) An Executive Dean of Faculty is responsible to the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor for the leadership, management and integration of the activities of schools and centres of the faculty and for promoting a sense of unity, cooperation and common purpose within the faculty. The Executive Dean is assisted in management of relevant functions of the faculty by a Deputy Dean and Associate Deans.

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Section 8 - Other Senior Officers

Pro Vice-Chancellor

(13) A Pro Vice-Chancellor is a senior officer responsible for a University-wide strategy or function reporting to the Vice-Chancellor and President, to the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor or to a Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

Deputy Dean of Faculty

(14) A Deputy Dean is responsible to the Executive Dean of the faculty and assists in management of the faculty. A Deputy Dean provides leadership and supervision to the faculty’s Associate Deans, including specialist student support and related academic functions.

Associate Dean of Faculty

(15) Associate Deans are responsible to the Deputy Dean of faculty for managing activities such as learning and teaching or research within the faculty.

Assistant Dean of Faculty

(16) Assistant Deans are responsible to the Deputy Dean of faculty for managing key strategic activities including leadership and engagement responsibilities of the faculty where there is a demonstrable additional need and external representation over or at a particular time.

Dean of Faculty

(17) Deans are responsible to the Executive Dean of faculty and are equivalent to a Head of School in terms of responsibility and delegation; and is used for a Head of School where there is a need for a strong professional identity and alignment with the practice across the Australian university sector.

Head of School

(18) A Head of School is responsible to the Executive Dean of faculty for academic leadership and management of the school.

Executive Director

(19) An Executive Director is a Senior Officer responsible to a Head of Division or another Senior Officer for the operation and management of a substantial or specialised department, institute or function.

Head of Department

Department/Independent Section in a Division

(20) A Department/Independent Section Director in a Division is responsible generally to a Head of Division or portfolio for the operation and management of the particular Department/Independent section.

Department in a Faculty

(21) A Head of Department in a Faculty reports to a Head of School and is responsible for a discipline/professional area within a school that has sufficient scale and need for professional visibility to merit a designated service/leadership role.

Research Centre Director

(22) A Research Centre Director is responsible to the relevant Executive Dean of faculty for the coordination of research and doctoral programs in areas associated with the research centre.

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Section 9 - Academic Organisational Structure

(23) The academic organisational structures of the University are established by Council to:

  1. undertake teaching and learning and/or research (through faculties and schools); and/or
  2. provide academic support activities to promote quality and best practice in teaching and learning (including curriculum), and research (including engagement and collaboration).

(24) The organisation of QUT’s academic areas is based on identifiable complementary discipline areas which are grouped into faculties and schools. Faculty and school status is determined by factors including:

  1. educational, administrative and economic efficiencies;
  2. size (staff FTE, student EFTSL);
  3. number, complexity and diversity of courses and facilities;
  4. coherence with respect to courses, and professional or disciplinary orientation;
  5. level of research, consulting and fundraising activity;
  6. identified need for leadership at Executive Dean of faculty, Deputy Dean or Head of School level respectively.

(25) Research activities are pursued through university research centres, faculty research centres and research groups.

(26) Research structures that reside within faculties and portfolios are defined in the Research Structures Policy.

(27) QUT has five faculties (Business and Law; Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice; Engineering; Health; Science) and one institute (the Carumba Institute).

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Section 10 - Professional Organisational Structure

(28) The professional organisational structures of the University are established by the Vice-Chancellor and President to undertake core administrative and corporate services. Professional areas are grouped into divisions, portfolios, departments and sections, as determined by administrative efficiency and alignment of services, including factors such as:

  1. size, including students, staff, other stakeholders and facilities serviced; staff employed; records maintained; transactions performed;
  2. number, complexity and diversity of activities performed;
  3. number, size, diversity and complexity of facilities, equipment and systems used.

(29) The following divisions have been established: Chancellery Division, Administrative Division and Academic Division.

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Section 11 - Definitions

Term Definition
Faculty Means a formal grouping of academic programs, schools, disciplines, centres, or any combination of these, drawn together for educational purposes and/or administrative efficiency and convenience.
School Means a formal grouping of academic and professional staff, physical facilities and equipment, which is aggregated in order to conduct courses identified with specific professions or disciplines. Schools are responsible for teaching, consulting, research and community service, and for associated academic support activities.
Division Is a formal grouping of a number of portfolios, departments and/or independent sections drawn together for the purpose of coordinating activities and for administrative efficiency and convenience. A division is characterised by complexity of operation and responsibility for the provision of a wide range of administrative and/or academic support services.
Portfolio Is a formal grouping of a larger number of staff, physical facilities and equipment, which is responsible for a major functional area or administrative or academic services. Portfolios are part of a division and may contain departments and sections.
Department Is a formal grouping of a number of staff, physical facilities and equipment, which is responsible for a functional area of administrative, educational services or academic program.
Section or Unit Is a formal grouping of a relatively small number of staff, physical facilities and equipment, which is responsible for the performance of a discrete set of activities. Sections are normally part of a department. A number of sections within the University are classified as 'independent sections' and have similar responsibilities to a department, but on a smaller scale.
Research Centres Contribute to the University's research agenda and capacity as defined in the Research Structures Policy.
Organisational Chart Is the graphical depiction of QUT Organisational Structure, including reporting lines and organisational hierarchies and accountabilities.
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Section 12 - Delegations

(30) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C048, C049, VC032) (QUT staff access only).