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Review of Academic Rulings Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy sets out the principles for students to seek a review of an academic ruling and the timeframes in which QUT will respond.

(2) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the procedural information provided on the HiQ website (QUT staff and student access only).

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Section 2 - Application

(3) This policy applies to domestic and international students, undergraduate and postgraduate students. 

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Faculty Executive Dean (may be delegated) (or other responsible officer, as determined by the Director, Student Administration)
Determines the form of review for an academic ruling and makes a final determination.
Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Approves protocols for the review of academic ruling process.
Director, Student Administration
Manages the review of academic ruling process and advises students of outcomes.
Identifies the responsible officer where that is not Faculty Executive Dean.

(4) The outcomes of the following matters are considered academic rulings to be reviewed by the Faculty Executive Dean, for the purposes of this Policy:

  1. advanced standing applications;
  2. recognition of prior learning (RPL) applications;
  3. amendment of enrolment program (including unit substitution, overload requests and refusal to allow enrolment);
  4. requisite waivers
  5. leave of absence student
  6. academic concession applications:
    1. special consideration; and
    2. deferred examination
    3. assignment extension
  7. supplementary assessment;
  8. outbound cross-institutional requests; and
  9. course completion requirements

(5) The Director, Student Administration may determine that the outcomes of other matters, not already specified within existing policy or procedures, are also academic rulings.

(6) Students who have received notification of an academic ruling and who wish to be provided with further information on the basis and implications of the ruling should contact the relevant faculty.

(7) If, after having received further information, the student believes that an error has been made or that a ruling is unjust, the student may apply for a review. A review of academic ruling is not used where other procedures are already specified, in particular:

  1. review of grades;
  2. admission decisions;
  3. academic progress (probation and exclusion including exceeding maximum time limits for completion of an award course);
  4. failure to maintain academic integrity; and
  5. withdrawal without financial or academic penalty outcomes.

(8) Requests for a review of academic ruling must be submitted normally within 5 working days of the date of notification of a ruling. A review may lead to no change or to either a less favourable or more favourable outcome for the student. The application must include a clear written submission (preferably limited to three pages) which is supported by documented evidence of why an error has been made or the ruling is unjust.

(9) The relevant Faculty Executive Dean (or other responsible officer, as determined by the Director, Student Administration) determines the form of the review and makes a determination. The applicant will normally be advised of the decision within 20 working days and the outcome is final.

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Section 4 - Status of Students Awaiting the Outcome of a Review

(10) The University will make determinations on reviews as soon as practicable but will not necessarily resolve any particular case before the census date for the next teaching period.

(11) Students whose review will not be resolved before the commencement of the teaching period (where the delay is not the fault of the student) are permitted to enrol in units within the course of study. Students must consult the Course Coordinator about the enrolment program they will undertake while awaiting the outcome of a review. When the review process is finalised, the student remains bound by the ruling and may be withdrawn from nominated unit enrolments (if appropriate) with no adverse consequences upon that unit.

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Section 5 - Definitions

Term Definition
Executive Dean
Includes Executive Director, QUT College.