(1) QUT is committed to creating a study and work environment in which the human rights of all members of the QUT community, including students are upheld. (2) QUT expects that, as members of the University community, students will conduct themselves in a manner which: (3) The standards of behaviour for all QUT students are set out in this Code, and are intended to promote the good order and management of the University. All students must meet these standards of behaviour as they participate in University activities and when they interact with other students, staff, and other members of the University community such as clients and visitors. (4) This Code applies to all students of the University, and to individuals undertaking corporate programs, incoming placements, occupational traineeships or other similar activities. For the purposes of this Code, the general term 'student' is used. (5) Students are required to comply with the obligations set out in this Code while undertaking any activity in their capacity as a student or while engaged in any activity which impacts on the University or other members of the University community as a student. (6) This includes on-campus activities, University or student-related activities at other sites (including, for example, during placements, field trips or exchange programs). (7) This Code also applies to online learning and other use of QUT ICT resources, networks, or other learning and support services or facilities, regardless of whether accessed on campus or remotely. (8) In all interpersonal interactions with other members of the University community, students are expected to: (9) In undertaking their studies, students are expected to: (10) In managing their enrolment and academic programs, students are expected to: (11) The University acknowledges the diversity of the student population and recognises that the personal circumstances of students are varied and can pose challenges for undertaking University studies. Students are encouraged to use the support mechanisms provided by the University and others (HiQ Website and Digital Workplace - QUT staff and student access only) to assist them to meet the positive expectations set out in this section. (12) The University will deal with a student who engages in any of the following conduct under its Management of Student Misconduct Policy and procedures. Misconduct can arise from a single act, an omission, or a pattern of conduct by a student. (13) Non-academic breaches refer to behaviour which is not compliant with the standards of conduct set out in this Code, but where the extent, seriousness or impact of the non-compliance is not substantial. (14) Non-academic breaches of the Code should be dealt with promptly and informally. The approach to managing these breaches should be educative, raising a student's awareness of relevant behavioural standards or expectations, and without the imposition of any penalty specified in the University’s Management of Student Misconduct Policy. (15) Management of non-academic breaches involves the following steps by the responsible officer: (16) Non-academic breaches may result in the responsible officer issuing a warning or formal directions to the student, in order to prevent further occurrences or to remedy the breach. Records must be kept in the University’s corporate recordkeeping system of how the non-academic breach has been managed, in particular, any written warning or directions given to the student to guide future behaviour. (17) Where, in the process of managing non-academic breaches, information is received which indicates that the matter may instead be considered to be misconduct, the responsible officer will refer the matter for management under the University’s Management of Student Misconduct Policy. (18) The University may, to prevent breaches of this Code, issue directions to a student regarding their future behaviour, consistent with the requirements of this Code. (19) Recidivist behaviour (in the same category of non-academic misconduct) will not be regarded as a non-academic breach if the student has previously been counselled about the standards of conduct required by the University. (20) Academic breaches of the Code determined to be poor academic practice, will be managed in accordance with the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. (21) A student whose conduct falls below the standards outlined in this Code, and is alleged to be misconduct in accordance with Section 5, will be dealt with in accordance with the Management of Student Misconduct Policy. Formal disciplinary action including the imposition of a range of penalties depending on the seriousness of the misconduct may be applied. (22) In the case of occupational trainees, or others to whom this Code applies who are not students, the University may terminate their association with QUT or may revoke rights of access to QUT ICT resources and other services, facilities or infrastructure. (23) QUT supports the right of its students to free expression, including on campus and in QUT online environments. Freedom of expression may be exercised, for instance, by engaging in intellectual inquiry, holding and expressing opinions and beliefs, contributing to public debate, or participating in student associations such as the Student Guild or other student clubs and societies. (24) In exercising this right, students must act consistently with other obligations set out in this Code, in particular, the obligations to respect others and their human rights. Consequently, freedom of expression is not an absolute right. It does not entail freedom from critique, particularly in regard to academic matters. Freedom of expression may be subject to legal limitations such as defamation and anti-vilification laws, and the University also imposes other reasonable and proportionate limitations to ensure the good order of the University and the wellbeing and safety of other students and of staff. Students must not exercise their rights to freedom of expression in a manner which may reasonably be perceived to harass, vilify, defame, intimidate or infringe upon the rights of others, including others’ rights to freedom of expression. (25) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C016) (QUT staff access only).Code of Conduct - Student
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Receives reports and manages breaches
Breach category
As detailed in Academic Integrity Policy
Breach of academic integrity that is determined to be poor academic practice.
Vice-President (Digital) and Chief Digital Officer
Breach relating to acceptable use of information and communications technology (ICT) resources.
Head of Research Portfolio
Breach related to research activities as detailed in QUT code for responsible conduct of research.
General non-academic breach of this Code.
Director, Equity, in conjunction with relevant Supervisors/managers
Breach relating to sexual harassment, sexual assault and/or discrimination.
As detailed in Management of Student Misconduct Policy
A breach of this Code or other relevant policy, alleged to be misconduct, as detailed in Section 5.
Section 4 - Positive Expectations for Student Conduct
Section 5 - Student Misconduct
Top of PageSection 6 - Non-Academic Breaches of the Code
Section 7 - Academic Breaches of the Code
Section 8 - Management of Student Misconduct
Section 9 - Freedom of Expression
Section 10 - Definitions
Confidential Information
Means information about QUT students, studies, teaching, research or other lawful University activities, or information provided to a student about the business affairs or clients of an industry partner, which is in the possession of the student or the University or a member of the University's staff and which:
But does not include any information which:
Discrimination, Discriminating Against and Discriminatory
Each have the following meaning, as the context allows. Discrimination occurs when a person or a group of people:
Harassment and Harassing
Refers to uninvited or unreasonable behaviour, whether verbal, physical or online, which causes a person to feel intimidated, offended, or humiliated. If the behaviour is based on one of the protected characteristics or attributes defined above, harassment is a form of discrimination.
Human Rights
Has the meaning set out in the Human Rights Act 2019. Rights relevant to a student’s relationship to the University may include (but are not limited to) the rights of freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief; freedom of expression; peaceful assembly and freedom of association; cultural rights including of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; the right to a fair hearing; and the right to protection of privacy and reputation.
ICT Resources
Means any information or communications technology resources or facility provided by the University to assist or support learning and teaching, research, administrative and business activities, and includes:
Poor Academic Practice
Is defined in the Academic Integrity Policy.
Responsible Officer
Is the officer responsible for dealing with minor cases in each misconduct breach category. The responsible officer also has a general responsibility for promoting awareness of and compliance with appropriate behavioural standards and for initiating processes for detection of breaches relevant to their area of responsibility. The responsible officer will receive and act upon information or a report on of alleged misconduct breach in that category.
Sexual Assault
Is defined in the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Policy.
Sexual HarassmentIs defined in the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Policy
Is defined in the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Policy.
Student refers to any current or former student of QUT.
University Officer
Includes the following:
University Site
Means any campus, land or building owned by or under the control of the University.
Top of PageSection 11 - Delegations
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Manager, Security and Emergency Management
Head of Department
Protected characteristics or attributes include a person's age, breastfeeding, family responsibilities, gender identity or intersex status, sex characteristics, impairment or disability, lawful sexual activity, parental status, political belief or activity, pregnancy, race, relationship or marital status, religious belief or activity, sex, sexuality, social origin, trade union activity, and irrelevant criminal or medical record.