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Academic Progress Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) QUT expects students to maintain a satisfactory level of academic performance which will allow for satisfactory academic progression through a course. Satisfactory performance is demonstrated by achieving passing grades and by making reasonable progress towards completion of the award course within time limits.  

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to students enrolled in an award course undertaken predominantly by coursework or in a structured program of non-award studies (for example, a University diploma, faculty or school-based certificate, programs offered by the QUT College).

(3) Management of higher degree research students' academic progress is set out in Management of Higher Degree Research Courses Policy and in Higher Degree Research Candidates Policy.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Position Responsibility
Director, Student Administration Identifies students with unsatisfactory academic performance.
Faculty Academic Board Excludes students from enrolment in a faculty’s course for unsatisfactory academic performance (may be delegated in accordance with Faculty Academic Boards delegations).
Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Excludes a student from all QUT courses and programs if the student has been excluded previously from a course in another faculty.
Approves procedures for the management of unsatisfactory academic performance.
Approves monitoring and identification periods other than semesters 1 and 2.
Appeals Committee Reviews decisions made by Faculty Academic Board to exclude students from a course due to unsatisfactory academic performance.
Director, Student Success and Teaching Advancement Provides support services to help students to improve their academic performance.
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Section 4 - Unsatisfactory Academic Performance

(4) Unsatisfactory academic performance is defined as:

  1. achieving a low grade point average;
  2. failing a unit more than once;
  3. failing a designated unit;
  4. exceeding the maximum time limit for completion of an award course; or
  5. failing to comply with course progress requirements under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000.

(5) All unit attempts will be counted regardless of the course within which they were taken. If a unit code and/or title has been changed on administrative grounds, without changing the content, the unit will be deemed to be the same for the purpose of assessing unsatisfactory academic performance.

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Section 5 - Monitoring Unsatisfactory Academic Performance

(6) Students who meet one or more of the conditions outlined in Section 4 above are identified biannually at the end of Semesters 1 and 2. Students may be identified at other times.

(7) In addition, first year students (Student Transitions and First Year Experience Policy) who achieve a GPA of less than 4 are deemed to be at-risk of being placed on probation, and are therefore also at-risk of having unsatisfactory progress. Students so identified will be urged to participate in opportunities designed to improve their academic performance.

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Section 6 - Managing Unsatisfactory Academic Performance

(8) Unsatisfactory academic performance may result in the student:

  1. being placed on probation (probationary enrolment  status);
  2. being excluded (exclusion enrolment  status).
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Section 7 - Probationary Enrolment

(9) Probationary enrolment indicates that academic progress has been unsatisfactory. Students will be notified of their enrolment status and should take action to improve their academic performance. Students are placed on probationary enrolment if they:

  1. achieve a semester grade point average of less than 3.0 during the semester under consideration (other than in their first 48 credit points of an undergraduate course); and/or
  2. are awarded a failing grade in a unit which they have previously failed in their current or any other program of study at QUT; and/or
  3. are awarded a failing grade in a designated unit.

(10) Advanced standing credit points are included in the calculation of the first 48 credit points of a course.

(11) The conditions of probationary enrolment are stated in the Enrolment Policy, Support for Specific Categories of Students.

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Section 8 - Exclusion

(12) Students may be excluded from their course for unsatisfactory academic progress. A student who is excluded from a program of study is not permitted to enrol in any units forming part of that program.

(13) Students are excluded from a course if they:

  1. achieve a semester grade point average of less than 3.0 in two consecutive semesters of their study in the course (other than the first 96 credit points of an undergraduate course); and/or
  2. fail the same unit three times in their current or any other program of study at QUT; and/or
  3. fail the same designated unit twice.

(14) Advanced standing credit points are included in the calculation of the first 96 credit points of a course.

(15) Students who have already commenced studies in a teaching period when identified for exclusion will be placed on probation and permitted to continue studies in that teaching period only. Following completion of the teaching period, students will be excluded subject to the outcome of any appeal.

(16) The Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar may exclude a student from all QUT courses and programs if the student has been excluded previously from a course in another faculty.

(17) In accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, all international student visa holders who have been excluded will be reported to the designated Australian Government department for breach of the student condition relating to satisfactory academic performance.

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Section 9 - Decision to Exclude a Student for Unsatisfactory Academic Performance

(18) A student who has been identified as having unsatisfactory academic performance will be notified of the reasons why their academic performance is deemed unsatisfactory and invited to formally prsent their case via show cause why they should not be excluded at minimal or no cost and be assisted by a support person where relevant.

(19) A student who exceeds time limits for the completion of an award course will be considered in the first instance at faculty level. Where no extenuating circumstances exist to support a case for either probationary enrolment or no change to enrolment status at all, students will be excluded.

(20) The student’s show cause submission must:

  1. be lodged by the date specified in the notice;
  2. be in writing; and
  3. state reasons why the student’s circumstances are extenuating.

(21) The Faculty Academic Board will:

  1. consider a student’s show cause submission before making a decision on exclusion;
  2. make a decision on exclusion where the student has not made a show cause submission.

(22) Show cause submissions from inter-faculty students will be considered by both faculties. Where faculty decisions differ, the student’s case will be referred to the Appeals Committee to determine a final outcome.

(23) Where a Faculty Academic Board determines not to exclude a student for failure to complete an award course within the required time limit, the board must specify the period in which the student will complete the course requirements and any units or special examinations that the student will be required to undertake.

(24) Where a Faculty Academic Board determines not to exclude a student for unsatisfactory academic performance, the student may immediately re-enrol in the program and will be placed on probationary enrolment for six months. There will be no adverse academic or financial consequences provided enrolment occurs within five working days of the date of notification of the decision.

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Section 10 - Review by Appeals Committee

(25) Faculty Academic Boards will refer all decisions to exclude students for unsatisfactory academic performance to Appeals Committee where the student made a show cause submission to the Faculty Academic Board in accordance with Section 9 above. As per the Management of Student Misconduct Policy, the student must be advised of the outcome of the appeal within 5 working days of the meeting of the Appeals Committee.

(26) Appeals Committee will review the Faculty Academic Board's decision and the student’s submission and determine whether to uphold or dismiss the decision to exclude the student.

(27) Appeals Committee considers:

  1. whether the exclusion decision imposed and procedures followed were correct according to relevant policies;
  2. the severity or consistency of the exclusion decision;
  3. mitigating circumstances provided by or on behalf of the student in the appeal;
  4. actions taken by the student to address performance issues;
  5. interactions the faculty has had with the student relevant to their performance.

(28) When Appeals Committee, on review, decides not to uphold the Faculty Academic Board decision to exclude the student, the student may immediately re-enrol in the program and will be placed on probationary enrolment for six months. There will be no adverse academic or financial consequences provided enrolment occurs within five working days of the date of notification of the appeal outcome. The Appeals Committee decision is final within the University. As per the Management of Student Misconduct Policy, records must be maintained of all stages of the process and of any evidence, supporting documentation and correspondence.

(29) A student who is dissatisfied with the decision of Appeals Committee may refer the matter to the Queensland Ombudsman. Consultation with the QUT Student Ombudsman is recommended prior to the lodgement of an appeal.

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Section 11 - Status of Students Awaiting Decision and Review

(30) The University will make determinations on exclusion as soon as practicable but will not necessarily resolve any particular case before the commencement of the next teaching period

(31) Students whose academic performance status will not be resolved before the commencement of the teaching period (where the delay is not the fault of the student) will be authorised to enrol and fully participate in units pending the outcome of the appeal. Students must consult the course coordinator about the enrolment program they will undertake while awaiting the outcome of the appeal.

(32) If the final outcome is exclusion then students will have their current enrolment cancelled without academic or financial penalty.

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Section 12 - Readmission following Exclusion

(33) The decision to exclude a student for unsatisfactory academic performance may only be revoked by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar approving an application for readmission (Admission of Students Policy), on the recommendation of the Executive Dean of faculty.

(34) Students who have been excluded from a course or study program at QUT as a result of unsatisfactory academic performance will not be considered for admission to a "like" QUT course or study program (Admission of Students Policy) unless:

  1. at least 12 months have elapsed from the date of exclusion; and
  2. the application is accompanied by an appropriate written statement to be reviewed as part of the readmission decision.

(35) A student who returns to study after a period of exclusion is placed on probationary enrolment for a period of six months. Units failed prior to the period of exclusion will be taken into account when determining if unsatisfactory academic performance has occurred in subsequent teaching periods.

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Section 13 - Delegations

(36) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C127, C131, C166) (QUT staff access only).