(1) Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) risk at QUT is managed in accordance with overarching principles that inform all Health, Safety and Environment decisions, operations, initiatives, and activities. The principles are based on responsibilities and accountabilities in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld), the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Qld), the Radiation Safety Act 1999 (Qld), and associated legislation. (2) This Policy applies to all (3) The Health, Safety and Wellbeing of people and protection of the environments in which it operates is integral to all QUT operations and activities and is supported through: (4) Operational health, safety and environment policy, (5) QUT will meet its responsibilities through a robust, overarching health, safety and environment framework that: (6) All members of the (7) QUT’s Health, Safety and Environment risk management approach aligns with: (8) Approved procedures govern the acquisition, transportation, storage, use and disposal of high-risk items such as radiation sources, scheduled substances, biologicals and hazardous substances such as chemicals. To assist in the management of these risks, all radiation, biological and chemical users must adhere to established processes. For example: (9) The University will monitor and assess any updates or changes to health, safety and environmental legislation, codes of practice, (10) All University records must be retained and disposed of in accordance with the QUT Records Governance Policy, Information Privacy Policy and Information Access Policy. (11) The Department of Health, Safety and Environment has developed a retention and disposal schedule for all health, safety and environment-related records to assist (12) Failure to follow safe systems of work, misuse of health and safety equipment, tampering with Health, Safety and Environment signage, damaging or bypassing risk control measures, or taking action that may put themselves or others at risk, can lead to severe fines or prosecution under legislation. Breaches of this Policy may be considered a breach of the Code of Conduct - Staff, Enterprise Agreements, the Code of Conduct - Student and/or the Grievance resolution procedures for student related grievances policies. (13) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (VC002) (QUT staff access only).Health, Safety and Environment Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Vice-Chancellor and President
Has overall responsibility and accountability for ensuring health, safety and
Monitors and ensures health, safety and environment is embedded in University operations and activities and is an integral part of QUT culture.
Ensures adequate funding and resources are allocated to maintain a strong Health, Safety and Environment presence across QUT operations and activities.
Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Ensures adequate funding and resources are allocated to maintain a strong Health, Safety and Environment presence at a divisional level.
Advocates and supports the integration of health, safety and environment activities into QUT core business and the work of the Department of Health, Safety and Environment.
Chairs the University Health, Safety and Environment Committee and approves the QUT Health, Safety and Environment Business Plan (QUT staff access only) and HSE-related policies (QUT staff access only).
University Officers (defined in Delegations)
Manage Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) risks and hazards associated with QUT’s operations and activities and proactively implements strategies to eliminate or minimise their impact (in partnership with staff and others), and in accordance with legislation and
Promote a positive approach to HSE culture and enhance capacity for identifying and managing HSE issues, as far as is reasonably practicable for their area/s of responsibility:
Director, Health Safety and Environment
University Health, Safety and Environment Committee (UHSEC)
Monitors and reviews the implementation of health, safety and environmental strategies and initiatives across the University.
Faculty or Division Health Safety and Environment Committees
Monitor and review faculty or division health, safety and environment performance and initiatives.
Implement Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) management activities, and health and well-being initiatives at a local level.
Monitor and analyse reported health, safety and environment-related
Report to the University Health, Safety and Environment Committee.
Oversee local workplace inspections and risk-based reviews as per the faculty or division HSE Committee Plan.
Director, Facilities Management
Director, Campus Services
Establishes processes and resources to support personal safety, security and response across the University.
Managers and Supervisors
Health, Safety and Environment Health Advisors (HSEA)
Provide advice and support to Managers and Supervisors (as required) in their allocated area on:
Designated First Aid Officers
Hold current, recognised first aid training certificates, and maintain first aid kits according to QUT procedures, and provide first aid as required.
Scheduled Substances Officers
Responsible to endorse activities involving scheduled substances, approve the purchase of substances, and confirm that individuals have the necessary requirements to undertake these tasks.
Radiation Safety Officers & Laser Safety Officers
Responsible to advise, monitor and report on the use of radiations sources (materials or equipment) or laser equipment.
Be aware of, and comply with, all health, safety and environment-related responsibilities.
Take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and the health and safety of others.
Comply with all University health, safety and environment policies, procedures, supporting documents and required training.
Ensure health, safety and environment-related hazards and
Ensure risk assessments consider health, safety and environment implications when planning and undertaking an activity e.g. a research project, practical teaching unit, laboratory experiment.Section 4 - Health, Safety and Environment at QUT
Top of PageSection 5 - Managing Health, Safety and Environment Risk
Top of PageSection 6 - Chemical Management, Radiation and Biological Safety
Top of PageSection 7 - Monitoring and Review
Section 8 - Records Management
Section 9 - Failure to Comply
Section 10 - Definitions
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Manager and Supervisor
Means any person who is responsible for supervision, direction, or oversight of the
Reasonably Practicable
Means that which is, or was at a particular time, reasonably able to be done in relation to ensuring health and safety, taking into account all relevant matters, including, with respect to the hazard or risk: the likelihood, the degree of harm which might result, what the person knows, or should reasonably know, and the availability, suitability and cost of ways to eliminate or minimise the risk.
Section 11 - Delegations
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Develops and implements a QUT wide health, safety and environment (HSE) Business Plan and aligned strategic priorities, objectives and targets.
Supports a Health, Safety and Environment focus across all operations and activities of the University by implementing the following measures to fulfil legal obligations and align with legislation:
Implements strategies and processes to provide a safe built environment for QUT community , and identify and manage risks associated with such.
For activities within Facilities Management operations:
Establish a knowledge and understanding of the nature of the activities undertaken within their area of responsibility, and the associated hazards and risks.
For activities within their area/s of responsibility, as required: