(1) This Policy sets out the University’s framework for managing emergencies. (2) This Policy applies to all staff and students, as well as other members of the University community subject to the QUT Code of Conduct - Staff. (3) For information on the University’s crisis management protocol, refer to the Crisis Management Policy. (4) This Policy assists the University to satisfy the provision of standards within 2.3 Wellbeing and Safety, specifically Standards 2.3.2 and 2.3.4 of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021: (5) Each QUT building is required to have an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) consisting of a Chief Warden, a Deputy Chief Warden and Floor Wardens. The actual number of wardens required is determined through a documented risk assessment process conducted by the managers of the organisational areas occupying space within the building. A copy of the risk assessment should be shared with Emergency Management Officer, Security and Emergency Management and maintained in SharePoint. Emergency Control Organisation duties take precedence over normal duties in the workplace and thus appointees must be released from their usual duties to attend training and to perform the activities of a Warden. Emergency Control Organisation members and persons with space responsibility should have access to SafeZone. (6) Organisational areas are responsible for the issue and replacement of Emergency Control Organisation equipment. Details of Emergency Control Organisation equipment are contained in the Emergency Management Plan. (7) The Wardens required for each building, including Chief Wardens and Deputy Chief Wardens, are appointed by the Manager, Security and Emergency Management following nominations by workplace managers in each building. QUT Security and Emergency Management staff train wardens and audit their performance. (8) An annual report showing Warden compliance is prepared by the Manager, Security and Emergency Management for review by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar. (9) Procedures for emergencies on campus have been developed by Security and Emergency Management and are provided to heads of organisational units and members of each building’s Emergency Control Organisation. (10) Some areas of the University are equipped with emergency call points placed at strategic locations to enhance personal safety. Inappropriate use of these public safety devices may attract penalties. (11) QUT has an emergency SMS text message system designed to warn the University community of emergency situations on campus. It must be noted however that if the assessed risk warrants it, the police may switch off the Brisbane-wide mobile phone/SMS network without notice. (12) Any decision to make such a broadcast message will be made by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar. In the absence of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar, the Director, Campus Services and the Manager, Security and Emergency Management have authority to broadcast an emergency SMS text message. (13) SafeZone, the University’s free safety and security app available to all staff and students, may also be used for mass communications by authorised persons. Further details regarding the SafeZone App are available on the Digital Workplace and HiQ website. All staff and students are encouraged to download the SafeZone App. (14) Emergency messages will predominately be used in the case of a sudden disastrous event that presents the real or reasonable expectation of serious injury to members of the University community. In such circumstances, the need for a rapid response may preclude a full clinical assessment of the situation and the decision will be based on the best information available at the time of the event. Emergency SMS text messages may be used in other circumstances, as determined by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar. (15) Further information on Emergencies on Campus is available on the Digital Workplace or HiQ website (QUT staff access only). (16) QUT has a Counter Disaster Plan for each campus to provide direction to persons who have a responsibility to respond to or undertake a role relating to any disaster or critical incident that may occur on the campus. It is tested annually and updated as required. (17) The Manager, Security and Emergency Management: (18) Queries, either internally or externally, including from the media, regarding an ongoing incident at QUT, should be managed in accordance with the University’s Media Relations Policy. (19) Refer to the Register of Authorities and Delegations C28(QUT staff access only).Emergency Management Policy
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Relationship to TEQSA Threshold Standards
Top of PageSection 5 - Emergency Control Organisation
Section 6 - Emergencies on Campus
Emergency Call Points
Emergency SMS Text Message System
Section 7 - Counter Disaster Plan
Section 8 - Delegations
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Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Authorises the broadcast of an emergency SMS text message (may be delegated to Director, Campus Services or Manager, Security and Emergency Management.
Manager, Security and Emergency Management
Maintains Emergency Response Procedures.
Maintains Counter Disaster Plan and chairs Counter Disaster Committee.
Appoints Building Wardens, on nomination of workplace managers.
Prepares annual report on Building Warden compliance for Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar.
Relevant staff member (space responsibility)
Evacuates a class in an emergency.
Accesses the QUT SafeZone app.