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Web Pages and Servers Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) All material placed on University web servers will reflect well on the University, aim to assist our audiences to access our services, and identify the University in accordance with the QUT Corporate Identity Policy.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) Material placed on QUT web servers must be related to University functions or activities, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Director, Marketing and Student Recruitment. Material placed on the University's staff and student intranets must align with the scope of the sites as described in the Intranet Governance Operating Model (QUT staff access only), unless otherwise approved by the Executive Director, Marketing and Student Recruitment. Information appearing on a University web page which is not related to a University function or activity must be clearly differentiated from official information and must state the person responsible for the information.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Executive Director, Marketing and Student Recruitment
Approves exception to hosting on a web server which is not managed by QUT and on QUT infrastructure.
Approves hosting of associated QUT web sites which use a non-QUT domain name.
Approves exception to use of a URL not based on Types of Site (QUT staff access only) classifications, non-adherence to corporate identity, accessibility and other standards as outlined in QUT’s Web Standards (QUT staff access only).
Amends or removes any web server or material which does not conform with QUT’s legal requirements.
Amends or removes any web server or material which does not conform with the Web Governance Framework (QUT staff access only).
Amends or removes any web server or material on publicly accessible locations which reflects adversely on the University or is outdated.
Determines intranet strategy and priorities.
Approves the Intranet Governance Operating Model (QUT staff access only).
Ensures the intranet direction is aligned with University goals and with key business outcomes and major projects across the University.
Provides or facilitates the allocation of funds and resources for the intranet as a service.
Authorises major change requests for the intranet.
Manager, Internal Communications
Ensures quality of high-level site structure and navigation for the intranet.
Approves significant changes to visual design and key global pages on the intranet, such as the homepage.
Administers intranet content standards and publishing processes.
Approves changes to QUT’s Enterprise Search tool, including its design, functionality and management.
Approves significant changes to intranet news channels and related features, including design, functionality and management.
Relevant Executive Dean of faculty or Head of Division
Complies with the Web Governance Framework (QUT staff access only) and Intranet Governance Operating Model (QUT staff access only) at an operational level.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)
Approves guidelines for web pages or applications which have a primary purpose of delivering online learning and teaching.
Vice-President (Digital) and Chief Digital Officer 
Approves the implementation of activities in compliance with policies and standards including:
  1. reviewing, amending or removing any material which does not conform with legal requirements, the Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technology Resources Policy;
  2. conducting security risk assessments of web servers and disconnecting from the internet any web server which does not conform or poses security risks to QUT’s IT resources;
  3. Reviewing security controls of web servers and removing or altering any files or material or disconnecting any web servers which weaken network security or attract so much network or internet traffic as to degrade network performance;
  4. removing malware-infected files and/or disabling any network connection that poses security risks to QUT’s IT infrastructure; and
  5. in conjunction with the University Copyright Officer, implementing appropriate removal procedures for copyright infringing material and responding to takedown notices or complaints by copyright owners or others about infringing material.
A person placing material on a University web server
Ensures material is accurate and up-to-date and conforms with style guides and University policy on the standards for material on University web servers.
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Section 4 - Web Governance Framework

(3) The Web Manual and Web Governance Framework (QUT staff access only) governs how all University web pages and servers are managed.

(4) Web servers may only be connected to the internet upon meeting QUT Web Standards (QUT staff access only).

(5) All visible web servers must be designed and maintained to provide continuous service.

(6) To ensure a single, definitive version is accessed, only one version of any official University document should exist on a University web page or web server. Any other references should be by a link to the original document.

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Section 5 - Intranet Governance Operating Model

(7) The Intranet Governance Operating Model (QUT staff access only) governs how QUT’s staff and student intranets are managed.

(8) The intranets are subject to the same quality standards as external websites, as set out in the Web Governance Framework.

(9) Roles and responsibilities for QUT’s intranets, including content management and publishing, differ from the external web environment due to the different purpose of these internal sites.

(10) The Intranet Governance Operating Model (QUT staff access only) sets out the purpose, accountabilities, roles and responsibilities for QUT’s intranets in detail.

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Section 6 - Advertising and Sponsorship

(11) Advertising and sponsorship on University web pages is only permitted according to the Advertising Policy.

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Section 7 - Copyright Issues Associated with Web Publication

(12) Material in which QUT does not own the copyright can only be made available via QUT web pages and servers in accordance with relevant Australian Government legislation and QUT's Copyright Policy.

(13) For further guidance, refer to the QUT Copyright Guide (QUT staff access only). Take down procedures will be implemented for material which infringes copyright on University web pages and web servers.