(1) The University is committed to supporting student wellbeing and recognises that there may be times when a student's behaviour may give rise to concerns about their suitability to engage with studies and/or to function more widely as a member of the University community. QUT aims to support the needs of students with health or disability related conditions and will make reasonable adjustments to studies, while maintaining the academic and conduct standards of the University. (2) The focus of this Policy is on early intervention, providing coordinated support to students and staff, and providing equitable avenues for students with at risk behaviours and/or behaviours of concern to suspend studies where necessary. (3) This Policy applies to students and prospective students while undertaking university sanctioned activities, as and when issues arise. (4) The Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar will determine whether this Policy or another University policy or procedure applies to a specific student matter where there is any doubt. (5) All matters managed under this Policy will consider the individual circumstances of the case. (6) The Policy is to be applied in a supportive way and the University will: (7) Where a student is unable or unwilling to cooperate with management or support under this Policy, it may be necessary for the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar to make a determination without input from the student. (8) If a student who is subject to this Policy chooses to involve an external complaint resolution agency the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar will determine whether or not internal proceedings will be suspended or cease. (9) A student may be considered unsuitable for study when their behaviour constitutes one or more of the following: (10) Any person who considers that a student’s behaviour represents grounds for concern about their suitability to study must report this to the relevant Head of School or research team leader. Where there is a reasonable belief that the student is unsuitable to study (Section 5 above), the matter will be referred to the Executive Dean, Executive Director, QUT College or Director, Graduate Research Centre who will nominate a case coordinator and refer the matter to them for the provision of support to the student. The Executive Dean may seek advice from the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar on proceeding under this Policy, or other relevant policy including Management of Student Misconduct Policy. (11) The Chair, Student Misconduct Committee, may refer a matter to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar if, during consideration of an allegation of student misconduct, there is reasonable belief that the behaviour is a suitability to study matter rather than a misconduct matter. (12) Where there are reasonable grounds for concern about a student’s suitability to study the Executive Dean, Executive Director, QUT College or the Director, Graduate Research Centre will nominate an appropriate case coordinator. (13) The case coordinator will compile all relevant materials relating to the case, including any historical attempts at supporting the student and action taken to address at risk behaviour and/or behaviour of concern. (14) The Case coordinator will take one or more of the following actions as appropriate to the situation: (15) Where there is a risk that the student may be unsuitable to study, the case coordinator will engage with the Suitability to study advisory group and will coordinate one or more of the following: (16) Any action taken to support the student and manage behaviour will be documented and communicated by the case coordinator to the student. (17) A student who is considered unsuitable for study may: (18) Where an interruption in studies is being considered the student should seek advice about the impact on their studies taking account of the time limits remaining to complete the course and unit availability. (19) At any stage where the Executive Dean, Executive Director, QUT College or Director, Graduate Research Centre considers that there are serious and immediate concerns about the student’s behaviour they must refer the matter to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar for a determination on whether the student is unsuitable to study. (20) If there are continuing concerns that a student’s behaviour is of a nature set out in Section 5 above, following management and support (Section 7) or there are serious concerns about the behaviour, a student must be referred to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar by the Executive Dean of Faculty, Executive Director, QUT College, Director, Graduate Research Centre or Chair, Student Misconduct Committee, who will provide a report to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar for consideration. (21) A notice will be issued to the student inviting them to demonstrate that they are fit to continue their studies. The notice should include the grounds for concern, outline the potential consequences of an unsuitable to study determination and allow the student not fewer than 10 working days in which to respond. (22) The Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar may convene a Suitability to study panel to consider all information available to the university, including: (23) The Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar will appoint a Secretary to the Suitability to study panel. (24) The Suitability to study panel (where appointed) will produce a report of their considerations and make a recommendation to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar on the student’s suitability to study. (25) The Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar will consider all relevant information available to the University including the recommendation from the Suitability to study panel (where appointed) and any submission made by the student. (26) The Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar may make a determination that a student is unsuitable to study and take one of the following actions: (27) Conditions may be attached to any action taken by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar including procedures for returning to study, and seeking medical evidence from the student that they are fit to return to study. (28) The Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar will inform the student in writing of: (29) The Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar may immediately, without notice, deny access to any or all University facilities for a student, where there are reasonable grounds to believe that such action is necessary to protect the health and safety of the student concerned, other persons or research participants associated with the University, or protect or preserve any University assets. Denial of access does not automatically terminate a student’s enrolment, but is to remain in force until varied by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar. (30) A student who is considered unsuitable to study may be placed on mandatory leave for a period determined by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar with consideration of the maximum time limits for completing a course. (31) Where proceedings have been brought against a student under the Management of Student Misconduct Policy and it appears that the student’s concerning behaviours may be better managed under the Suitability to study policy, the Chair of the Student Misconduct Committee may suspend further proceedings and refer the student to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar. (32) Appeals Committee determines appeals by students against decisions made by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar in relation to suitability to study. (33) An appeal must be in writing and must be submitted to the secretary of the Appeals Committee within 20 working days of receiving final written notice of the decision of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar. (34) Where required by legislation the Executive Dean will make a mandatory notification to the relevant professional regulatory agency or body, for example the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra), under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Queensland). (35) Where a student, whose enrolment, re-enrolment or continuation in a course or program is subject to conditions imposed under this Policy, and the student breaches a condition, the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar may, after giving the student an opportunity to make submissions, exclude the student from the course or program, or, if the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar believes that the circumstances of the person so warrant, impose alternative conditions. (36) Records must be managed according to QUT’s Records Governance Policy. (37) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C165) (QUT staff access only).Suitability to Study Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Principles
Section 5 - At Risk Behaviours or Behaviours of Concern
Top of PageSection 6 - Identifying at Risk Behaviour
Section 7 - Addressing Suitability to Study Issues
Initial Response
Management and Support
Section 8 - Suitability to Study Determination
Referral to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Suitability to Study Notice
Suitability to Study Panel
Determination on Suitability to Study
Top of PageSection 9 - Denial of Access
Section 10 - Mandatory Leave
Section 11 - Misconduct Procedures
Section 12 - Appeal
Section 13 - Mandatory Notifications
Section 14 - Breach of conditions
Section 15 - Recordkeeping and Reporting
Section 16 - Definitions
Top of Page
Case Coordinator
For the purposes of this Policy will be an academic or professional staff member nominated by the Executive Dean, Executive Director, QUT College or Director, Graduate Research Centre.
Suitability to Study
Includes suitability to engage with studies, research and/or to function more widely as a member of the University community.
Suitability to Study Advisory Group
Means a group of QUT staff with expertise in student health, disability, welfare or support nominated by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar on a case-by-case basis. The group provides advice to university staff on reasonable adjustment to studies and appropriate ways for the university to respond to and support students with suitability to study issues. It will not make a diagnosis or provide advice on the management of a student’s health or disability related condition.
Suitability to Study Panel
Means a panel of at least two persons with expertise in student health, disability or welfare, and with no previous involvement in the case, nominated by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar. The panel may seek advice from the relevant faculty. The Suitability to study panel will be supported by a Secretary appointed by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar .
Mandatory Leave
Means an approved leave of absence that has not been requested by the student and may include conditions that must be satisfied before the student can re-enrol in the course they were previously enrolled in or another course.
Support Person
Section 17 - Delegations
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Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Makes a determination under this Policy about a student's suitability to study and may impose conditions on a student's return to study or admission to a course.
Approves procedures under this Policy including guidance and training for key staff.
Executive Dean of Faculty, Director, Graduate Research Centre and Executive Director, QUT College
Nominates a case coordinator and refers the matter to them.
Refers a student to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar where there is a serious and immediate concern about a student’s suitability to study.
Head of School or research team leader (or equivalent)
Receives reports about a student’s behaviour where there is a concern about the student’s suitability to study and refers the matter to the Executive Dean, Executive Director, QUT College or Director, Graduate Research Centre.
Case coordinator (in Faculty or relevant academic area)
Coordinates the provision of support to students where suitability to study concerns have been raised.
Keeps a record of actions taken.
Chair, Student Misconduct Committee
Refers a student subject to misconduct proceedings to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar where there is a serious concern about the student’s suitability to study.
Suitability to study advisory group
Provides advice to case coordinator on managing a student’s suitability to study.
Provides advice on managing and supporting a student with at risk behaviour.
Suitability to study panel
Makes a recommendation to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar on a student’s suitability to study.
Appeals Committee
Determines appeals by students where mandatory leave, suspension or other conditions have been imposed by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar under this Policy.
Means a person chosen by the student who can be a member of staff, friend, relative, representative of the Student Guild, health professional or disability support worker. This person must not be a practising lawyer.
A student may be considered unsuitable for study where they display behaviours as defined in Section 5 of this Policy.