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Staff Development Policy

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Section 1 -  Purpose

(1)  The purpose of this Policy is to outline the staff development framework, including in relation to secondments, at QUT. 

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Section 2 -  Application

(2)  This Policy applies to staff of the University.

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Section 3 -  Roles and Responsibilities

Supervisor / Manager of the secondee
Approves a secondment a secondment in accordance with clause (6) below. 
Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer Approves variations to this Policy in exceptional circumstances.
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Section 4 - Staff Development at QUT

(3) QUT is committed to the development of an organisational culture that fosters and rewards high quality scholarship and builds a sense of community amongst its staff as reflected in Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027. Staff development encompasses activities in which staff members engage to enhance their knowledge, skills and abilities to perform their current role and to build their personal and professional capacity to benefit themselves and the University.

(4) Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 emphasises QUT’s commitment to Indigenous Australian excellence. QUT offers a free online module on Indigenous perspectives and knowledges in learning and teaching.

(5) QUT supports staff development strategies which:

  1. promote QUT's values and objectives in support of QUT's top level plans, including the development of those capabilities required for future readiness;
  2. align staff development to key priorities of the University;
  3. foster capacity building for academic, professional and senior staff by promoting a collaborative and integrated approach to staff development;
  4. foster high quality collaboration, interpersonal engagement and ethical behaviour and practices;
  5. align with the principles of efficiency (return on investment), diversity, accessibility and recognition;
  6. encourage staff development at all levels and career stages;
  7. facilitate a diverse and dynamic range of learning and development opportunities;
  8. enhance the ability among staff to adapt to the anticipated rate of change affecting tertiary institutions both internally and externally; and
  9. enhance staff motivation, morale and performance.

(6) Secondments provide the opportunity for staff development and also meet the University’s operational requirements. A secondment period should not be greater than two (2) years or renewed more than once (provided that the sum of the initial secondment and the one renewal is not more than two (2) years), unless exceptional circumstances exist as approved by the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer.

(7) During any secondment:

  1. a staff member’s ongoing employment contract will continue to apply subject to any necessary variation to give effect to the secondment.
  2. if a staff member does not have an ongoing appointment, their fixed-term contract will continue to apply subject to any necessary variation to give effect to the secondment.

(8) It is the decision of the Supervisor/Manager of the potential secondee to approve/not approve a secondment. The Supervisor/Manager should not unreasonably withhold their approval and should consider relevant factors including:

  1. Staff development strategies.
  2. Business continuity.
  3. Potential disruption to the releasing area.
  4. Service delivery requirements.
  5. Workload of the relevant area, including opportunities to backfill the secondee’s role.

(9) To clarify this does not restrict a staff member having multiple secondments in different roles at QUT over their career.

(10) A staff member should be on leave without pay during any secondment outside of QUT.

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Section 5 - Staff Development Providers

(11) QUT recognises its role in assisting both management and staff in the identification, organisation and provision of appropriate learning and development options. 

(12) The Staff Development and Training website provides comprehensive information on learning and development options.

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Section 6 - Responsibilities of Management

(13) Implementation of staff development programs rests primarily with management (Executive Deans/Heads of Divisions/Executive Directors and Heads of Department/School). It is the responsibility of every Manager and Supervisor to ensure that staff members are aware of all relevant opportunities for development and are encouraged and supported to participate in such programs.

(14) Managers and Supervisors are responsible for:

  1. reviewing learning and development needs of staff and assisting staff to identify and develop plans to meet these needs;
  2. allocating funding and related support resources to support development opportunities for staff; and
  3. enriching staff experiences by promoting information sharing, involving staff in decision making, encouraging the application of new skills and providing job growth opportunities such as higher duties and secondments.
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Section 7 - Responsibilities of Individual Staff Members

(15) The effectiveness of any staff development activity depends on the active and purposeful participation of the individuals involved, and each staff member is encouraged to:

  1. actively seek opportunities to upgrade skills and knowledge required in their current position;
  2. advise Supervisors where work or career needs are not being met and identify and develop plans to meet these needs; and
  3. consider upgrading qualifications through further study (Study Assistance Scheme for Professional and Academic Staff Policy).
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Section 8 - Exceptions to policy

(16)  The Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer is authorised to approve variations to this Policy in exceptional circumstances. Any such variation will be recorded by Human Resources.

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Section 9 - Delegations

(17) Refer to the Register of Authorities and Delegations (VC088)(QUT staff access only).