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Remuneration for Senior Staff Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This policy provides information and guidance on the remuneration of senior staff.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) The senior staff remuneration policy applies to all positions at the University classified at levels Senior Staff Group A-E (SSGA-SSGE).

(3) This policy does not apply to the position of Vice-Chancellor and President.

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Section 3 - Roles and responsibilities

Vice-Chancellor and President
Amends any or all of the total remuneration ranges.
Approves any movement within and above the remuneration range.
Approves total remuneration above the relevant remuneration ranges.
Approves higher duties allowance for senior staff in exceptional circumstances.
All decisions made by the Vice-Chancellor and President in relation to this policy are final.
Head of Division
Recommends movement within or above the remuneration range.
Senior Staff Member
Applies to participate in the flexible remuneration scheme.
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Section 4 - Total remuneration

Classification and Remuneration Structure

(4) The University’s senior staff classification structure for SSGA-SSGE is based on work point value, with a total remuneration range applied to each classification level (QUT staff access only). Total remuneration is inclusive of ‘total salary’ (salary and loading where applicable) and superannuation.

(5) The total remuneration ranges have been, and will continue to be informed by the general market. Total remuneration ranges will normally be reduced by 15% for staff who have an underlying ongoing appointment.

(6) The Vice-Chancellor and President is authorised to amend any or all of the total remuneration ranges as follows:

  1. annually from the first full pay period in January;
  2. to ensure the remuneration ranges of senior staff remains competitive;
  3. to maintain a minimum gap of at least 10% between the highest level (and step) within the QUT Professional and Academic Enterprise Agreement and the bottom of the SSGA and SSGC remuneration range respectively;
  4. to address any variation in the percentage increase applicable in the annual general market review; and
  5. the interaction between the remuneration ranges.

(7) All Senior Staff will be paid at least the bottom of their remuneration range (noting remuneration range will be reduced by 15% for staff who have an underlying ongoing appointment).

(8) The Vice-Chancellor and President approves all senior staff remuneration above the relevant remuneration ranges.

Annual General Market Review

(9) An annual general market review will be undertaken and include advice or information from an external provider. The advice or information from the external provider will be considered by the Vice-Chancellor and President to make recommendations to the Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee, which could include different percentage increases for different classifications of senior staff.  

(10) Increases to individual senior staff remuneration and the remuneration ranges will apply from the first full pay period in January of the applicable year.

Movement Within or Above a Remuneration Range

(11) Senior Staff (SSGA-SSGE) are eligible in exceptional circumstances for consideration of a movement within or above a remuneration range.

(12) The relevant Head of Division may recommend movement within or above the remuneration range in exceptional circumstances to the Senior Staff Pay Committee. The Senior Staff Pay Committee will make a final recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor and President, who has authority to approve any movement within or above the remuneration range. Recommendations are to be made, with supporting information/evidence of the exceptional circumstances.

(13) The Senior Staff Pay Committee convenes at least three (3) times per year to consider recommendations, if required.

(14) Any adjustment to total remuneration will take effect from a nominated date as approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President.

Review of Movement Within or Above a Total Remuneration Range Decision

(15) Where a senior staff member has concerns regarding the decision on movement within or above a total remuneration range, the senior staff member will write to the Vice-Chancellor and President for a review of the matter. The Vice-Chancellor and President's decision will be final.

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Section 5 - Flexible Remuneration Scheme

(16) This scheme is available to senior staff provided their appointment is for a minimum period of 12 months. Participation in the scheme is voluntary.

(17) The University’s intention is to provide a scheme which involves the staff member reducing their total remuneration in return for non-cash benefits offered by the University. The staff member is required to meet the full cost of the provision of such benefits and associated taxation and administration costs.

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Section 6 - Higher Duties

(18) A senior staff member temporarily performing the duties of a designated higher duties classified position (e.g. acts in a vacant position or replaces a staff member on leave) will continue to be paid their substantive remuneration except for in exceptional circumstances in which complex additional responsibilities apply as approved by the Vice-Chancellor and President. For longer secondment periods a formal concurrent contract will be offered. This restriction will not apply for professional and academic staff acting in senior staff positions.

(19) The University will provide relevant employer superannuation contributions on any higher duties salary subject to the staff member’s ordinary superannuation arrangements, the terms of the staff member’s superannuation fund and any associated trust deed.

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Section 7 - Senior Staff Pay Committee


(20) The Senior Staff Pay Committee reviews recommendations from Heads of Division on movement within or above a total remuneration range for all senior staff (SSGA-SSGE) and make final recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor and President.


  1. Vice-Chancellor and President's nominee;
  2. Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic); and
  4. Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar.

(21) Any conflicts with Committee business will be disclosed by members and managed in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy and Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations. Any member who has declared an interest in agenda items will not be present for the associated item at Senior Staff Pay Committee.

Meeting Frequency

(22) The Senior Staff Pay Committee typically meets at least three times a year.


(23) The Secretary of the Senior Staff Pay Committee is the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer. Where the Committee is unable to reach consensus in any of its responsibilities, the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer will take the matter to the Vice-Chancellor and President for determination.

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Section 8 - Exceptions to Policy

(24) The Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer is authorised to approve variations to this policy, in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor and President, in exceptional circumstances. Any such variation will be recorded by Human Resources.