(1) Through the application of this Policy, the University seeks to strike a balance between: (2) This Policy sets out the circumstances whereby staff are required to notify and obtain approval from the University before undertaking any outside work. (3) The Policy applies to all QUT staff, excluding sessional academic staff and casual professional staff. (4) While sessional academic staff and casual professional staff are not required to disclose or seek approval for conducting work with an external entity, sessional and casual staff must comply with the QUT Code of Conduct - Staff and other policies including the Conflict of Interest Policy. (5) This Policy does not apply: (6) Outside work must be undertaken in a manner consistent with the Code of Conduct – Staff and: (7) Except where the activity is considered exempt outside work (Section 6 below), all staff must declare any pre-existing or proposed outside work and obtain approval before undertaking the outside work. (8) The relevant authorising officer is prescribed in Register of Authorities and Delegations (QUT staff access only). (9) Staff must obtain approval from the authorising officer prior to undertaking the outside work. (10) Approval must only be granted by the authorising officer where the authorising officer is satisfied that the principles of this Policy have been satisfied. (11) Additionally, where the outside work results from appointment as a Director, Secretary, Public or Executive Officer of external entities, then staff must complete the QUT Company Officer Approval Form, available on the Consultancy - Outside work, private consultancies and directorships page in the Digital Workplace, and obtain approval from the authorising officer prior to undertaking the outside work. (12) There are two types of outside work exempt from this Policy. (13) Staff may undertake outside work where that work is not related to their duties or area of expertise, without the need to seek prior approval, provided that the work does not result in a breach by the staff member of any of their obligations under the principles of this Policy and provided that undertaking the work does not present a risk to the health and safety of the staff member or others. (14) Where outside work may result in a breach of the principles of this Policy, or where it creates a risk to the health and safety of the staff member or others, the staff member must notify the authorising officer as soon as they become aware of these matters and take appropriate steps to remedy the situation in conjunction with the authorising officer. (15) Appropriate steps may include: (16) Related exempt outside work is work which is consistent with the staff member’s duties at QUT, including (but not limited to): journal editorship, editorial work, external examining and examination of theses’, occasional lectures and public appearances (including unpaid broadcasts and performances), occasional publications (such as newspaper articles), writing and publishing books, mentoring roles, service on committees of learned societies and academies, and membership of grant review committees and similar duties for granting bodies. (17) Although staff may undertake related exempt outside work without the need to seek approval, the pursuit of this work must be considered in performance planning and might be considered in the context of workload allocation where the staff member’s authorising officer has determined that this would be appropriate. (18) Private consultancy work is work that is related or similar to the staff member's work, duties or responsibilities at the University, but where QUT is not a party to the contract under which the work is carried out. (19) Approval must be obtained from the authorising officer prior to the staff member engaging in any private consultancy. (20) When considering a staff member’s request to undertake private consultancy in addition to the Policy Principles the following values will apply: (21) Leave without pay or a part-time appointment may be agreed. If a staff member seeks to undertake a private consultancy during a period of long service or recreation leave, the authorising officer should also consider whether there are any work health, safety and environment concerns. (22) Appointment as a Director, secretary, public or executive officer of any entity gives rise to legal obligations and can require a significant investment of time. (23) The requirements set out under this section do not apply to appointments in entities where the sole purpose is to act as a trustee for a family trust or self-managed superannuation fund. (24) Staff are reminded that should they take on leadership roles in other entities (e.g. as directors or officers), they need to manage any real or perceived conflicts of interest. It is the staff member’s responsibility to notify the University of any potential conflicts. (25) A staff member must obtain prior written approval by completing a Company Officer Approval Form before accepting any position as a director, secretary, public or Executive Officer of any company (paid or unpaid) or entering into any partnership. With relation to existing arrangements that predate this Policy and remain active, a staff member must disclose the details of the position to the authorising officer for consideration and endorsement. In certain cases, a Conflict of Interest Management Plan (QUT staff access only) may need to be established. (26) Prior to commencing employment with QUT, new staff must declare any pre-existing appointment as a Partner, Director, Secretary, Public or Executive Officer by completing a Company Officer Approval Form (QUT staff access only) and submitting the completed form to their supervisor, providing enough detail to allow the supervisor and the authorising officer to assess any conflicts of interest in accordance with the considerations below. (27) A staff member may not be appointed as a Director, Secretary, Public or Executive Officer of an external entity (other than family trusts or self-managed superannuation funds) or enter into partnerships, except with the express written approval of the authorising officer. (28) The authorising officer’s approval must be sought before the external entity formally appoints the staff member to the position of Director, Secretary, Public or Executive Officer role by completing a Company Officer Approval Form and submitting the completed form to their supervisor. (29) When considering a staff member’s request to accept an appointment as a Director, Secretary, Public or Executive Officer of an external entity, in addition to the principles of this Policy, the authorising officer will take into account: (30) The supervisor will either: (31) Staff members are required to advise their supervisor and/or authorising officer if there is any change in the circumstances related to the entity or their appointment, and are required to continue to declare their interest on each occasion where there are dealings by the University with that entity or any related part of the entity in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy. (32) Even where the appointment has been approved by the University, the University will not be liable for any matters arising out of the relationship between the staff member and the external entity and the staff member accepts responsibility for maintaining an appropriate level of business indemnity insurance and /or ensuring they are provided with an appropriate level of directors’ and officers’ insurance. (33) Disputes arising from a decision made under this Policy will be determined by the by the relevant role with reference to B/7.9.3. For disputes in relation to intellectual property the matter will be resolved in accordance with the Intellectual Property Policy. (34) The Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer is authorised to approve variations to this Policy in exceptional circumstances. Any such variation will be recorded by the Human Resources. (35) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C090, VC225, VC226, VC227, VC228, VC229, VC236) (QUT staff access only)Outside Work, Private Consultancies and Directorships Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Top of PageSection 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
(Details in Section 5 of this Policy and the Register of Authorities and Delegations)
Section 4 - Principles
Top of PageSection 5 - Approval for Outside Work
Section 6 - Exempt Outside Work
Unrelated Exempt Outside Work
Related Exempt Outside Work
Section 7 - Private Consultancy
Section 8 - Director, Secretary, Public or Executive Officer (paid or unpaid) of External Entities
Current Staff
New Staff
Approval Considerations
Changes in Circumstances
Section 9 - Dispute Resolution
Section 10 - Exceptions to Policy
Section 11 - Definitions
Top of Page
Means staff may undertake outside work without the need to seek approval.
External Entity
Means a business, company, partnership, statutory authority or third party which is independent of QUT or in which QUT has no ownership or interest.
Outside Work
Related Outside Work
Means any activity that is in the area of expertise for which the staff member is employed by QUT.
Unrelated Outside Work
Means any activity that is neither related nor similar to the staff member's work, duties or responsibilities (as determined by QUT) and where QUT is not a party to the contract.
Section 12 - Delegations
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Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)
Approves procedures and guidelines for the management of outside work to the extent that the procedures relate to outside work for academic staff in consultation with the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer.
Approves procedures and guidelines for the management of outside work related to External Research Funding in consultation with the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer.
Determines disputes arising from a decision made under this Policy.
Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Approves procedures and guidelines for the management of outside work to the extent that the procedures relate to outside work for Senior and professional staff in consultation with the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer.
Determines disputes arising from a decision made under this Policy.
Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer
Provides advice on procedures and guidelines for the management of outside work in consultation with the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research) and Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar.
Authorising officer
Determines the final outcome of an application to engage in outside work.
Staff member
Provides clear and accurate information relating to the activity.
Provides as much notice as possible of the proposed outside employment.
Informs their supervisor/manager of the proposed outside employment.
Obtains approval as may be required prior to engaging in outside work.
Discloses perceived or real conflicts of interest.
Provides recommendation to the authorising officer regarding a staff member’s application to engage in outside work.
Means any activity, whether paid or unpaid, undertaken by a staff member for an entity other than QUT. Such activities include but are not limited to:
Staff undertaking such outside work are representing themselves and no agreement has been entered into between QUT and an external entity. Outside work may be ‘related outside work’ or ‘unrelated outside work’.