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Catering and Events Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy outlines the University’s catering services and requirements for events held on QUT sites.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to all staff and students of QUT, as well as other members of the University community.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Position Responsibility
Director, Facilities Management Approves on-campus events in external bookable spaces, apart from areas approved by QUT Venues and Events.
Manager, Venues and Events Approves events using the Kidney Lawn, Lady Bowen Lawn, East Lawn, Gibson Room, Owen J Wordsworth Room at Gardens Point campus and E5, KG-B401, KG-B402, KG-B403, Parer Place at Kelvin Grove campus.
Manager, Class Scheduling Approves catering in classrooms.
Manager, Security and Emergency Management Authorised to direct people to cease being disorderly or creating a nuisance on any University site.
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Section 4 - Relationship to TEQSA Threshold Standards

(3) This Policy has no relation to any TEQSA Threshold Standards.

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Section 5 - Catering Services

(4) Campus Services is responsible for the provision of catering and retail services to the Kelvin Grove and Gardens Point campuses, through its Commercial Operations team.

(5) Services are delivered through a variety of outlets including:

  1. retail shops (cafes, food outlets, bookshops);
  2. food courts;
  3. vending machines;
  4. mobile carts, pop-up and casual leasing; and
  5. catering services to locations on both campuses.

Trading hours

(6) Food retailers' trading hours are coordinated with scheduled classes but do vary according to the campus and individual commercial arrangements.

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Section 6 - Meetings, Functions and External Catering

(7) Subject to the guidelines provided by Finance Business Solutions in respect of providing hospitality and the purchase of catering restrictions upon the choice of caterer, whether internal or external, for meetings and functions are as follows:

  1. Room Three Sixty - an exclusive catering arrangement is in place for this venue.
  2. Gardens TheatreQUT Art MuseumOld Government House - Venue Hire - a shortlist of approved caterers exists for catered functions held within these areas.

(8) With the exception of the above venues, it is preferred that the University support its on-campus retailers for the provision of on-campus catering services.

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Section 7 - Catering in Teaching Spaces

(9) Food and drink are not permitted in classrooms without the approval of the Manager, Class Scheduling. Catering may be approved for these areas or in other spaces not normally used for the consumption of food or drink in special circumstances, contingent upon arrangements being made with the caterer by the client to remove all catering materials upon the completion of the event, and to perform any cleaning required to return the area to a serviceable condition. If the standard of post-event cleaning is considered to be unsatisfactory by the campus Cleaning Supervisor, the client will be advised by Class Scheduling or Cleaning Supervisor and any additional cleaning will be carried out at the cost of the client.

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Section 8 - Licensed Facilities

(10) There are a number of QUT Student Guild operated and privately operated outlets on QUT campuses which are licensed to serve alcohol and are subject to relevant legislation. In addition, QUT has established specific policy and regulations for persons accepting responsibility for organising functions on University premises at which alcohol will be available and for persons serving alcohol at functions on University premises.

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Section 9 - Outdoor Events

(11) Approval for on-campus events in external bookable spaces will be at the discretion of the Director, Facilities Management, with the exception of bookings for the Kidney Lawn, Lady Bowen Lawn at Gardens Point and Parer Place at Kelvin Grove where, application must be made through QUT Venues and Events. Approval will take into account the nature of the activity, day of the week, start and finish times, security arrangements and the potential impact the event may have on routine operations.

(12) Events are subject to policies and procedures applying to the hire of facilities (Booking of University Space Policy), including the use of alcohol on campus at QUT.

(13) Under the QUT Act, QUT Security staff are authorised to direct people to cease being disorderly or creating a nuisance on University land.

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Section 10 - Use of Alcohol on Campus

(14) QUT is committed to combating problems arising from alcohol use and to providing the community with model behaviours as an employer and an educator. It encourages and promotes moderation in and a responsible attitude towards the use of alcohol in the University community through the generation of policy statements and the vigorous implementation of regulations for consumption.

(15) The bringing, keeping or consuming of alcohol on any University site must be in accordance with the requirements of the Liquor Act 1992 and Liquor Regulation 2002 (Qld). Alcoholic beverages may not be sold for consumption on any University property unless an appropriate liquor licence as issued under the Liquor Act 1992 is obtained and a copy lodged with Security and Emergency Management not less than two weeks before the commencement of the event.

(16) A copy of the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certification of catering staff responsible for the service of alcohol, must be provided to Security and Emergency Management at least 48 hours prior to the event.

(17) The Manager, Security and Emergency Management or their delegate have the responsibility to regulate the service of alcohol for events on University sites (except for licensed premises).

(18) Regulations concerning service of alcohol at functions:

  1. Where a scheduled or organised event in a non-licensed space where alcohol is intended to be served, must be registered with Security and Emergency Management two weeks before the event. These regulations apply to hirers of non-licensed University facilities where alcohol is to be provided or sold, as well as QUT organisational units, the QUT Student Guild and other student groups.
  2. Expected crowd numbers and crowd control details are to be provided at the time of submitting the initial application to Security and Emergency Managementand may warrant a Security Officer in attendance at the event.

(19) An approved risk assessment including, but not limited to, the responsible service of alcohol and the management of intoxicated patrons must be submitted to Security and Emergency Management not less than two weeks before the event.

(20) Security and Emergency Management will endorse an event in a non-licensed space where alcohol is to be served.

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Section 11 - Delegations

(21) There are no delegations made under this Policy.