(1) This Policy articulates QUT’s position on the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and provides a framework for assessing prior learning for advanced standing and academic entry to courses, consistent with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 and the Australian Qualifications Framework. (2) The Policy applies to current students and those applying to study at QUT who consider they have prior learning experiences which could attract advanced standing for courses or could satisfy academic entry requirements into courses. (3) This Policy does not apply to entry or progression for higher degrees by research. (4) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) will only be granted if: (5) Assessment of RPL at QUT must comply with the values and principles as specified in the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) framework, in the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) protocols developed under this Policy. (6) An application may be rejected on the basis that the evidence has not been provided in a prescribed format. (7) The maximum amounts of advanced standing for a course specified in the Advanced Standing Policy (Section 7, Minimum Volume of Learning) apply to Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). (8) An applicant who is dissatisfied with the determination of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is able to request a review in accordance with the Review of grades and academic rulings policy (Review of Academic Rulings Policy).Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Framework
Section 5 - Advanced Standing
Section 6 - Review of Determination
Section 7 - Definitions
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Means the recognition of an applicant’s knowledge and skills based on an assessment of these from the applicant’s formal, non-formal or informal learning. This can be used to determine the extent to which that individual meets requirements in terms of entry to the course (Admission of Students Policy) or providing advanced standing (Advanced Standing Policy).
Means either a student who makes an application for Recognition of Prior Learning for advanced standing of a unit/s or a prospective student who seeks entry to a course based upon recognition of prior learning.
Formal Learning
Means learning that takes place through a structured program of learning that leads to the full or partial achievement of an officially accredited qualification.
Informal Learning
Means learning gained through work, social, family, hobby or leisure activities and experiences and is not organised or externally structured in terms of objectives, time or learning support.
Non-formal Learning
Means learning that takes place through a structured program of learning but does not lead to an officially accredited qualification.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Advisor
Means the academic staff member with appropriate expertise nominated by the Head of School to make Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessments.
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Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)
Approves recognition for prior learning protocols.
Head of School
Nominates an appropriate member of the academic staff as RPL advisor for courses.
RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) advisor
Exercises professional judgment in relation to decisions for granting RPL on an individual basis, consistent with relevant policies, standards and reference points.
Determines the appropriate pedagogical approach to assessing RPL, evaluating the extent to which the evidence gathered demonstrates achievement of the unit learning outcomes or the course entry requirements.
Provides relevant advice on the evidence required for RPL and the format for the submission of the evidence to applicants.
Ensures adequate internal and external moderation of decisions are undertaken periodically consistent with the Assessment and Feedback Policy.
Gather and present evidence according to the requirements specified by the delegated officer/faculty.