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University Integrated Planning Framework

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) QUT's University Integrated Planning Framework seeks to align the objectives and work plan of all QUT business units to top-level institutional priorities. An integrated approach to planning increases organisational agility and transparency, empowering QUT’s ability to control its future and enhancing QUT’s success.

(2) The Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 require the University to demonstrate that “future directions in higher education have been determined, realistic performance targets have been established, progress against targets is monitored and action is taken to correct underperformance” (HESF A6.2.1b). Integrated planning activities play a major role in maintaining compliance with this standard.

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Section 2 - Application

(3) Every faculty and division (and/or constituent elements) completes an annual plan.

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Section 3 - Roles and responsibilities

QUT Council
Provides input into the development of the University’s strategy and approves Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 following endorsement by relevant committees.
Monitors implementation of strategic plans through the QUT Annual Report and Corporate Performance Reports.
Approves the University Integrated Planning Framework.
University Academic Board
Provides academic governance to QUT’s integrated academic planning activities.
Finance and Planning Committee
Provides advice on the development of the University Integrated Planning Framework.
Provides advice to Council on planning issues.
Recommends to Council the University plan and priorities.
Monitors performance against corporate key performance indicators.
Executive Leadership Team
Provides advice to the Vice-Chancellor and President on the development and review of strategic direction, and on its implementation within the University through strategic and operational planning and major initiatives.
Monitors the extent to which the University is achieving its key performance indicators.
Vice-Chancellor and President
Develops University strategy in consultation with Council and Executive Leadership Team.
Leads annual strategic planning forum.
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Approves faculty plans.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor International and Vice-President Business Development,
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic),
Head of Research Portfolio,
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Australians)
Develops section of the plan relevant to operational area.
Monitors progress against the objectives and strategies of the plan for relevant operational area.
Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Approves all portfolio plans.
Approves procedures and guidelines on integrated planning made under this policy.
Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Financial Officer
Reviews faculty and portfolio budgets for consolidation into the University budget.
Develops a financial framework supporting achievement of QUT’s strategy.
Executive Deans
Develop, implement, monitor and report on relevant faculty plan, undertaking appropriate consultation and ensuring alignment with Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027.
Portfolio heads
Develop, implement, monitor and report on relevant portfolio plan, undertaking appropriate consultation and ensuring alignment with faculty plans and Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027.
Director, Chancellery Division
Coordinates (and facilitates where necessary) the integrated planning process.
Coordinates (and facilitates where necessary) annual reporting on progress against approved plans.
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Section 4 - Integrated Planning Framework

(4) The University Integrated Planning Framework defines planning activity across three tiers:

QUT Strategy

(5) Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 clearly articulates its vision - the university for the real world - and purpose - to provide transformative education and research relevant to our communities. 

(6) Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 is typically updated on a 3-5-year cycle.

QUT Operational Plans

(7) Faculty and portfolio plans articulate detailed planned actions relevant to an organisational unit that are actionable within the planning window and define appropriate measures that allow progress and achievement to be reported. Plans are typically updated annually but may include planned activity over a 3-5-year period.

(8) Faculty plans primarily contribute to the achievement of academic priorities defined in Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 within the parameters of the Planning Statement.

(9) Portfolio plans primarily support achievement of academic priorities identified in faculty plans but may also directly address opportunities within the core expertise of the area to support priorities in Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 within the parameters of the Planning Statement.

(10) Faculty and portfolio plans include proposals to fund strategic initiatives.

(11) A Planning Statement is developed annually through the Vice-Chancellor’s Strategic Planning Forum to provide focus to the planning process and to adapt existing University-level strategy to the current operating context. Faculty and portfolio plans also include scope for planned activity that is specific to the area.

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Section 5 - Auxiliary planning processes

(12) The University Integrated Planning Framework is supported by auxiliary planning processes.

Risk management

(13) Risk management contributes to the achievement of the University's objectives and priorities through effective management of areas of uncertainty. The Risk Management Framework outlines how faculties and portfolios evaluate risks and opportunities and include appropriate responses in relevant plans.

Budget management

(14) Faculties and portfolios prepare budgets to support planned actions and submit to the Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Financial Officer for review and consolidation into the University’s budgeting process.

Key Performance Indicator reporting

(15) QUT Governance prepares quarterly reports on QUT's institutional key performance indicators (KPIs) providing ongoing feedback on the University's performance and achievement of its vision and goals. Faculties and portfolios use regular KPI reporting to evaluate progress against planned actions and measure impact, and to inform ongoing review, evaluation and adaptation of plans throughout the annual cycle.

Annual reporting

(16) Faculties and portfolios provide annual reports on progress against approved plans to:

  1. inform management on performance against planned actions; and
  2. provide relevant feedback on institutional KPIs for inclusion in the QUT Annual Report.

(17) Annual reporting by faculty and portfolio management may indicate a need to adapt or contextualise University-level priorities, which may inform updates to Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027, or Annual Planning Statement.

Academic Area Reviews

(18) In the context of integrated academic planning, reviews provide a mechanism to check the progress and ongoing alignment of plans and affirm or adapt the overarching direction of an academic area, including with regard to developments outside the University. QUT’s annual review model aligns with the planning and quality frameworks and leverages the mandatory external reviews of corporate and academic governance specified in the Higher Education Standards Framework. They continue to be an important source of continuous and quality improvement activities.

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Section 6 - Devolution of responsibility

(19) Managers are given a high degree of flexibility in decision-making within the parameters of approved plans, University policies and procedures, and allocated budgets. This devolution of responsibility recognises that managers are responsible for management of risks and the achievement of plans in an often-dynamic environment and that operational management decisions are most appropriately made at the organisational unit level.

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Section 7 - Continuous improvement of integrated planning processes

(20) The University is committed to the ongoing review and continuous improvement of its planning and management processes. Integrated planning processes are included in regular independent reviews of corporate and academic governance (Quality and standards framework). In addition, the Vice-Chancellor and President annually seeks advice from Executive Leadership Team on incremental process improvements.

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Section 8 - Delegations

(21) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C045, C047) (QUT staff access only).