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Distinguished and Honorary Titles Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The University seeks to build a distinctive national and international reputation combining academic achievements and practical engagement with the professions, industry, government and the broader community to mutual benefit. To support this aim, the university may award or appoint distinguished and honorary titles to individuals who have outstanding records of achievements in their discipline, profession or business and:

  1. who make a significant contribution to teaching and/or research at the University; or
  2. who will foster strategic collaborative partnerships between the University and industry, a profession or the wider community; or
  3. have the potential to contribute significantly to the strategic priorities and major projects of the University.
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Section 2 - Application

(2) The award or appointment of a distinguished title to current or prospective QUT Professors is a rare honour confined to those who have made exceptional contributions and have outstanding records of achievement.

(3) An honorary title is given to an individual not employed by the University but who nonetheless makes a significant contribution to the University. The appointment does not normally attract remuneration and has a limited scope of activities (e.g. may provide for supervision of postgraduate students but not staff).

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

(4) The University may award or appoint the following distinguished and honorary titles.

(5) In determining the appropriate academic title to be recommended for approval, organisational areas should consult the position classification standards for academic staff and research only academic staff contained in the QUT Enterprise Agreement (Academic Staff), Schedule Three and Schedule Four respectively.

Distinguished Titles
Position Title Responsibility
Council Distinguished Professor Emeritus
(Section 5 below)
Awards or revokes the title to a QUT Distinguished Professor (retired or retiring) who has made a substantial contribution to the university warranting awarding of the Professor Emeritus title.
Council Professor Emeritus
(Section 5 below)
Awards or revokes the title to a QUT Professor (retired or retiring) who has made a substantial contribution to the university.
Vice-Chancellor and President Distinguished Professor
(Section 4 below)
Appoints, on recommendation of the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, to an eminent QUT Professor (not retired or retiring) who has an outstanding record of achievement.
Council Distinguished Professor
(Section 4 below)
Revokes the title, on recommendation of the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, of a QUT Distinguished Professor.
Vice-Chancellor and President Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow
(Section 6 below)
Appoints or revokes the title, on recommendation of the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor or a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, to a person of national and international eminence who will make a contribution to the strategic priorities of the university.
Honorary titles
Position Title Responsibility
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Adjunct Professor
(Section 7 below)
Appoints, on recommendation of an Executive Dean or Head of Portfolio, to an expert in an appropriate discipline and is either a Professor at another university of similar standing, or has equivalent standing within their industry or profession. Expected to have a longer term relationship (up to 5 years per engagement) with QUT.
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Adjunct Associate Professor,
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Adjunct Lecturer
(Section 7 below)
Appoints, on recommendation of an Executive Dean or Head of Portfolio, to an expert in an appropriate discipline and is normally an Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer or Lecturer at another university of similar standing, or has equivalent standing within their industry or research establishment. Expected to have a longer term relationship (up to 5 years per engagement) with QUT.
Head of Division Conjoint academic,
Conjoint professional
(Section 8 below))
Appoints to staff from hospitals or industry where a formal arrangement exists between QUT and the title holder’s employer for the person to perform a particular role at QUT.
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Visiting Fellow,
Industry Fellow
(Section 9 below)
Appoints, on recommendation of an Executive Dean or Head of Portfolio, to an academic staff member or researchers from another university or organisation. Expected to have a shorter term relationship (up to 1 year per engagement) with QUT.
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Clinical Professor
(Section 10 below)
Appoints, on recommendation of an Executive Dean or Head of Portfolio, to a senior clinical specialist, clinical consultant, registered nurse or senior health practitioner who contributes to collaborative activities with the university and would have a continued association through further activities.
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Clinical Associate Professor,
Clinical Fellow,
Clinical Associate
(Section 10 below)
Appoints, on recommendation of an Executive Dean or Head of Portfolio, to a senior clinical specialist, clinical consultant, registered nurse, or senior health practitioner (Level D) / health practitioner (Level A-C) who contributes to collaborative activities with the university and would have a continued association through further activities.
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Visiting Associate
(Section 11 below)
Appoints, on recommendation of an Executive Dean or Head of Portfolio, to a technical expert or professional from industry where the nature of the contribution to QUT means that it is not appropriate to appoint any of the academic equivalent titles listed above.
Vice-Chancellor and President Adjunct Professor, Clinical Professor, Conjoint academics, Conjoint professional, Adjunct Associate Professor, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Adjunct Lecturer, Visiting Fellow, Industry Fellow, Visiting Associate, Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical Fellow, Clinical Associate Revokes these honorary titles.
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Section 4 - Distinguished Professor

(6) The Vice-Chancellor and President may, upon recommendation, appoint the title of Distinguished Professor to a QUT Professor (Academic Level E) to recognise eminence in their discipline or profession and/or sustained exceptional contribution to the university.

(7) The person making the recommendation will normally convene an ad hoc committee of senior QUT Professors to consider a recommendation for the appointment of Distinguished Professor. The committee will consider:

  1. quality and impact to scholarly contributions to research or their discipline as evidenced by publications such as books, international, refereed journals and/or conferences where relevant;
  2. evidence of contributions to teaching and learning and, where relevant, a distinguished teaching portfolio;
  3. evidence of national and international achievements and recognitions such as distinguished prizes and awards, patents, honours, membership of a learned academy or comparable organisation;
  4. evidence of impact and influence such as citation by a broad cross-section of peers nationally and internationally;
  5. service for their discipline or profession such as editorial roles in major journals, and roles in national and international discipline, research or teaching and learning assessment committees; and
  6. reports from at least five referees, external to the university and of international standing.

(8) The title is given for the duration of the professorial appointment at the university. The Vice-Chancellor and President will report to Council each time the title is appointed.

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Section 5 - Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Professor Emeritus

(9) Upon the cessation of their employment with the university, Council may, upon recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor and President award the title of Professor Emeritus to a QUT Professor (Academic Level E), in recognition of sustained and substantial academic service. In considering recommendations for the title of Professor Emeritus the Vice-Chancellor and President will normally take into account:

  1. the record of contributions to and national and international standing within their discipline or profession;
  2. the nature and impact of their leadership contributions at the university;
  3. the nature and length of their service to the university; and
  4. any other factors relevant to the Professor’s service to the university.

(10) A Professor who has the title of Distinguished Professor of QUT will be awarded the title Distinguished Professor Emeritus by Council upon retirement or resignation from the university. The title of Professor Emeritus or Distinguished Professor Emeritus is honorary and will be in perpetuity (subject to Section 13). A Professor Emeritus or Distinguished Professor Emeritus is regarded as a Professor of QUT for all ceremonial purposes.

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Section 6 - Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow

(11) The Vice-Chancellor and President, on recommendation, may appoint the title of Vice-Chancellor's Fellow to a person of national or international eminence with specialist or sectoral expertise and standing who has the potential to advance the strategic priorities of the university. A Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow will be expected to contribute to the university’s engagement with the relevant sector, encouraging relevant discourse and debate, partnership development and mentoring of students and staff. The equivalent academic level for this title is Level E.

(12) A Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow will be expected to have demonstrated relevant achievements in their field and will be recognised as an authority in their discipline or profession. A Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow may be either an honorary or a paid appointment of up to three years.

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Section 7 - Adjunct Appointments

(13) Adjunct titles may be appointed to a person who is not employed by the university but who has relevant experience and expertise at the appropriate level.

(14) Recommendations for adjunct titles should outline the standing of the individual by reference to their substantive role and achievements. Such a recommendation may include professors/academics from institutions of comparable standing to the university or may outline equivalent standing in a relevant industry or profession.

(15) Where a faculty or division is recommending an adjunct appointment based on international or business work, or implications for the wider community, the relevant Vice-President should be consulted.

(16) Adjunct titleholders are expected to have a longer term collaborative relationship with the university and to make an active and substantial contribution to enrich teaching and/or research programs. An adjunct titleholder will also be expected to have marked influence on the activities of the faculty/division in which they are involved.

(17) The appointment of these titles strengthens links with representatives of industry, the professions, research partners, and the wider community. An adjunct titleholder is typically involved in activities such as:

  1. undergraduate and postgraduate teaching;
  2. participation in research programs;
  3. curriculum development/planning;
  4. participation in workshops, seminars, lectures, clinical education, continuing professional education programs or conferences; and
  5. subject to the university approval processes, may be appointed as a supervisor of postgraduate students.

(18) A review of the adjunct titleholders will be conducted biennially.

(19) An adjunct appointment includes the titles of Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor, Adjunct Senior Lecturer and Adjunct Lecturer.

Adjunct Professor

(20) The title of Adjunct Professor is appointed to an expert in an appropriate discipline, by the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor following recommendation by Executive Deans of faculty and Heads of Portfolio. The equivalent academic level for this title is Level E.

Adjunct Associate Professor, Adjunct Senior Lecturer or Adjunct Lecturer

(21) The appointment of these titles are made by the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor following recommendation by Executive Deans of faculty and Heads of Portfolio. The equivalent academic level for these titles may be from Level B to D.

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Section 8 - Conjoint Academic or Conjoint Professional

(22) The Head of Division may appoint a conjoint title to a person who is not employed by the university where there is a formal arrangement between the university and an external employer for their employee to perform a particular role/s for the university for a specified period of time. A conjoint titleholder will be engaged to perform a particular role/s for the university, which may be academic in nature or in a professional staff capacity. The person will possess specialist academic and/or professional expertise and knowledge that will contribute to the university’s strategic priorities. The equivalent academic for conjoint academic titles is Level A to Level E and there is no academic equivalent for conjoint professional titles.

(23) A conjoint engagement is underwritten by a formal agreement between the university and the external employer of the conjoint title holder (and in appropriate cases, including the conjoint title holder as a party). This agreement will normally include provisions relating to: engagement arrangements and supervision; any associated funding arrangements; insurance and indemnity; intellectual property; attribution of outputs; and use of any resources and/or facilities.

(24) A conjoint academic will be given a title commensurate with their experience, qualifications and the work to be undertaken with the university. Where relevant, the person may be given an equivalent academic title consistent with the Position Classification Standards in the QUT Enterprise Agreement (Academic Staff), or in accordance with university policy. The holder of a conjoint academic title is eligible to be considered for a higher academic title through the university's academic promotion process.

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Section 9 - Visiting Fellow or Industry Fellow

(25) The appointment of the title of Visiting Fellow or Industry Fellow may be made by the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor following recommendation by Executive Deans of faculty and Heads of Portfolio as appropriate to the relevant discipline. The title is normally utilised for individuals engaged in collaborative activities across all academic levels, to promote engagement with industry. These activities will normally be aligned to a specific project and be of a short duration, not exceeding one year.

(26) A Visiting Fellow or Industry Fellow is not employed by the university but is an individual who has relevant experience and standing at a national or international level in their area of expertise with an equivalent academic level range from Level A to Level E. A Visiting Fellow or Industry Fellow will make an active and positive contribution to the teaching and/or research programs of the faculty/division in which they are appointed. A Visiting Fellow or Industry Fellow is typically involved in activities such as:

  1. undergraduate and postgraduate teaching
  2. research programs of a school or faculty, discussion on course, subject area and unit structure content and development; and
  3. workshops, seminars, lectures, studio sessions, clinical education, continuing education programs, and conferences.
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Section 10 - Clinical Titles

(27) A clinical title may be appointed to a person who is not employed by the university but is an appropriately qualified person within the health and medical professions, and who is highly respected in their clinical specialty area. A clinical title holder will make a positive contribution to enriching the university’s teaching and/or research programs by actively engaging with activities within relevant faculties and research centres. The title is given by the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor on recommendation of Executive Deans of faculty and Heads of Portfolio. A clinical titleholder is typically involved in activities such as:

  1. expanding the university’s clinical teaching and research base;
  2. provision of significant input into collaborative research projects and other activities with the university;
  3. supervision of students undertaking clinical placements; and
  4. leading or participating in the facilitation of student group learning.

(28) The university may appoint the following clinical titles:

Title Background of recipient Equivalent academic level
Clinical Professor A senior health practitioner within an affiliated organisation. It is expected that the recipient would already have contributed to significant collaborative activities with the university and continue to do so. E
Clinical Associate Professor A senior health practitioner within an affiliated organisation. It is expected that the recipient would already have contributed to significant collaborative activities with the university and continue to do so. D
Clinical Fellow A health practitioner, Clinical Specialist or Nursing Unit Manager who would contribute to the university in a similar way to a Clinical Associate Professor but in a less senior capacity. A – C
Clinical Associate A health practitioner, Clinician or Registered Nurse who contributes to clinical supervision of QUT students in approved field placements associated with the university’s accredited programs. A – C
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Section 11 - Visiting Associate

(29) The title of Visiting Associate may be appointed to an individual who is not employed by the university but who is in a professional or technical position and is eminent in their area of specialty or expertise, and where the extent or nature of contribution to the university is not consistent with the appointment of an academic honorary title. A Visiting Associate will facilitate the establishment of a collaborative relationship that contributes to the university’s strategic priorities in the professions or in teaching and/or research activities. Examples of where this title may be appropriate include technical experts from laboratory/scientific environments and accomplished practitioners in the professions. The title is appointed by the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, on the recommendation of Executive Deans of faculty and Heads of Portfolio.

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Section 12 - Duration of Honorary Titles

(30) An honorary title will be appointed for a specified duration of up to five years (unless otherwise indicated above) and may be renewed for further periods of up to five years at the discretion of the authorising officer (subject to Section 3 and Section 13). Otherwise renewed titles will lapse at the conclusion of the specified period.

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Section 13 - Withdrawal of Distinguished and Honorary Titles

(31) To protect the integrity of distinguished and honorary titles, Council or the Vice-Chancellor and President (depending on the title) may revoke the title, and any privileges associated with it, at any time, prior to a title lapsing. A title may be revoked by Council or the Vice-Chancellor and President (depending on the title) in circumstances including, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. the title holder is no longer contributing sufficiently or appropriately to the strategic direction and performance of the university;
  2. it becomes apparent that the title holder has materially breached a relevant university policy and/or procedure;
  3. the title holder has conducted themselves in a manner, or been involved in circumstances, likely to bring reputational damage to the university; and
  4. for clinical titles, the title holder no longer holds their clinical position or is not appropriately registered.

(32) The title holder must be advised immediately if the title is withdrawn. A title holder may also terminate their distinguished or honorary status with the university at any time by providing advice in writing to the university, effective immediately.

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Section 14 - Intellectual Property

(33) Intellectual property arrangements for holders of distinguished and honorary titles who are not employees of the university must be resolved prior to QUT activities commencing (Intellectual Property Policy).

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Section 15 - Reporting

(34) The Vice-Chancellor and President will report to Council annually on any distinguished titles appointed under this policy. The Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer, provides a summary to the Vice-Chancellor and President as required on the use of the honorary titles across all faculties and divisions.

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Section 16 - Exceptions to Policy

(35) The Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer is authorised to approve variations to this policy in exceptional circumstances. Any such variation will be recorded by Human Resources.

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Section 17 - Delegations

(36) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C156, C074, C076, C078, VC076, VC077, VC176, VC181, VC231) (QUT staff access only).