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Student Representation Protocol

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Section 1 - Governing Policy

(1) Student Representation Policy.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Protocol summarises how students can partner with QUT in decision making processes which guide the operation of the University. It outlines:

  1. formal consultation and committee representation processes (student membership on QUT Council and other University committees);
  2. support for the QUT Student Guild established under the QUT Act; and
  3. other consultation from time to time with individual students and other student bodies.
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Section 3 - QUT Student Guild

(3) QUT Council approves the QUT Student Guild constitution. All students are members of the Student Guild. The constitution provides for a variety of positions elected by and from the student body. Student representation on University level committees draws significantly, but not solely, on nominees of the Student Guild.

(4) The Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar or nominated delegate meets regularly with the QUT Student Guild President, Student Guild General Manager and other Guild executive members as required to discuss current issues, referring matters as appropriate to other University officers for resolution.

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Section 4 - Student representation on University committees

(5) Student representatives ensure student perspectives inform quality governance and decision making across the University. QUT students are provided with opportunities to participate in University decision making through membership of University committees, as determined from time to time.

One undergraduate student and one postgraduate student elected by and from the student body.
University Academic Board
Three students, including two undergraduate students, nominated by the QUT Guild.
Three undergraduate students, including at least one international student, nominated by the Chair after receiving expressions of interest.
Two postgraduate students nominated by the Head of Research Portfolio following consultation with Executive Deans.
Appeals Committee
One student, nominated by and from QUT Student Guild.
A postgraduate student nominated by the Head of Research Portfolio following consultation with Executive Deans, who is only a member when the Committee is considering research higher degree student appeals, or appeals from honours or coursework masters students which involve theses or research projects.
University Equity Committee
One undergraduate student and one postgraduate student nominated by the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar.
University Health, Safety and Environment Committee One enrolled student nominated by the QUT Student Guild.
Research Degrees Committee Two postgraduate students nominated by the Head of Research Portfolio. One student will be selected from the Science, Engineering or Health Faculty, with the second student to be selected from the Business and Law Faculty or the Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice. Student appointments will have staggered starting years wherever possible.
Indigenous Australian Advisory Committee One Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student nominated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Australians).
Student Misconduct Committee Two students nominated by the QUT Student Guild on each occasion upon which Student Misconduct Committee is convened to deal with a matter.
University Learning and Teaching Committee Two undergraduate students nominated by the Chair of University Learning and Teaching Committee after receiving expressions of interest and two postgraduate coursework students nominated by the Chair of University Learning and Teaching Committee after receiving expressions of interest.
Curriculum Standards Committee One student drawn for each meeting from a pool of students nominated by the Chair, Curriculum Standards Committee after receiving expressions of interest.
Faculty Academic Boards Two students (one undergraduate and one postgraduate) nominated by the Chair following an expression of interest process conducted by the faculty.
Faculty Academic Misconduct Committees  One student of the Faculty nominated by the chair of the Faculty Academic Board (or a student from the QUT Student Guild in the case of QUT College)
Faculty Health, Safety and Environment committees Two students (one undergraduate and one postgraduate) nominated by the Executive Dean (or their delegate) following consultation with the Faculty’s students.

(6) If a student committee member is unable to attend a meeting, they should inform the committee secretary. For student members nominated by the Student Guild, the student member should also advise the Student Guild of their apology.

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Section 5 - Induction of student committee members

(7) Following appointment of a student member the committee secretary will provide information on the following:

  1. Committee Terms of Reference/Charter;
  2. Contact point for committee matters and details on committee operations;
  3. Conflict of interest;
  4. Quorum;
  5. Confidentiality requirements;
  6. List of committee members; and
  7. Information on previous meetings and minutes.
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Section 6 - Consultation on Student Services and Amenities Fee spending priorities

(8) QUT’s approach to consultation is published and promoted to students, through HiQ and the QUT website. These outline;

  1. the purpose of the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF);
  2. the amount of revenue anticipated;
  3. the mechanisms to establish priorities for expenditure; and
  4. the timing and mechanism available to comment on the proposed priorities.

(9) The approach to consultation on initiatives which will be funded by the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) include the following activities:

  1. invitation to students to comment on initiatives proposed;
  2. feedback by students to associated area regarding a specific service or initiative;
  3. consideration and prioritisation of initiatives by the SSAF Advisory Group whose membership includes representatives from QUT and the QUT Student Guild; and
  4. operational discussions at regular QUT/QUT Student Guild meetings.