(1) The purpose of this Policy is to detail the composition, membership, powers and responsibilities of the University’s governing body, QUT Council. (2) This Policy applies to members of QUT Council and all members of the University community. (3) QUT Council is the governing body of the University, ultimately responsible for ensuring its proper and effective management and operation. QUT Council is established by the Queensland University of Technology Act 1998, which sets out its composition, membership, powers and responsibilities. (4) Procedures for meetings, dealing with business in Council, and establishment of committees are included in Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations. Procedures for the nomination of prospective Council members (Council Procedure 6) and election of a Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor are also set out in Council Procedure 3 - Election of Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor. (5) QUT Council comprises senior members of the professions for which QUT prepares graduates; appointees from higher education, government, commerce and industry, and members of Alumni; elected staff and students; the University's chief executive officer; and the Chair of University Academic Board. A full list of members of QUT Council is available from the Council web page. (6) The Chancellor is the formal head of the University by virtue of being the chair of the governing body. As such, the Chancellor is responsible for the efficient operation of Council and for providing leadership to ensure it carries out its responsibilities in an effective manner. This includes: (7) The Chancellor, on behalf of Council, is also responsible for providing advice and support to the Vice-Chancellor and President. The Chancellor, in addition to the role as chair of Council, participates in committees as determined by the membership of Council and other University committees. (8) The Chancellor in consultation with relevant senior officers is responsible for recommending Council members to fill positions on Council committees and panels as required. (9) The Chancellor has a significant ceremonial role, including graduation ceremonies and attending University or related activities as either guest of honour, presenter or University representative. Some of these activities may be delegated to the Deputy Chancellor or another member of Council. (10) The Chancellor also has an outreach role, which not only includes the ceremonial role outlined above, but has a broader dimension in representing the University in the wider community. In particular, the cultivation of 'friends' of the University is an important activity, whether these be individuals, companies or governments. This includes approaching and sponsoring potential Council members as required. (11) QUT Council is committed to the achievement of the University's aims and ambitions within an operational framework that embodies the principles of good governance and has adopted the QUT Council Charter (QUT staff access only) to guide these objectives. (12) Council deliberations on any issue are confidential to Council members, although non-confidential papers and minutes of Council meetings are available for perusal upon request to the Director, QUT Governance. (13) Council is empowered to establish committees and to delegate power to committees or officers of the University. While Council is ultimately responsible for the management and operation of QUT, it has delegated authority to the chief executive officer, the Vice-Chancellor and President, and to various senior administrators of QUT for much of the day to day management of the University. Council has also established a number of committees (QUT Committee Structure), some of which have been authorised to make decisions in respect of prescribed policy and procedural matters. See the Register of Authorities and Delegations (QUT staff access only) for details. (14) Council may recognise any person by conferring on that person an honorary degree. Council must be satisfied that the person has rendered distinguished service to the community, to the university or to the advancement of scholarship. (15) The award of Doctor of the University is made by Council on recommendation from Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee. Further information regarding process and the nomination form is available in the Guidelines - QUT Honorary Doctorate Awards (QUT staff access only). (16) Council may confer the award of Life Fellow of the Queensland University of Technology on a person who, in the opinion of QUT Council, has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of QUT over a long period. (17) QUT Council has awarded the title of Life Fellow to individuals, forming the University’s Life Fellows list.QUT Council
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Role and Composition of Council
Section 5 - Role of the Chancellor
Section 6 - QUT Council Charter
Section 7 - Confidentiality of Council Deliberations
Section 8 - Delegation of Authority
Section 9 - Award of Doctor of the University
Section 10 - Life Fellowship of QUT
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QUT Council
Ensures proper and effective management and operation of the University, in particular:
Acts in a way most likely to promote QUT’s interests (s10, QUT Act).
Delegates authorities and powers to committees and University officers (s11, QUT Act).
Chairs QUT Council.
Assesses the performance of Council, its members and committees on a regular basis.
Determines the Vice-Chancellor and President's performance agreement and the process for review and assessment of their performance, on behalf of QUT Council.
Authorises arrangements for the management of the University during periods when the position of Vice-Chancellor and President is vacant or in transition, on behalf of QUT Council.