(1) Council must elect a Chancellor whenever there is a vacancy in the office. The term of office will not be longer than five years as determined by Council pursuant to section 30 of the Queensland University of Technology Act 1998 (the QUT Act). (2) Subject to the requirements set out in section 30(4) of the QUT Act, a person eligible for nomination to the office of Chancellor need not be a serving member of Council. (3) Council has determined the characteristics and attributes sought for the role of Chancellor, as set out in the role statement at section 3 of this Procedure. (4) Council will establish a Chancellor Nomination Panel: (5) The Panel will normally consist of the membership of the Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee, except that the current incumbent does not serve on the Panel. The Chancellor Nomination Panel may appoint an external member, being a current or recently retired Chancellor from another University. (6) If any member of the Panel wishes to be considered for the position of Chancellor or is otherwise unable to serve on the Panel, Council will nominate a replacement external member of Council to the Panel. (7) The Deputy Chancellor chairs the Panel. Where the Deputy Chancellor does not serve on the Panel, Council will appoint one of the external members of Council on the Panel to act as chair. (8) The Secretary to Council will be Secretary to the Chancellor Nomination Panel. (9) The Chancellor Nomination Panel is responsible for identifying suitable candidates and may choose to engage an external search firm to assist with the process of identifying a wide and highly qualified pool of candidates. (10) The Chancellor Nomination Panel may make such enquiries as it considers appropriate in respect of any potential candidate and will determine a shortlist of candidates. (11) The Chancellor Nomination Panel will meet with the shortlisted candidates to determine their interest, and provide information on the role and the level of commitment required. Candidates should be invited to respond to the Chair of the Panel within two weeks to indicate their availability. (12) The Chancellor Nomination Panel will then select a preferred candidate. (13) Nominations for the office of Chancellor are formally called by the Secretary to Council by email to Council members, as soon as practicable after any vacancy occurs. In the case of a vacancy which will arise due to the conclusion of the incumbent’s term, nominations should be called a minimum of 30 days prior to the expiration of the term. (14) A nomination of an eligible person as a candidate for election to the office of Chancellor must: (15) Nominations remain open for at least 7 days. (16) The Chancellor Nomination Panel will nominate the preferred candidate identified by the Panel’s search process. (17) If only one candidate is nominated for the office of Chancellor, the Secretary to Council will declare the candidate elected. (18) If more than one candidate is nominated for office, an election will be held by secret ballot consistent with the requirements of Council Procedure 7 - Conduct of Elections relating to the conduct of ballots and voting. (19) Where the incumbent has indicated a willingness to continue in the role of Chancellor at the conclusion of their current term, Council may decide to consider the incumbent for re-election without the requirement to establish a Chancellor Nomination Panel. In making this determination, Council should consider: (20) Provided that a submission is put to Council in writing in advance of a meeting addressing the matters set out in clause (19), the process set out in clause (14) is not required, and the election may be conducted at the Council meeting. Should a ballot be required, the Secretary to Council determines the procedures. (21) Council must elect a Deputy Chancellor whenever there is a vacancy in the office. Pursuant to section 31 of the QUT Act, the term of office will be no longer than two years as determined by Council. (22) A person nominated for the position of Deputy Chancellor must be a serving member of Council, filled on a rotating basis. (23) The Deputy Chancellor must meet the eligibility requirements of the Chancellor. The (24) Council may appoint one of its members as Acting Deputy Chancellor, in the absence of the Deputy Chancellor; or due to the inability of the Deputy Chancellor to act, or while the Deputy Chancellor is acting as Chancellor. (25) When a vacancy in the office of Deputy Chancellor occurs or the term of office is due to expire in 30 days, the Secretary to Council formally calls for nominations by email to Council members. (26) A nomination of an eligible person as a candidate for election to the office of Deputy Chancellor must: (27) Nominations remain open for at least 7 days. (28) If only one candidate is nominated for the office of Deputy Chancellor, the Secretary to Council will declare the candidate elected. (29) If more than one candidate is nominated for office, an election will be held by secret ballot consistent with the requirements of Council Procedure 7 - Conduct of Elections relating to the conduct of ballots and voting. (30) The Chancellor is the formal head of the University by virtue of being the chair of QUT’s governing body, Council, and presiding at its meetings. (31) As such, the Chancellor is responsible for the efficient operation of Council and for providing leadership to ensure it carries out its responsibilities in an effective manner. This includes: (32) The Chancellor on behalf of Council is specifically responsible for: (33) The Chancellor, in addition to their role as chair of Council, participates in committees as determined by Council and as set out in committee charters. (34) The Chancellor has a significant ceremonial role, including officiating at graduation ceremonies and attending University or related activities as either guest of honour, presenter or University representative. Some of these activities may be delegated to the Deputy Chancellor or another member of Council. (35) The Chancellor also has an outreach role, which not only includes their ceremonial role, but has a broader dimension in representing the University in the wider community. In particular, the fostering of meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships is an important activity for the University, whether these be with individuals, companies or governments. (36) Deep knowledge of contemporary governance practice, including extensive relevant experience as a company director or board chair in the private or not-for-profit sectors. (37) Collaborative leadership skills, specifically to promote the participation of the Council membership in setting the aims and strategies of the University and overseeing its management and operations. (38) Effective communication and interpersonal skills. (39) Personal integrity, a commitment to personal and professional ethics and the proper discharge of fiduciary obligations. (40) Deep commitment to education and the role of universities in society, and an understanding of and commitment to QUT, including its brand and positioning within the university sector. (41) External networks at senior levels in the public and private sectors, including deep linkages to the Brisbane, Queensland, national and international communities which QUT serves. (42) Availability to undertake University commitments. (43) The main role of the Deputy Chancellor is to: (44) When acting for the Chancellor, the Deputy Chancellor may be required to perform any of the duties detailed in Section 3 of this Policy, including the chairing of Council meetings as necessary. (45) On occasion, the Chancellor may request the Deputy Chancellor to undertake ceremonial duties on the Chancellor's behalf, as described in clause (34) of this Policy.Council Procedure 3 - Election of Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor
Section 1 - Chancellor
Requirements of QUT Act
Chancellor Nomination Panel
Candidate Search
Nomination and Election Process
Re-election of Chancellor
Section 2 - Deputy Chancellor
Requirements for Deputy Chancellor
Nominations and Election Process for Deputy Chancellor
Section 3 - Role Statement for Chancellor
Personal Attributes
Section 4 - Role of the Deputy Chancellor
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