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Council Procedure 8 - Council and Council Committee Remuneration

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Section 1 - Introduction

(1) QUT is a large and complex public enterprise, and it is in the University’s interest to attract experienced external members and, in so far as it is possible, remove any barriers to members fully engaging with the role. Appointed and additional member positions enable Government and Council to augment the expertise provided by QUT’s elected and ex-officio members. Remuneration is an important means of attracting a wider pool of talent from the community and provides opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds. QUT Council members and external members on Council committees provide a significant contribution to the community through participation on QUT Council and its committees. Remunerating external members acknowledges this contribution and recognises that good corporate governance contributes towards the University’s sustained and long-term value.

(2) QUT Council members have the same governance responsibilities, liabilities, and obligations and while each members contribution is equally valued and recognised, it is acknowledged that certain positions have an increased workload by virtue of the critical leadership roles with additional responsibilities.

(3) It is also recognised that external Council committee members who are not a member of QUT Council contribute extensive expertise and guidance, essential for effective corporate governance.

(4) Remuneration will be based on the relative guides and may not reflect commercial compensation rates, but payment will be set at levels that reflect the spirit of community service which external members bring to their service.

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Section 2 - Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee

(5) Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee on delegated authority from Council, is responsible for determining the remuneration of the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor and other Council members and external Council committee members.

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Section 3 - Remuneration

(6) Remuneration levels are established, determined and reviewed by Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee.

(7) Remuneration levels are determined after examining and considering the following:

  1. workload and responsibilities as compared to comparable boards;
  2. remuneration of external members of governing bodies in the Australian higher education sector, including comparisons based on size, location, and budget;
  3. levels of remuneration of board members of government entities (Queensland and Commonwealth);
  4. fee levels for board members of large not-for-profit entities where available; and
  5. periodic review/indexing of remuneration amount.

(8) The following QUT Council members do not receive remuneration levels:

  1. official or ex officio members (QUT Act, s13(b) and (c));
  2. elected staff members;
  3. elected student members;
  4. any member who chooses not to be paid.
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Section 4 - Remuneration Levels

(9) External members of Council receive a fixed payment to cover QUT Council membership responsibilities.

(10) The Chancellor's payment includes Council responsibilities and all activities associated with the role.

(11) The Deputy Chancellor receives an additional payment for the role of Deputy Chancellor

(12) An appointed or additional Council member receives a base payment for QUT Council membership responsibilities and may receive additional payments in accordance with clause (11).

(13) Additional payments are provided for the Chair of a Council committee i.e. Finance and Planning Committee and Risk and Audit Committee or for an external Council member appointed to a Council committee, in recognition of the higher workload.

(14) External members who are not Council members serving on Council committees receive a payment for the provision of expert advice and guidance.

Chancellor $80,000 p.a.
Payment for appointed/additional Council members $25,000 p.a.
Additional payment for Deputy Chancellor $15,000 p.a.
Additional payment for Chairs of Finance and Planning Committee and Risk and Audit Committee $10,000 p.a.
Additional payment for external Council members on Council committees $5,000 p.a.
Payment for an external member who is not a Council member serving on a Council committee $5,000 p.a.

(15) If an appointed or additional member is absent from meetings for an extended period without the leave of the Chancellor then remuneration payments may be adjusted, reduced or suspended at the discretion of the Chancellor.

(16) If an external member on a Council committee is absent from meetings for an extended period without the leave of the Chair then remuneration payments may be adjusted, reduced, or suspended at the Chair’s discretion.

(17) It is the responsibility of each external member to obtain independent financial, taxation and/or legal advice in relation to the payment of remuneration.

(18) The University’s payroll department is responsible for making payments with all transactions recorded in the payroll system. Remuneration payments as set out above will be paid fortnightly via the University’s staff payroll system and are exclusive of superannuation.

(19) Remuneration cannot be paid to companies, trusts or any other natural or legal person other than the external member.

(20) External Council members and external members of Council committees may choose not to be remunerated. It is the responsibility of the member to advise the Chancellor if they make this choice.

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Section 5 - Monitoring, Review and Reporting

(21) This Council Procedure is monitored and reviewed by Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee as required.

(22) Remuneration levels are fixed for the four-year QUT Council term and will be reviewed at least six months prior to a new Council term for the benefit of the incoming QUT Council and its committees.

(23) In reviewing remuneration levels, Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee will take external advice and have regard to levels of remuneration paid by other Queensland based universities, State Government Guidelines and community expectations.

(24) Remuneration levels will be reported to QUT Council and the remuneration of external members and external members on Council committees will be reported in the University’s annual financial report in accordance with Queensland Government Annual Accounting Reporting requirements.

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Section 6 - Reimbursement of Expenses and Other Benefits

(25) A QUT Council member or an external member serving on a Council committee is entitled to claim reasonable expenses as per clause (76) of Council Procedure 1 - Committee Operations.

(26) Parking permits for Council members to attend QUT campuses for meetings and other activities is provided on a yearly basis.

(27) QUT Council members are covered by the University’s Directors and Officers Insurance Policy.

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Section 7 - QUT Enterprise Agreements

(28) The University’s Enterprise Agreements do not apply to external members in their capacity as QUT Council members.

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Section 8 - Definitions

Term Definition
External Council member on QUT Council Includes the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, appointed Governor in Council members and nominated additional members.
External member on a Council Committee External members who are not Council members include external members serving on Finance and Planning Committee and Risk and Audit Committee.