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Council Procedure 2 - Reappointment of the Vice-Chancellor and President

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Section 1 - Introduction

(1) Council is responsible for appointing the Vice-Chancellor and President (QUT Act Section 32, QUT Council). The Vice-Chancellor and President position is a senior staff position of the University and is subject to the terms of the individual employment contract and the policies of the University, where applicable.

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Section 2 - Policy

(2) Renewal of fixed-term senior staff positions is subject to the Senior Staff Group Policy. Fixed-term appointments may be renewed at the discretion of the University for periods of up to five years.

(3) Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee reviews, and approves on delegated authority of Council, the remuneration and conditions of the Vice-Chancellor and President to ensure that remuneration and conditions of the Vice-Chancellor and President are competitive and commensurate with the responsibilities of the office, and performance.

(4) The intent of the policy and procedures which apply to senior staff are preserved in the following procedures. The purpose of the procedures is to deal with necessary variations to timelines, activities and the authorising officer, reflecting the nature of the position and the requirement for Council to establish clarity on the leadership of the University within an appropriate timeframe.

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Section 3 - Procedures

(5) A minimum of 12 months prior to the expiration of the Vice-Chancellor and President's appointment the Secretary to Council, on behalf of Council, will write to the Vice-Chancellor and President seeking advice as to whether they are seeking a renewal of their contract.

(6) The Vice-Chancellor and President provides this written advice to the Chancellor and Secretary to Council within three weeks.

(7) On the basis of this advice, the Chancellor will take a submission to Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee which will make a recommendation to Council on the renewal/non-renewal of the fixed-term appointment. The recommendation will be based upon the needs of the University and the on-going performance achievements of the Vice-Chancellor and President during the fixed-term appointment, with specific reference to documentation arising from the annual performance review. The Committee may request additional information in support of the final recommendation.

(8) Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee will make a recommendation to Council regarding any offer of reappointment, and the duration of a further fixed-term appointment.

(9) Council is required to advise the Vice-Chancellor and President of the University's intention to renew or not renew the appointment no less than nine months and up to 12 months prior to the expiration of the fixed-term appointment.

(10) The terms and conditions of any reappointment will be negotiated by the Chancellor through Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee, consistent with Council's delegation.