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Transport and Mobility Management Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The University is committed to delivering best practice and sustainable transport and mobility services to the QUT community. The transport and mobility framework embraces and supports the key priorities of Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 and Schedule 1, Control of traffic and conduct on university land, set out in the Queensland University of Technology Act 1998 and outlines how the University manages, plans, regulates and controls the access, presence, parking and use of vehicles on QUT premises.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove campuses, and any other QUT owned sites. The Policy applies to the use of parking, transport and mobility services and facilities managed by the University. It applies to staff, students and visitors to QUT and includes parking, permits and enforcement on QUT campuses, QUT Fleet, QUT inter-campus bus and other mobility services to, from and between campuses.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Approves parking fees and variations to parking fees.
Approves procedures relating to parking regulations and penalties linked to legislative requirements.
Director, Campus Services
Is responsible for the strategic direction and management of transport and mobility services.
Provides advice on traffic and parking issues in relation to infrastructure projects.
Authorises closure of carparks for health and safety or emergency purposes.
Approves parking bay allocations and locations to ensure the fair, equitable, safe and efficient use of available parking.
Manager, Security and Emergency Management
Appoints authorised persons under Schedule 1 Control of traffic and conduct on University land as per Queensland University of Technology Act 1998.
Manager, Integrated Transport Services
Provides advice on transport related policy and strategy.
Approves parking and transport operational plans in accordance with the Estate Master Plan.
Approves operational procedures for transport services.
Is responsible for the delivery, management, co-ordination and monitoring overall performance of Integrated Transport Services.
Identifies infrastructure projects for further consideration through appropriate University channels.
Administers the University's parking policy/procedures.
Manages day to day operations for:
  1. parking and enforcement, contracts, equipment and systems;
  2. the University’s vehicle fleet; and
  3. the inter-campus bus.
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Section 4 - Relationship to TEQSA Threshold Standards

(3) This Policy has no relation to any TEQSA Threshold Standards.

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Section 5 - Transport and Mobility Planning

(4) Transport and mobility planning is an integral part of estate planning and QUT’s objective and principles for transport and mobility are included in the Estate Master Plan. Setting priorities for transport and mobility and managing the measurement and reduction of travel related carbon emissions within the scope of this Policy is the responsibility of Campus Services.

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Section 6 - Parking and Enforcement

(5) Parking on campus is limited and is regulated by the Queensland University of Technology Act 1998. The Director, Campus Services, is responsible for, collection of parking fees and all parking bay allocations to ensure the fair, equitable, safe and efficient use of available parking.

(6) Parking management includes:

  1. establishing the location, limits, terms and conditions and key strategies for private parking on campus, including staff and student parking, visitor parking, disability, motorcycle and contractor parking;
  2. establishing pricing strategies and travel programs to advocate sustainable travel behaviour; and
  3. maintaining traffic infrastructure  and parking signage on campus.

(7) Parking regulations are enforced and penalties apply for breaches. Enforcement management includes:

  1. managing breaches of parking regulations;
  2. managing appeals for waiver of an infringement; and
  3. accepting payments for infringements where payment is made within the allowable time period.

(8) Further information on parking, parking fees, permits, enforcement, appeals for waiver, public transport, share vehicles, ridesharing and active travel options is available on the Transport services and Parking websites (QUT staff access only).

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Section 7 - Fleet services

(9) The overall management of QUT fleet and the objective of reducing vehicle emissions is provided by Director, Campus Services. This includes:

  1. managing QUT fleet vehicles in a way which supports QUT priorities;
  2. providing flexible hire through non-fleet options for staff and students if and where appropriate;
  3. ensuring general pool vehicles are maintained to a high standard;
  4. acquisition, replacement and operating costs of general pool vehicles;
  5. bookings for general pool vehicles;
  6. the provision of procedures regarding proper care and use and of general pool vehicles; and
  7. the management and maintenance of a fleet management system for booking and asset management.

Fleet Vehicle Categories

(10) Vehicle organisation within the University is categorised by the following:

General Vehicle Pool

(11) General pool vehicles are available for business use by QUT staff under rules established for the operation of a centrally-managed vehicle pool. Vehicles are located on the Kelvin Grove and Gardens Point campuses. Where a University vehicle is not available due to prior commitment, a hire vehicle may be utilised.

(12) The size of the general vehicle pool will be subject to regular review as will the number of vehicles on each campus. Any review would include consideration of unfulfilled requests for a vehicle on each site, staff use of private vehicles for University business, and use of taxis and other hire vehicles.

(13) The acquisition, replacement and operating costs of general pool vehicles are funded through the Campus Services recurrent budget.

(14) Full terms and conditions relating to the use and hire of the general vehicle pool is available on the Transport services - Vehicle hire website (QUT staff access only).

Specific Purpose Vehicles

(15) Specific purpose vehicles are utilised by different QUT areas for identified needs and are managed by a nominated vehicle manager in the area they are allocated. Vehicle managers are responsible for servicing and maintenance of vehicles and the provision of operating procedures regarding proper care and use of the vehicles and procedures to be adopted by drivers in the case of breakdown, accident and other emergencies.

(16) Some faculties manage four-wheel drive vehicles. These are not available through the general vehicle pool. All drivers who use a four-wheel drive vehicle off road must have completed a nationally recognised four-wheel drive training course within the past five years. Recovery equipment (such as snatch straps and winch controls) will ony be issued to accredited drivers.

(17) The use of a four-wheel drive vehicle for field trips, and for off road or overnight use may require users to submit a Risk Management Plan to the relevant vehicle manager before the vehicle booking is accepted. The Vehicle operations and traffic management procedure (QUT staff access only), available from the Department of Health, Safety and Environment provides further information if a risk assessment is required.

Servicing and Maintenance

(18) Servicing will be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications as set out in the service manual for that vehicle.

Replacement and Acquisition of Vehicles

(19) All decisions regarding QUT vehicle replacement and acquisitions should follow approved purchasing and procurement processes and/or strategies for Procuring motor vehicles (QUT staff access only) implemented by Finance Operations.


(20) If a University vehicle is involved in an accident which may have caused injury to a person or damage to any vehicle or property, all relevant facts must be recorded and reported. The instructions to be followed in the event of an accident are recorded using an approved process provided to the driver when the vehicle is collected. Under no circumstances should the driver admit liability. Guidelines and procedures for reporting accidents are outlined for drivers on the Motor vehicle insurance website (QUT staff access only) and a guide is available in the glovebox of each vehicle.

(21) An incident or accident which occurs to a general pool vehicle must be reported to Integrated Transport Services and also in the HSE Hub - Incident Management System.

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Section 8 - Use of Private Vehicles on Official Business

(22) Use of privately owned vehicles for official University business should be minimised. The University accepts no responsibility for damage to a private vehicle. Privately owned vehicles may be used:

  1. on official business, such as nursing and teaching practice, where it may not be efficient to use a University vehicle or alternative; and
  2. when an appropriate University vehicle is not available, public transport is not reasonably available, and it is uneconomical to hire a vehicle from a commercial provider.

(23) Persons wishing to use a private vehicle on University business must have approval from their Head of School/department/section. Further information on current rates for mileage claims for use of privately-owned vehicles, is available on the Finance - Payroll website (QUT staff access only).

(24) It is in the best interests of employees and the University that employees who use a private vehicle on University business declare on the application form for compulsory third-party insurance that the vehicle is used for 'private/business' purposes. This declaration involves no increase in insurance premium or motor vehicle registration fee.

(25) Liability for property damage arising from use of a private vehicle will not be accepted by the University.

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Section 9 - Campus Shuttle Bus and Night Safe Transfer Service

(26) The University provides transport options including a night safe transfer service and inter-campus travel for staff and students which are free of charge. Further information and timetables for the inter-campus shuttle bus and information relating to the night safe transfer service are available on the Transport services website (QUT staff access only).

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Section 10 - Active transport and Public transport

(27) Secure facilities, including end of trip facilities and lockers, as well as external bike racks are provided for the parking of bicycles and personal mobility devices or rideables such as scooters, segways and skateboards. Staff and students should use the secure facilities to reduce the risk of theft and ensure that bicycles and other personal mobility devices or rideables are properly and safely secured.

(28) For safety, and to protect University property, bicycles, and personal mobility devices or rideables are not permitted to be ridden through pedestrian areas on campus and should not be taken in buildings, building foyers or elevators, except where the personal mobility device or rideable is being placed in a locker or secure facility. In these instances it must be walked through the building. 

(29) The Queensland Government has specific rules for the use of personal mobility devices and rideables in Queensland with which users must comply whilst on QUT campuses and facilities. 

(30) Public and/or active travel are the preferred options for travel to campus. Campus Services advocates for improved public transport services and improvements to active transport access for QUT staff and students.

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Section 11 - Delegations

(31) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (VC034, VC214) (QUT staff access only).

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Section 12 - Definitions

Term Definitions
Enforcement Refers to Schedule 1 Control of traffic and conduct on university land as per Queensland University of Technology Act 1998 (Schedule 1, s1).
On Demand Services Refers to transport services which are able to be booked by individuals and are available based on the demand.
Parking  Refers specifically to parking allocation, parking services and parking related technology on QUT campuses available for staff, students, visitors, and maintenance and service vehicles.