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Art Collections and Cultural Venues Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The QUT Art Museum, Old Government House, art collection and QUT venues support the University's strategy of connecting and engaging with QUT’s stakeholders.

(2) This Policy outlines how these assets, are developed and managed strategically to support the University’s goals.

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Section 2 - Application

(3) This Policy applies to:

  1. museums and collections owned by QUT or of which QUT is the long term custodian;
  2. artwork identified as part of the QUT Art Collection; and
  3. the management of Old Government House, QUT art museums and QUT venues for specific exhibitions, events and retail uses to support the University’s goals.  

(4) The requirements set out in this Policy do not apply to museums and collections established by Executive Deans of faculty and Heads of Division without formal University status.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Position Responsibility
Designates University museums and collections.
Approves the disestablishment of a University museum or collection, including the deaccession and disposal of all holdings.
Vice-Chancellor and President
Approves acquisition of art works, on recommendation of Executive Director, Advancement.
Approves the establishment of a locally managed museum or collection.
Approves the disestablishment including deaccession and disposal of an entire locally managed museum or collection.
Museum/collection advisory group Provides oversight to the management of a specific museum or collection where required.
Executive Director, Alumni and Engagement
Identifies opportunities for collaboration/partnership with Australian and international universities, companies and museums, and other agencies.
Determines the exhibition program in line with strategic and operational planning processes within the Alumni and Engagement Department.
Recommends acquisition of art works to the Vice-Chancellor and President.
Approves deaccessioning of art works.
Annually reports to the Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Financial Officer, in writing of artworks acquired for or de-accessioned from the collection during that year.
Manages Old Government House, museums and QUT venues as premium spaces to connect and engage QUT and the broader community to support the University’s missions.
Undertakes engagement with faculties, and QUT partners to determine the use of Old Government House, museums and QUT venues.
Identifies and manages opportunities for filming on campus, including student placement opportunities in coordination with faculties.
Director, QUT Galleries and Museums
Develops and manages annual program of exhibitions and other activities relating to the collection, including public engagement and outreach.
Develops and maintains the QUT Art Collection as a collection of a national significance.
Recommends acquisition and deaccessioning of works to the Executive Director, Alumni and Engagement.
Director, Campus Services
Manages the use and occupancy of retail spaces in Old Government House.
Collaborates with the Engagement Portfolio on opportunities to maximise use of Old Government House.
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Section 4 - Old Government House, QUT Art Museums, Art Collections and Venues

(5) Old Government House (OGH) is a heritage building on QUT’s Gardens Point campus. OGH is owned by the State of Queensland and QUT is a long-standing tenant and custodian of the building. OGH houses the William Robinson Gallery, is utilised as premium engagement venue and houses food and beverage retail spaces.

(6) Council approves the designation of a University museum or art collection. This designation is based on QUT’s long term commitment to the museum or collection, which should enhance QUT’s strategic objectives and opportunities for community engagement. A University museum or Art collection receives an allocation of central funds for its management.

(7) Each University museum or art collection operates in accordance with a written mission statement, strategic plan, and policies and procedures, which will specify the purpose of the collection, and the proposed manner of acquisition, display and disposal of objects. These documents will be developed in accordance with and guided by relevant industry standards for the museum profession.

(8) Oversight of a museum or art collection may be undertaken by an advisory group which includes appropriate management and specialist expertise. Where a museum or art collection includes a significant number of donated or loaned works, the owner or donor may be a member of the advisory group. The advisory group provides guidance on relevant policies and procedures for the museum or art collection, including procedures for acquisition and disposal of individual works within the collection.

(9) Council has designated two museums: the QUT Art Museum and the William Robinson Gallery.  

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Section 5 - Old Government House

(10) Old Government House is utilised to meet QUT objectives as follows:

  1. For use as a premium engagement venue and filming location.
    1. Decisions related to the use of all Old Government House rooms and spaces for events, filming and other opportunities requiring access and use of the site are managed by the Executive Director, Alumni and Engagement.
  2. For use as a retail space.
    1. Decisions related to leasing, fit out and management of retail spaces within Old Government House are managed by Director, Campus Services.
  3. For display of the QUT Art Collection, specifically the William Robinson Gallery.
    1. Decisions related to the display and management of the Art Collection are managed by the Director, QUT Galleries and Museums.
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Section 6 - QUT Art Collection

(11) The QUT Art Collection is a University collection which contributes to a national network of collections held in museums Australia-wide and is intrinsically important to QUT and Queensland. The QUT Art Collection is managed and conserved in accordance with National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries by the Director, QUT Galleries and Museums.

(12) It is developed according to the following objectives:

  1. to procure major works that assist in contextualising existing holdings;
  2. to build upon existing strengths by filling prominent gaps and extending current holdings;
  3. to promote creative experimentation and innovation in contemporary art through the acquisition and commissioning of new work, thus ensuring the relevance of the collection for contemporary audiences;
  4. to acknowledge the importance of new technology in contemporary art;
  5. to advance QUT's commitment to sustainable reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian people by the collection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art;
  6. to develop the collection of works by William Robinson as a unique cultural resource of national significance; and
  7. to represent the best of contemporary Australian and Queensland art, including the acquisition of works by identified key QUT-trained artists.


(13) The QUT Art Collection is exhibited in the QUT Art Museum and Old Government House which houses the William Robinson Gallery, and from time to time in exhibitions touring to other venues regionally, nationally and internationally.

(14) In addition, the QUT Art Collection will be exhibited across QUT campuses for the benefit of the QUT community and visitors. With the exception of the offices of senior staff of the University, artworks are only displayed in areas that are publicly accessible, and the display space must meet minimum aesthetic, security and environmental standards as assessed by the Director, QUT Galleries and Museums.

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Section 7 - Acquisitions to Museums and Collections

(15) QUT will acquire and maintain only those objects of collectable or intrinsic significance which meet and enhance the goals and objectives of the particular museum or collectionAcquisitions for the QUT Art Collection must add further depth, strength and distinction to the collection.

(16) All permanent acquisitions require a clear legal title to be established for the acquisition to proceed. The title will pass to the University upon acquisition and not to any individual or organisational unit. University museums and collections will formally accession, catalogue and maintain objects acquired.


(17) All loans to or from QUT museums or art collections (including for the purpose of exhibitions) are subject to loan conditions specified in writing and will include the proposed term and responsibility for transportation, conservation, security and insurance. Loans will be made to the University and not to any individual or organisational unit.

Gifts and Bequests

(18) The University will accept gifts and bequests of works where such items meet the QUT Art Collection objectives. Gifts are accepted only where the donor has clear legal title to the work and complete and unconditional transfer from the donor is made to QUT.

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Section 8 - Deaccession and Disposal from Museums and Collections

(19) The disestablishment of a museum or collection, including the deaccessioning and disposal of the entire collection's works, may not proceed without Council approval.

(20) The deaccession and disposal of an object in a University museum or collection occurs only in accordance with the policies and procedures established for the relevant collection.

(21) Within the QUT Art Collection, the University periodically deaccessions works to which it has clear legal title, including gifts and bequests, in order to refine and enhance the collection. The curator makes a recommendation for the deaccessioning and disposal method, based on the following criteria:

  1. duplication;
  2. inferior quality;
  3. insufficient documentation to support authenticity;
  4. irrelevance to the collection;
  5. irreparable damage;
  6. repatriation of cultural material to an Indigenous community with proof of a valid claim;
  7. any special conditions which pertained to the work’s acquisition;
  8. theft or loss.

(22) Once an artwork has been approved for deaccessioning it is disposed of by gift, sale or exchange to another public museum or art collection. If this is not possible, then one of the following processes is pursued:

  1. private sale, sale through a reputable, established dealer or sale by public auction;
  2. upgrading by exchange for a comparable artwork by the same artist; or
  3. destruction (where unsafe or deteriorated beyond repair).

(23) Appropriate documentation including photographs and catalogue details of the artwork are maintained as an official record of the deaccessioning and disposal of an artwork from the collection.

(24) Where possible, funds obtained from the sale of deaccessioned artworks will be applied to the purchase of other works for the QUT Art Collection, with the purchase to appropriately acknowledge the original gift or bequest where applicable.

(25) Artworks donated under the Cultural Gifts Program (CGP) identified for deaccessioning will not be returned to the donor as the donor has already received the benefit of a tax deduction for the gift.

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Section 9 - QUT Venues

(26) QUT provides premium event spaces, designated as QUT venues, to support the University’s goals. The QUT venues spaces encompass:

  1. museum spaces (QUT Art Museum, William Robinson Gallery);
  2. Gardens Theatre;
  3. Old Government House;
  4. Room 360; and
  5. self-managed event spaces on both campuses including, but not limited to, the:
    1. Gibson Room
    2. Owen J Wordsworth room; and
    3. Peter Coaldrake Space.

(27) Decisions related to the use, booking and management of all QUT venues is managed by the Executive Director, Alumni and Engagement.

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Section 10 - Definitions

Term Definition
Disposal Is the physical removal of an item from a collection, after it has been formally deaccessioned.
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Section 11 - Delegations

(28) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C161, C162, C163, C164, C169) (QUT staff access only).