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Academic Award Documents Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) QUT issues several types of official academic award documents which verify the studies and qualifications of individual students and graduates. This Policy describes these official academic award documents and the management of the process for their issuance.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to accredited courses completed at QUT and of Queensland University of Technology predecessors (Our History).

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Position Responsibility
Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar Certifies official academic award documents issued to students and graduates.

In exceptional circumstances, approves proposals to dual-badge award parchments for a particular course and determines the final form of any dual-badged parchment.
Director, Student Administration Manages the process for the issuance of official academic award documents to graduates and students.
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Section 4 - Official Academic Award Documents

(3) QUT issues three types of official academic award documents in respect of award courses:

  1. Academic record.
  2. Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS).
  3. Award parchment.

Academic Record

(4) An academic record details all academic activity undertaken by a student or graduate at QUT and Queensland University of Technology predecessors (Our History) including courses, units, and other enrolment information concerning a student’s academic status.

(5) Students and graduates of the University may request an academic record at any time during or upon completion of their studies on a fee-for-service basis. 

Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement

(6) An Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) is issued to graduating students upon conferral of a particular higher education award. The statement describes a higher education qualification in an understandable way, with a description of the nature, level, context and status of studies completed. Its purpose is to assist in both national and international recognition of Australian qualifications and to promote international mobility and professional recognition of graduates.

(7) Graduates receive one statement for each award they complete. In the case of double degree courses, two statements are provided (one for each degree) in line with the provision of one parchment for each degree.

(8) If an error has been identified in the original Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS), a replacement statement will be issued free of charge. A fee may be charged in other cases, including requests for additional copies.

(9) The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) will adhere to the Guidelines for the presentation of Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements set out by the Australian government.

Award Parchment

(10) Award parchments are issued to graduates who have completed their course requirements and who have had an award conferred (Conferral, Graduation and Academic Dress Policy). Award parchments are issued under the QUT Seal Policy.

(11) University Academic Board may approve the recording of one study area on award parchments. Information about which study areas are approved for inclusion on award parchments can be found on QUT’s Active Course List website or in the Award Courses Policy.

(12) Two award parchments are issued for double degree awards (one for each degree component).

(13) In exceptional circumstances, the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar may approve a proposal to dual-badge award parchments for a particular course. A dual-badge award parchment presents both institutions’ logos, seals and other distinguishing details. This approval should occur prior to the formal approval of the specified course.

(14) The parchment does not list individual units studied (these appear on the academic record and the AHEGS). Non-Award study does not receive an award parchment.

(15) Award parchments are provided upon conferral of an award and generally upon attendance at a graduation event. A complimentary digital copy of an award parchment is provided to graduates and issued within 10 working days from conferral of an award. Students who graduated prior to September 2019 may request a digital award parchment on a fee-for-service basis.

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Section 5 - Digital Documents

(16) Where digital versions are provided by QUT they will consist of all verified components of the award documents, with an additional annotation stating that the digital reproduction has been officially certified and approved by the institution. 

(17) QUT uses ‘My eQuals’, a depository used by Australian and New Zealand universities as a digital platform to securely store, view and share academic award documents.

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Section 6 - Replacement and Substitute Award Parchments

Conditions under which Award Parchments may be Replaced or Substituted

(18) Replacement parchments or substitute parchments will be issued free of charge where the original was lost or damaged in transmission by the University, or defective upon initial issuing by the University. In all other cases, a fee will be charged. 

(19) Where the original parchment has been lost by the graduate, a statutory declaration must be submitted by the graduate, providing a statement to that effect. 

(20) Where the original parchment was defective or has been damaged, it must be returned to the University. If this cannot be done, a statutory declaration must be submitted providing a statement to that effect.

(21) Where the original parchment requires a change of name, the graduate must provide documentary evidence of the new name.

Form of Replacement or Substitute Parchments

(22) All replacement parchments and substitute parchments will be produced using the QUT proforma current at the time of issue and will incorporate the signatures of the incumbent authorised persons in accordance with the QUT Seal Policy, Award parchments.

(23) The student's name on replacement parchments and substitute parchments will be the same as on the original parchment unless they have requested a change of name.

(24) Replacement parchments will carry no endorsement where the original parchment can be replicated in every respect. The University cannot guarantee to provide replicas in every instance. However, where there has been any change in the proforma itself, the QUT seal, or the signatories, and no stock of the original is available, a replacement parchment will be endorsed in accordance with established practice.

(25) Substitute parchments will carry an endorsement in every case, in accordance with established practice.

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Section 7 - Variations to Policy Application

(26) In exceptional circumstances, the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar may approve variations to the application of this Policy.

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Section 8 - Delegations

(27) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (C036 and C135) (QUT staff access only).