(1) The Student Ombudsman Office has been established by QUT to ensure students receive fair and equitable treatment. It provides a confidential, independent and impartial resource for the resolution of formal and informal student grievances and complaints relating to administrative and academic decisions. (2) The services provided by the Student Ombudsman Office are available to all students and immediate past students as defined in the Grievance Resolution Procedures for Student Related Grievances. (3) The primary functions of the Student Ombudsman Office are: (4) The Student Ombudsman attends University Appeals Committee by invitation. (5) The Student Ombudsman and Deputy Student Ombudsman are QUT staff. (6) The University recognises that the Student Ombudsman and Deputy Student Ombudsman must maintain neutrality, independence and confidentiality in performing their role. The Student Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudsman have direct access to all levels of the University, including senior officers such as the Vice-Chancellor and President, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic), as well as Executive Deans of faculty and Heads of School, academic and administrative staff. (7) The Student Ombudsman can: (8) Where a conflict of interest arises which may compromise the Student Ombudsman or Deputy Student Ombudsman's independence and impartiality (e.g. where a matter arises from an academic activity or administrative decision in which the Student Ombudsman has had a direct involvement), the matter will be referred to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) for resolution. (9) The Grievance Resolution Procedures for Student Related Grievances provides the resolution process.Student Ombudsman Office Policy
Section 1 - Role of Student Ombudsman
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
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Section 4 - Functions of the Student Ombudsman Office
Section 5 - Status of Student Ombudsman and Deputy Student Ombudsman
Section 6 - Grievances and Dispute Resolution
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Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)
Provides administrative oversight of the Student Ombudsman Office.
Student Ombudsman
Fulfils the functions of the Student Ombudsman Office.
Maintains procedures for the impartial management of student related grievances.
Provides recommendations for innovation and improvement in student standards, practices and procedures.
Reports annually to the Vice-Chancellor and President, via the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) on the functions of the Student Ombudsman Office each academic year using de-identified aggregate data.
Deputy Student Ombudsman
Undertakes role of Student Ombudsman in their absence.