(1) QUT is committed to providing clear information to ensure students are aware of the requirement to complete their course within the maximum allowable time. (2) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the procedural information provided on the HiQ website - Grades, Reviews and Academic Issues (QUT staff and student access only). (3) This Policy applies to domestic and international students, research, post graduate and undergraduate students and award courses. (4) Time limits are measured in calendar years from the first day of the first teaching period in which the student was enrolled in a particular course of study or discipline. Periods of exclusion, periods of approved leave of absence or other approved periods of interruption will be included in the calculation of time limits. (5) Students re-admitted to a course after non-approved periods of leave will also have this time included in the calculation of time limits. (6) Students granted advanced standing may have the maximum completion time reduced by the full time equivalent of the credit points granted. (7) In the case of research degree students, time limits are measured from the first day of enrolment in the research degree. (8) Section 5 of the Academic Progress Policy on exceeding course limits provides details on consequences. (9) Students excluded because of failure to complete a course within time limits have the right of appeal (Section 11, Academic Progress Policy). (10) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (QUT staff access only). (11) Student Administration procedures for identifying students that are in breach of maximum time limits for their course. (12) Academic breach management procedures, including show cause and appeal procedures.Time Limits for Completion of an Award Course Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
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Section 4 - Measurement of Time Limits
Section 5 - Consequence of Exceeding Time Limits
Section 6 - Course Level Time Limits
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Course level
Time limit
Maximum time: normally 4 years full-time; 8 years part-time
Maximum time: normally 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time
Section 7 - Definitions
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Means a student is not permitted to enrol in any units forming part of the program they have been excluded from.
Indicates that academic progress has been unsatisfactory.
Section 8 - Delegations
Section 9 - Supporting Procedures
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University Academic Board
Specifies time limits for completion of an award course, and may impose different time limits for different categories of courses.
Director, Student Administration
Manages the maximum time process (by Student Administration) on behalf of the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar.
Ensure they maintain satisfactory academic progression to ensure completion of their course within specified time limits.
Doctoral degrees
In accordance with specific course requirements.
Masters degrees by research
In accordance with specific course requirements.
Graduate diplomas and masters degree courses equivalent to two years of full-time study
Maximum time 5 years
Graduate diplomas, graduate certificates, honours degrees, and masters degrees equivalent to one year of full-time study
Maximum time 3 years
Graduate diplomas and masters degrees equivalent to one and a half years of full-time study
Maximum time 4 years
Bachelor degrees and diploma courses equivalent to three years of full-time study
Maximum time 8 years
Bachelor degree courses including double degree and bachelor honours cluster qualifications courses equivalent to at least four years of full-time study
Maximum time 9 years
Associate degree and associate diploma courses
Maximum time 5 years
Graduate certificate courses equivalent to half a year of full-time study
Maximum time 3 years
Probationary Enrolment
Time Limits
Are the maximum time allowed to complete a course.