(1) QUT is committed to becoming a research-intensive University and to strengthening international collaboration in research. The purpose of this Policy is to outline how, in pursuing these aims, QUT ensures that its research activities comply with trade controls legislation. (2) All QUT staff, students, and any individual undertaking (or associated with or involved in) research activities, including collaboration, engagement and procurement activities associated with QUT research must comply with this Policy and the compliance framework, which includes the Trade Controls Internal Compliance Plan and associated guidelines and procedures. (3) Trade controls laws support Australia's international obligations to prevent goods, software and technology that can be used in conventional and weapons of mass destruction programs, from getting into the wrong hands. The University and its staff and students are required to be compliant with these laws. (4) QUT staff and students are required to apply for a Defence Export Controls (DEC) permit for any tangible export, intangible transfer or supply, or the brokering of goods, software and technology listed in the Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL). (5) QUT Chief Investigators/Principal Investigators must obtain the relevant licence, permit, notice or approval from the Australian Government (and for ITAR/EAR approvals the US government) and comply with the terms and conditions of that licence, permit, notice or approval. (6) QUT staff and students need to be vigilant about their obligations and responsibilities, in particular the need to apply for the appropriate permit, permission or approval where their export, supply, publication, training or brokering activities may expose them to potential criminal penalties. (7) Arrangements for complying with this Policy are to be in accordance with the Trade Controls Internal Compliance Plan. (8) Breaches of Policy, or procedures approved in accordance with the policy, should be reported to the Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity. (9) Breaches of this Policy may be considered to be a breach of the QUT Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research or other student or staff code of conduct and may have consequences for QUT and individuals under criminal or civil provisions of trade controls laws or general law. (10) The Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity must keep records of notices, permits or approvals issued to QUT by the Defence Export Controls and be able to readily produce these records for internal audits conducted under the Trade Controls Internal Compliance Plan (or otherwise) or external audits conducted by the relevant regulators. (11) Records must be maintained in the corporate records system in accordance with the University’s Records Governance Policy. (12) An annual report on QUT’s compliance with trade controls laws will be made to the University. (13) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (VC190) (QUT staff access only).Trade Controls for Goods, Software, Technology and Services Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Obligations
Section 5 - Compliance and Breach of Policy
Section 6 - Recordkeeping and Monitoring
Section 7 - Reporting
Section 8 - Definitions
Means when a person or organisation acts as an agent or intermediary in arranging the 'supply' of Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) goods, software and technology between two people and places located outside of Australia. For the activity to be considered brokering, the 'person' must receive money or a non-cash benefit or advance their political, religious or ideological cause for arranging the 'supply'.
Defence Export Controls (DEC)
Means the Australian Government Department of Defence, Defence Exports Controls office.
Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL)
Means the tangible export of physical items out of the Australian border (this can include tangible forms of controlled technology such as on storage devices or paper).
Internal Compliance Plan (ICP)
Is the QUT Trade Controls Internal Compliance Plan.
Is when items on the Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) are made available to the public or to a section of the public via the internet or otherwise. Publication controls apply to anyone in Australia, or an Australian citizen or resident or Australian organisation located anywhere in the world.
Is when someone in Australia provides technology included on the Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) to another person outside of Australia. Examples include supply via email or fax, or by providing someone outside of Australia with passwords to access controlled technology stored electronically.
Means Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) controlled specific information necessary for the development, production or use of a product. This information takes the form of technical data or technical assistance. Specified technology for the DSGL Dual-Use (Part 2) List is defined in the General Technology Note and in the Dual-Use List. Specified technology for the Munitions List (Part 1) is specified in the DSGL ML22.
Technology and Goods Control Plan (TGCP)
Is a documented and approved plan for the management of controlled activities for specific research projects that includes information security management for the transmission, storage and classification of information and technology.
Trade Controls Laws
Top of PageSection 9 - Delegations
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Head of Research Portfolio
Establishes QUT’s compliance framework for trade controls laws.
Approves and implements the Trade Controls Internal Compliance Plan.
Director, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity
Implements and provides training in relation to QUT’s compliance framework for trade controls laws and ensures Higher Degree Research students are trained in relation to their obligations.
Provides an annual report on QUT’s compliance with these laws to the University.
Provides advisory support to organisational areas regarding defence trade control laws where required.
Vice-President (Digital) and Chief Digital Officer
Ensures the provision of infrastructure, including networks, servers and licences.
Oversees the provision of information security management for research applied technologies.
Ensures technical support of QUT infrastructure.
Director, Graduate Research Centre
Oversees the screening and management of Higher Degree Research students who may be subject to sanctions controls.
Executive Dean, Head of School, Associate Deans (research)
Review and endorse Technology and Goods Control Plans.
Ensure relevant staff and students are trained in relation to trade controls.
Provide the means to restrict access to projects and/or premises where required under trade controls. laws
Ensure that the procurement and use of goods within their area complies with trade controls laws.
Executive Director, Office of Research Services
Ensures contracts, agreements or arrangements include compliance with trade controls laws.
Chief Commercialisation and Development Officer
Ensures industry engagement and commercialisation contracts, agreements or arrangements include compliance with trade controls laws.
Project supervisors and researchers
Contact the Research Regulatory Compliance Officer in the OREI when working with Defence and Strategic Goods List (DSGL) technology.
Understand the control status of goods, software, technology and services related to their research projects.
Obtain the requisite permit, license or approval before any export, supply, publication, brokerage, or provision of services takes place.
Keep records of supply or arrangements for other person(s) to supply, goods, software or technology, listed on the Defence and Strategic Goods List (or as otherwise required by trade controls laws) for the duration of the research project and for five (5) years following completion of the project as per the Information Security provisions under the Technology and Goods Control Plan.
Ensure staff, students and visitors are appropriately screened and aware of any relevant trade controls.
Means the compilation of munitions (military) and dual use goods, software or technology that are regulated when exported, supplied, published or brokered, as updated from time to time. The DSGL is defined into two separate parts:
Are a system of laws and regulations prohibiting the unlicensed export, supply, publication, brokerage and import of controlled goods, technology, services, and software for reasons of national security, foreign policy and economic protection. They are underpinned by the following legislative instruments: