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Graduate Capabilities Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy is intended to:

  1. provide reference points for graduate capabilities that are articulated and developed through QUT courses;
  2. provide faculties with guidance on the implementation of graduate capabilities within courses.
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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to QUT students.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

University Academic Board
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Section 4 - Principles

(3) QUT is committed to developing graduates who will thrive in changing and volatile environments over the long term, contribute productively as individuals and in teams and combine depth in professional knowledge with broad perspectives based on exposure to new ideas and different cultures.

(4) Industry, the professions and the community need to be confident that graduates will have employability skills as well as disciplinary expertise and be prepared to effectively contribute to an ever changing environment.

(5) Graduates, in turn, need to be confident in articulating and demonstrating their capabilities and their preparedness for a challenging and dynamic future.

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Section 5 - Capabilities

(6) QUT courses aim to develop graduates who can demonstrate and apply knowledge and skills that are informed by the following reference points:

  1. the field(s) of education or disciplines involved;
  2. the QUT Real World Learning Vision;
  3. the relevant Australian Qualifications Framework level criteria and qualification type descriptor and the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021; and
  4. professional capabilities including, where relevant, those stipulated for qualifications with professional accreditation or recognition.

(7) These reference points should inform:

  1. the development of course learning outcomes for the mapped components of each course including discipline knowledge, skills and application of knowledge and skills;
  2. students’ course learning experiences; and
  3. the assurance of learning that students demonstrate as part of their course of study.
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Section 6 - Implementation and Monitoring

(8) The University recognises that capabilities for graduates are ideally articulated, developed and assessed within discipline and interdisciplinary contexts. Course Coordinators and course teams are responsible for designing, implementing and assuring the mapped components of courses that develop and evidence graduate capabilities in line with QUT’s whole of course design approach (Curriculum Design Policy). Course design, development and review processes should also leverage close collaborations with employers, industry and/or professional bodies, students and alumni to inform the graduate capabilities in courses.

(9) The appropriateness of the course design to develop and assure graduate capabilities is initially considered during course accreditation and monitored throughout implementation as part of the course quality assurance and evaluation of courses, units, teaching and student experience. Assurance of learning is monitored through formal assuring practices undertaken by Unit Coordinators and Course Coordinators during the accreditation period.