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Social Media Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) QUT encourages the use of social media  for engagement; academic collaboration; the promotion of research and the development and delivery of learning and support services. This Policy is supported by procedures and guidelines to assist users to maximize the benefits of this technology.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to the use of social media by any person to whom the Code of Conduct - Staff or Code of Conduct - Student applies, anywhere in the world, when there is a connection with the University.

(3) Use of social media will be considered to have a connection with QUT in each of the following circumstances:

  1. the social media account is established or used as an official University social media channel;
  2. there is an express or implied reference indicating an affiliation between a student or staff member and QUT on the site or associated sites; or
  3. the content of the social media postings are specifically about QUT or its students or staff, in whole or in part.

(4) This Policy does not apply to the private use of social media.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Director, Communications and Government Relations
Approves the creation of all official QUT social media accounts and affiliated social media presences.
Approves the Guidelines for Using Social Media (QUT staff access only) which provide information on the use and management of official and affiliated social media accounts and use of social media for internal collaboration.
May close an official site, revoke affiliated status, and require administrators to remove evidence of affiliation with the University.
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Section 4 - Principles

(5) The accessing and posting of content to social media must comply with:

  1. the Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technology Resources Policy where facilities provided by QUT are used, whether on campus or remotely;
  2. the relevant Code of Conduct - Staff or Code of Conduct - Student, respectively;
  3. other relevant University policies, including but not limited to the Copyright Policy, Media Relations Policy, Corporate Identity PolicyIntellectual Property Policy, and Information Privacy Policy;
  4. the social media platform terms of service; and
  5. applicable Queensland and Commonwealth law.
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Section 5 - Unofficial QUT Related Social Media

(6) Unofficial QUT related social media presences (e.g. student clubs and student administered study groups) are not endorsed by the University and must not use the QUT logo (Corporate Identity Policy) or purport to represent the University.

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Section 6 - Identifiable use of social media

(7) When using social media in both a professional and personal capacity, students, staff and other members of the University community must at all times comply with all relevant laws, University policies and procedures, including the Code of Conduct - Staff, the Code of Conduct - Student, the Protection of Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech Policy, and the Information Privacy Policy:

  1. comply with laws about copyright, privacy, defamation, harassment, discrimination and human rights;
  2. engage only in courteous and respectful discussion and respect others' rights to their own opinions and beliefs;
  3. not publish content that is defamatory, false or misleading;
  4. not disclose information that is confidential;
  5. not post comments or encourage comments that are racist, offensive, sexist, obscene or incite hate;
  6. not impersonate another student, staff member or other member of the University community;
  7. not post identifiable images without the permission of the individual/s; and
  8. ensure it is clear that views and comments expressed publicly via social media are their own and are not perceived to be made on behalf of the University (unless the person is authorised to comment on behalf of the University).
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Section 7 - Record Keeping

(8) Social media use in an official capacity may generate a QUT record which should be managed according to the Records Governance Policy.

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Section 8 - Use of Social Media for Crisis Management

(9) During a critical incident at or relating to QUT, the University’s social media team will assume its position in the Crisis Management Team (CMT). When posting on QUT-related social media channels about the incident, only messaging approved by the Crisis Management Team can be used.

(10) During an incident, users should be directed to the official QUT social media accounts to ensure they receive accurate and up-to-date information.

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Section 9 - Definitions

Term Definition
Official Social Media Accounts Presences in the public domain used by organisational areas to conduct official business of QUT. Official accounts appear on QUT’s Social Media website.
Learning and Teaching Social Media Accounts Non-public accounts created by University staff to conduct learning and teaching activities.