Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the policy including, the approval authority, review date, contact details and a summary of changes from the previous version.

Alumni Policy

Show Field Notes
Status Current Indicates if this version of the document is in effect (Current), yet to come into effect (Future), or expired (Historic).
Effective Date 15th March 2023 This is the date on which this version of the document came into effect.
Review Date 31st March 2026 The next review of this document is scheduled to commence on this date.
Approval Authority QUT Council The approval authority for the document.
Approval Date 15th March 2023 This is the date on which this version of the document was approved by the authorised authority.
Expiry Date Not Applicable This is the date on which this version expires. It may still apply, conditionally, after this date.
Policy Owner Paige Hilditch-Maguire
Executive Director, Alumni and Engagement
The position responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of a policy document and its review.
Enquiries Contact Paige Hilditch-Maguire
Executive Director, Alumni and Engagement
General enquiries should be directed to the officer/area listed.

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

QUT implemented a new policy management system (database with web interface) in December 2023. This is the first version of this document published in the new Manual of Policies and Procedures application. The document has been migrated and reformatted to enable publication but is reflective of the approved and current version that was in effect at the time of implementation. Please contact if you require an earlier version.

Modification History


15.03.23-I/2.1.3, I/2.1.7-Council-Revised policy to remove references following the disestablishment of Alumni Committee.

14.12.21-All-Council-Revised policy following the disestablishment of Alumni Board and the commencement of the QUT Amendment Act - effective 24.11.21.

21.10.21-All-Director, Governance, Legal and Performance-Revised to include position title change from Alumni, Venues and Events to Alumni and Corporate Events.

21.05.21-All-Director, Governance, Legal and Performance/Executive Officer to the Vice-President (Business Development)-Revised to include name change and position title change for Alumni, Venues and Events Office and Director – Alumni, Venues and Events arising from Repositioning QUT for a post-COVID world reorganisation – effective 31.01.21.

15.01.19-All-Director, Governance and Legal Services-Revised to include department name change and position title change for Alumni and Development Office and Director, Alumni and Development Office to Advancement Office and Executive Director, Advancement - effective 01.01.19.

20.12.18-All-Director, Governance and Legal Services-Policy renumbered and relocated to I/2.1 (formerly I/5.1) - Chapter I restructure.

13.06.18-All-Council-Revised and simplified policy to incorporate the repeal of Queensland University of Technology (QUT Alumni) Statute 2008 and rescinded policy I/5.2 QUT Outstanding Alumni Awards - effective 01.07.18.

25.02.14-All-Director, Alumni and Development and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International and Development)-Revised policy to reflect terminology change from groups to chapters.

15.10.08-I/5.1.1-Council-Updated policy consistent with Queensland University of Technology (QUT Alumni) Statute 2008 and Alumni Board terms of reference and membership (endorsed by Alumni Board 28.08.08).

30.03.06-All-Secretariat-Re-numbered (from A/5.1 to I/5.1) and relocated to new Chapter I (International and Community Engagement); Alumni Board re-numbered to I/2.4; QUT Outstanding Alumni Awards re-numbered to I/5.2.

27.10.04-All-Council-Revised policy, terms of reference of Alumni Board, and awards structure (endorsed by Alumni Board 23.06.04); abolished Council Procedure No 2 - Conduct of Alumni.

10.05.01-I/5.1.1-Development Office-Updated to delete references to QT Foundation (disestablished June 2000).

29.07.99-I/5.1-MOPP Officer-Revised in accordance with QUT Act 1998.

02.12.98-I/5.1, I/5.1.1-Council-QUT Convocation reconstituted as QUT Alumni following proclamation of new QUT Act 1998.


15/12/2023: Position name changed from Director, Alumni and Corporate Events to Director, Alumni and Corporate Partnerships

02/07/2024: Division name changed from Alumni and Corporate Events to Alumni and Engagement 

02/07/2024: Position name changed from Director, Alumni and Corporate Partnerships to Director, Alumni and Engagement


04/07/2024: Position name changed from Vice-President (Business Development) (VP) to Deputy Vice-Chancellor International and Vice-President Business Development (DVCI&VPBD)

09/08/2024: Position name changed from Director, Alumni and Engagement (Director A&E) to Executive Director, Alumni and Engagement (ED A&E)