(1) This Policy outlines the University framework for the planning and management of its physical estate. (2) This Policy applies to all of the University’s physical estate. (3) QUT, as a statutory authority constituted in terms of the Queensland University of Technology Act 1998 (the QUT Act) and under Queensland legislation, must comply with relevant building and financial legislation, principally: (4) QUT Council, as the University's governing body, sets its strategic direction through overall long-term planning which encompasses capital development and preservation. The key advisory committee to Council in this area is Finance and Planning Committee. (5) The Estate Master Plan provides an integrated growth and development framework comprising: (6) The Estate Master Plan is developed by Facilities Management and approved by Council. (7) Through an integrated planning and resource allocation process, a five-year strategic Capital Management Plan (CMP) (QUT staff access only) is developed and approved by Council as part of the University's budget process. The Vice-Chancellor and President, as the University's chief executive officer, is responsible for implementation of the Capital Management Plan and is assisted in this by the Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Financial Officer and the Director, Facilities Management. (8) The Capital Management Plan, which outlines all major capital expenditure for the ensuing five-year period, includes provision for deferred and recurrent maintenance and a funding flow to implement these programs. The Capital Management Plan is reviewed annually as part of the University's annual planning process. (9) The Capital Management Plan seeks to provide a responsible balance between the objectives of the University's capital program and the ongoing teaching and research programs of the University through the following priorities: (10) Progress on implementation of the Capital Management Plan is constantly monitored by the Director, Facilities Management and the Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Financial Officer.Physical Estate Planning Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Legislative Environment
Top of PageSection 5 - Physical Estate Planning and Management
Section 6 - Estate Master Plan
Section 7 - Capital Management Plan
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QUT Council
Approves the Estate Master Plan.
Approves the Capital Management Plan.
Finance and Planning Committee
Considers priorities for major investments in physical infrastructure.
Recommends to Council the Capital Management Plan.
Oversees capital expenditure on physical infrastructure, with a focus on return on investment and/or achievement of priorities.
Monitors operating expenditure and costs associated with development and maintenance of physical infrastructure.
Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Financial Officer
Submits the Capital Management Plan to Finance and Planning Committee.
Monitors implementation of the Capital Management Plan.
Oversees and supports project proposal analysis.
Develops funding proposals for externally funded projects including, in the case of commercially funded projects, reference checks on developers’ business practices and engagement of a probity auditor for the process.
Develops, recommends and implements policy and procedures to enhance the use of accountability for, and safeguarding of, QUT capital resources.
Provides student and staff load figures and yearly projections.
Provides advice to the Vice-Chancellor and President on proposals and agreements for development or delivery of physical facilities.
Director, Facilities Management
Facilitates master planning for the University in line with the vision and goals articulated in Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 and develops the Estate Master Plan.
Provides advice to the Vice-Chancellor and President on strategic and policy matters relating to overall management, planning and development of University facilities.
Provides recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor and President regarding the allocation of space, drawing on utilisation studies, links to the estate master plan and, on advice from Finance Business Solutions projected student and staff load.
Develops space planning policy and implementation issues.
Oversees strategic space allocation to meet both short and long term objectives, including on-going review of, and alignment with, the estate master plan.
Considers space planning initiatives and providing advice and input into the Capital Management Plan on further initiative development.
Oversees the delivery of the Major Building Program.
Executive Deans/Heads of Division
Where project works are proposed where the allocation of resources impact on the physical fabric, it is essential that work requests be referred to Facilities Management to ensure:
Monitor equipment and furniture use and are expected to keep the facilities in reasonable order whilst adhering to required health and safety measures.