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Course Quality Assurance Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This Policy outlines the course quality assurance framework to ensure QUT’s courses are relevant, current and provide students with a high quality learning experience and meet the relevant standards of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to all award courses offered by QUT (Award Courses Policy), including courses offered through third-party arrangements (Educational Partnerships Policy) and transnational education (Transnational Education Policy).

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Position Responsibility
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)
Approves protocols on course quality assurance made under this policy.
University committees and officers
Specific responsibilities are provided in the Course quality assurance protocol.
Executive Deans and Executive Director, QUT College
Ensure compliance with the relevant higher education standards within their organisational area.
Heads of School
Implement continuous improvement and compliance with the relevant higher education standards within the school as described in QUT Quality and Standards Framework.
Associate Deans (Learning and Teaching)
Lead the development, implementation and monitoring of quality assurance and improvement strategies for course performance and improvement (Academic Leadership Roles in Teaching and Learning Policy).
Course Coordinators (or equivalent)
Develop and monitor efforts to improve the course continually, and report through relevant governance processes (e.g. faculty academic board) on course improvement projects, key performance indicators and other evaluation data relevant to the course performance (Academic Leadership Roles in Teaching and Learning Policy).
Study area and program coordinators (or equivalent)
Initiate and implement study area or program improvements with advice from the Course Coordinator (Academic Leadership Roles in Teaching and Learning Policy).
Unit Coordinators (or equivalent)
Initiate and implement unit improvements to enhance learning and teaching quality, with advice from the study area coordinator, program coordinator and Course Coordinator (Academic Leadership Roles in Teaching and Learning Policy).
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Section 4 - Principles

(3) QUT’s course quality assurance is guided by the following principles:

  1. Informs strategic planning and performance evaluation and is part of the University's Quality and Standards Framework;
  2. is evidenced-based and is both strategic and operational in focus;
  3. informs the development, improvement and reaccreditation of courses (Curriculum Approval and Course Review Policy) and monitors curriculum changes; and
  4. is a continuous process which closes the loop on previously identified issues and actions.
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Section 5 - Course Quality Assurance Framework

(4) Course quality assurance at QUT is comprised of the following components:

  1. Course performance measures relevant to admission, viability, experience and outcomes to facilitate monitoring and improvement of QUT courses and reflect the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Risk Assessment Framework;
  2. an annual report to consolidate QUT-wide course performance data to initiate annual review and support strategic decisions;
  3. an annual plan to provide an opportunity to consider investment over a period of time for the creation of new courses and study areas and significant redesign of accredited courses; and
  4. comprehensive course review carried out in the accreditation period in preparation for reaccreditation (Curriculum Approval and Course Review Policy) Curriculum design, approval and accreditation.

(5) The Course quality assurance protocol provides the details of the components of this framework.