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Non-award Study Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) QUT offers forms of study outside the accredited awards covered in the Award Courses Policy. Non-award study provides QUT students, alumni and the wider community with an opportunity to undertake learning to further levels of knowledge and skills in particular areas and to enhance employment opportunities.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies only to non-award study stated in the QUT Non-award Study Framework below.

(3) This Policy does not apply to:

  1. any award course, including custom award courses;
  2. co-curricula offerings that are designed as part of an award course or to complement an award course.
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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Position Responsibility
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) Approves initial proposals for transnational education (TNE) non-award study.

Approves initial proposals for non-award study that introduces a new discipline to QUT.

Approves protocols and procedures for non-award study.
Executive Deans (or equivalents)
Oversee non-award study in their faculty (or equivalent).
Approve the offering of existing approved units for non-award study (may be delegated).

Approve initial proposals for continuing professional education except where Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) approval is required.
Faculty Academic Boards (or equivalents) Approve the academic quality of non-award study (may be delegated unless the non-award study may lead to advanced standing in an award course).
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Section 4 - QUT Non-Award Study Framework

(4) QUT provides learning to the wider community in a variety of ways in addition to award courses as recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

(5) Non-award study at QUT is offered as:

  1. Single unit study;
  2. Bridging programs;
  3. Enabling programs;
  4. Foundation programs;
  5. English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS);
  6. Continuing Professional Education (CPE):
    1. Client Custom Education (CCE) for professional development, including micro-credentials; and
    2. Open Professional Education (OPE), including micro-credentials.
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Section 5 - Certification/Record of Non-Award Study 

(6) The ways in which non-award study may be recorded and evidenced is specified in the Non-award study protocols (QUT staff access only).

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Section 6 - Recognition of Prior Learning based on Non-Award Study

(7) Completion of non-award study may, if appropriate, provide entry into an award course (Admission of Students Policy) or advanced standing in an award course.

(8) Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and protocols provides further information.

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Section 7 - Definitions

Bridging Program Is the non-award study available for the general community to meet the requirements of university study, for example, prerequisites for entry to an award course.
Client Custom Education (CCE) Means engagements with local, national and international organisations for educational offerings, award and non-award, that only consider enrolment from nominees of the sponsor and/or related organisations.
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Captures both non-award client custom education (CCE) and open professional education (OPE) offered by the University.
Custom Award Course See definition of custom award course in Curriculum Design, Approval and Accreditation Policy.
Enabling Program Means a program designed to enable students to undertake an award course. Students who complete an enabling course would generally commence a course of study leading to a higher education award.
English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) Means a registered (CRICOS) program designed for students who require English language training before commencing formal studies in Australia.
Foundation Program  Means the registered (CRICOS) program for international students that equips them with the skills for entry into Australian higher education study. They provide an academic entry pathway to first year undergraduate study or its equivalent.
Micro-Credential Means a structured and coherent set of learning and assessment activities for professional development that addresses a need in the market, meets the standards of the relevant profession or industry and meets the following criteria:
  1. includes specific learning outcomes;
  2. includes verified summative assessment of the learning outcomes;
  3. meets the minimum volume of learning as defined in the Non-award study protocols (if relevant);
  4. designed to meet a specific requirement of organisations or community;
  5. approved and quality assured according to the Non-award study protocols.
Module As defined in the Unit and Module Information Policy.
Non-Award Study As defined in the QUT Non-award Study Framework above.
Open Professional Education (OPE) Means non-award study that is open for public enrolment.
Non-Formal Learning Is learning that takes place through a structured program of learning but does not lead to an officially accredited qualification (Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.
Single Unit Study Means a unit of an award course offered as non-award study. The learner may complete the unit without being admitted into the course (Admission of Students Policy, E/4.1.13). Single unit study includes the units offered through the START QUT program.
Program  Is a generic term used at QUT that may include defined sequences of non-award study or non-formal learning.