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Workplace Health and Rehabilitation Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) QUT is committed to meeting legislative obligations and best practice standards through effective management of workers’ compensation claims and workplace rehabilitation.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to any QUT staff member who experiences a work-related illness or injury, and/or who requires assistance with workplace rehabilitation for a work-related or non-work related health condition.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Director, Health, Safety and Environment
Provides leadership in the promotion of managing support services for staff who have a health or medical condition.
Approves workplace health and rehabilitation procedures.
Department of Health, Safety and Environment health partners
Provides oversight, monitoring and guidance to the staff member with a health condition, and to their Supervisor, based on medical guidance from a treating medical professional.
Manages WorkCover claims.
Supervisors and Managers
Support staff with a health condition to remain at work or return to work.
Staff members who have a health condition
Advise their treating doctor of the availability of workplace rehabilitation.
Actively participate in workplace rehabilitation.
Maintain timely communication with their treating doctor, Supervisor, Department of Health, Safety and Environment health partner, and insurer about rehabilitation and suitable duties.
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Section 4 - Principles

(3) QUT is committed to work rehabilitation and supporting staff who have a disability, injury or illness (hereafter referred to as a health condition).

(4) The aim of QUT's workplace rehabilitation process is to assist in the early recovery of any staff member who has a work related or non-work related health condition.

(5) QUT supports a flexible approach to workplace rehabilitation to meet the individual needs of the staff member, wherever practicable and operationally reasonable.

(6) The Department of Health, Safety and Environment (DHSE) processes and coordinates workplace rehabilitation and workers’ compensation claim activities. Workplace supports and adjustments are developed based on written medical guidance from the staff member’s treating medical practitioner, subject to operational needs.

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Section 5 - Workplace Rehabilitation Objectives

(7) The University prioritises the following work rehabilitation outcomes:

  1. the provision of early workplace health and rehabilitation support;
  2. promoting a culture of acceptance for workplace rehabilitation and reasonable workplace adjustment;
  3. ensuring the provision of safe, suitable duties as soon as is medically practicable, which are developed via consultation between key parties;
  4. monitoring and supporting the progress of workplace rehabilitation in consultation with key parties (the staff member with a health condition; Supervisor; treating doctor; Department of Health, Safety and Environment health partners and where appropriate, the insurer and their nominated rehabilitation consultants); and
  5. maintaining confidentiality of health, medical, rehabilitation and compensation information as required by legislation. The goal of workplace rehabilitation is to achieve a sustainable, durable and safe return to work, to the staff member’s substantive duties, within a reasonable and realistic timeframe, typically being within three months from the start of the return to work process.

(8) Workplace rehabilitation concludes when the staff member meets any of the following criteria:

  1. resumes their usual duties and hours;
  2. transitions to an approved, ongoing ‘reasonable adjustment’ agreement;
  3. fails to comply with guidance from the medical professional and/or rehabilitation staff; and
  4. the workplace rehabilitation goal is achieved.
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Section 6 - Post-rehabilitation Phase

(9) The post-rehabilitation phase commences when workplace rehabilitation has concluded.

(10) In the event that the staff member is assessed as being unable to return to work in the substantive position (or in a modified position acceptable to all parties), a number of alternative arrangements may be discussed. These include, but are not limited to, the development of a reasonable adjustment plan, variation to appointment, accessing appropriate leave provisions, utilising a superannuation ‘Incapacity Benefit’, or accessing Centrelink. On occasion, termination on medical grounds may occur. The enterprise agreements for professional staff, academic staff or senior staff provide further information.

(11) An independent medical evaluation may be required to endorse the need for reasonable adjustment or to confirm the functional implications of the staff member’s health condition for ongoing performance in their substantive position.

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Section 7 - Workers' Compensation Coverage

(12) University staff who sustain a work-related health condition are eligible to submit a workers compensation claim.

(13) Staff working in Queensland are covered by the WorkCover Queensland Accident Insurance Policy.

(14) Staff working outside of Queensland for longer than six months, are able to access other insurance cover. Supervisors of such staff members should contact the Department of Health, Safety and Environment for advice to meet individual employment arrangements.

(15) Staff travelling overseas should read and comply with the University’s Travel Policy. Staff who are injured while traveling overseas, who have ongoing medical expenses and support needs on their arrival back in Australia are eligible to apply for WorkCover if their injury occurred during the course of their paid work for QUT.

(16) Voluntary workers and other officers of the University who are not paid staff members are covered under QUT’s Voluntary Workers Personal Accident Insurance Policy if injured in the course of acting on behalf of QUT.

(17) Further information on the application of procedures and entitlements are available from the Health, Safety and Environment website in the Digital Workplace (QUT staff access only).