(1) This Policy outlines the procedures to be used in cases where a senior staff member's performance becomes unsatisfactory. (2) The policy builds on the Career Planning, Development and Performance Expectations for Senior Staff. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of senior staff and their supervisors, and aims to provide opportunities for senior staff, assisted by their supervisors to regain and maintain a satisfactory level of performance. (3) This Policy applies to senior staff members employed on an ongoing or fixed-term basis at classification levels SSGA to SSGE excluding staff employed on a probationary or casual basis. (4) Disciplinary Action means action by the University to discipline a senior staff member and may include: (5) Unsatisfactory Performance Review Committee is the Committee established by the Vice-Chancellor and President to review unsatisfactory performance. The Unsatisfactory Performance Review Committee will comprise: (6) Representative means: (7) The principles which underlie this Policy are as follows: (8) Despite any reference to the Vice-Chancellor and President throughout this Policy, the Vice-Chancellor and President may, at any time, delegate their roles or obligations under this Policy to another senior officer of the University. The Vice-Chancellor and President may not delegate their role to a senior officer who is directly involved in the matter which is the subject of the procedures governed by this Policy, or to a senior officer who the Vice-Chancellor and President intends to nominate as a member of a committee established under these procedures. (9) There are three key phases in the procedures for managing unsatisfactory performance of senior staff: (10) At the end of Phase 1 and Phase 2, there are exit points from the procedures, should performance be satisfactory again. (11) Phases 1 and 2 together should normally take no less than three months and no more than six months to complete; however, the supervisor has discretion to set appropriate and reasonable timelines based on the nature of the job and specific areas of performance that are considered unsatisfactory. (12) Where a Supervisor identifies the performance of a senior staff member as unsatisfactory, every effort must be made to resolve performance issues through guidance, counselling, appropriate staff development, and/or appropriate work allocation. (13) A record of discussions will be kept and a copy supplied to the staff member. (14) Where a Supervisor believes the actions in Phase 1 have not produced the desired improvements in performance and that the performance of the staff member continues to be unsatisfactory, the supervisor will: (15) Where appropriate, the Supervisor may direct the staff member to undertake a course of professional development or other programs designed to assist in improving performance. (16) Where following the review period in Phase 2, the performance of the staff member is deemed by the Supervisor as being no longer unsatisfactory, the staff member will be advised in writing and no further action will be taken under these procedures. (17) Where following the review period in Phase 2, the supervisor believes that the performance of the senior staff member continues to be unsatisfactory, the Supervisor will make a formal report to the authorising officer. The report will state clearly the: (18) Upon receipt of the Supervisor's report and any written response from the staff member, the authorising officer will first be satisfied that: (19) The authorising officer will then decide to: (20) Where a decision is made to take disciplinary action, the staff member may advise the authorising officer within 10 working days if they wish to refer the matter to an Unsatisfactory Performance Review Committee. (21) Where the staff member elects to have the matter referred to an Unsatisfactory Performance Review Committee, the Vice-Chancellor and President will establish a Committee in accordance with Section 2 of this Policy. (22) Where the staff member does not elect to have the matter referred to a Review Committee, the disciplinary action will take effect no earlier than five working days from the date of the authorising officer's written advice. (23) Request for referral to an Unsatisfactory Performance Review Committee. (24) Where a matter is referred to an Unsatisfactory Performance Review Committee, the Committee shall: (25) The staff member and the University shall be entitled, where they so choose, to be represented in the proceedings before the Unsatisfactory Performance Review Committee by a representative (refer to Section 2). (26) The Unsatisfactory Performance Review Committee will provide the Vice-Chancellor and President with a written report containing its findings on the following matters only: (27) The Committee shall perform its role as expeditiously as possible and will unless otherwise agreed with the Vice-Chancellor and President, report its findings within 30 days of the Committee being established. (28) Following consideration of the report from the Committee (which will not be binding on the Vice-Chancellor and President), the Vice-Chancellor and President will either: (29) The Vice-Chancellor and President will advise the staff member in writing of any decision made and such decision will take effect no earlier than five working days from the date of the Vice-Chancellor and President's written advice. (30) Nothing in this Policy prevents the Vice-Chancellor and President referring a question of possible unsatisfactory performance to a supervisor for appropriate action. (31) The action of the Vice-Chancellor and President under this Policy will be final, except that nothing in this Policy will be construed as excluding the jurisdiction of any external court or tribunal which, but for this Policy, would be competent to deal with the matter. (32) The process for the renewal of fixed-term appointments is set out in the senior staff member's employment contract. Should any unsatisfactory performance procedures be in train at a date six months prior to the contract expiry date (or three months for fixed-term contracts of three years or less), those procedures will cease, and the contract renewal process will proceed consistent with the staff member's employment contract.Managing Unsatisfactory Performance Policy - Senior Staff
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 4 - Principles
Top of Page
Section 5 - Delegation by the Vice-Chancellor and President
Section 6 - Procedures
Phase 1: Identification of Unsatisfactory Performance and Counselling
Phase 2: Intensive Counselling, Support and Formal Review
Phase 3: Decision on Unsatisfactory Performance and Disciplinary Action
Section 7 - Relationship with Contract Renewal
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The Supervisor will provide the senior staff member with a copy of the report at the time it is submitted. The senior staff member is entitled to 10 working days from the receipt of the Supervisor's report to submit a written response to the authorising officer and may be assisted by a representative in preparing this response.
The authorising officer will advise the staff member in writing of any decision made.