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Incremental Progression Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) Incremental progression recognises a staff member's additional skills, experience and knowledge gained over time and their increased contribution to the University.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to:

  1. incremental progression and accelerated incremental progression for all academic staff members appointed at levels A to E excluding sessional staff and those staff at the top salary point of the relevant level; and
  2. incremental progression and accelerated incremental progression for all professional staff members classified at HEW levels 1 to 10 inclusive, excluding casual staff members and those at the top salary point of the relevant HEW level (2 to 10).
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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Staff member
Discusses performance with the supervisor.
If applicable, makes application to seek to review a decision to deny incremental progression.
Reviews performance of the staff member.
If applicable, recommends withholding an increment.
If applicable, commences formal procedures relating to unsatisfactory performance.
If applicable, recommends advancement of a staff member through more than one salary increment.
Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer
Receives application from staff member seeking to review a decision to deny incremental progression.
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Determines the application for review of the decision to deny an incremental progression.
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Section 4 - Incremental Progression - Academic Staff


  1. An increment will be awarded automatically unless a recommendation to withhold the increment is made by the Supervisor because the staff member is subject to the formal procedures relating to unsatisfactory performance which commenced at least four weeks prior to the incremental date.
  2. Any recommendation to deny an increment shall be provided in writing by the supervisor to the staff member and the authorising officer.
  3. Where the Supervisor makes a recommendation to withhold an increment and the recommendation is supported by the authorising officer the increment shall be withheld until the date a decision is made that the staff member has demonstrated satisfactory performance.
  4. Where the Supervisor makes a recommendation to withhold an increment, the authorising officer may after consultation with the Supervisor set aside the recommendation.
  5. The decision by the authorising officer to withhold an increment shall be made and conveyed to the Human Resources  prior to the completion of the relevant incremental period.

Review Process

(3) A staff member who has been denied incremental progression may seek a review of the decision by making application to the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer within four weeks of notification of the decision. The application should include the reasons for seeking the review. The review will be conducted by a committee comprising a senior officer of the University and a nominee of the National Tertiary Education Industry Union.

(4) The committee shall conduct its review as expeditiously as possible and shall have access to all relevant information, records and persons. The committee shall present a report and recommendation to the Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor for determination within four weeks of lodgement of the application. The staff member will be provided with a copy of the report and recommendation of the committee at the same time.

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Section 5 - Incremental Progression - Professional Staff


  1. An increment will be awarded automatically unless a recommendation to withhold the increment is made by the Supervisor because the staff member is subject to the formal procedures relating to unsatisfactory performance which commenced at least four weeks prior to the incremental date.
  2. Any recommendation to deny an increment shall be provided in writing by the Supervisor to the staff member and the authorising officer.
  3. Where the Supervisor makes a recommendation to withhold an increment and the recommendation is supported by the authorising officer the increment shall be withheld until the date a decision is made that the staff member has demonstrated satisfactory performance.
  4. Where the Supervisor makes a recommendation to withhold an increment, the authorising officer may after consultation with the Supervisor set aside the recommendation.
  5. The decision by the authorising officer to withhold an increment shall be made and conveyed to the Human Resources  prior to the completion of the relevant incremental period.

Review Process

(5) A staff member who has been denied incremental progression may seek a review of the decision by making application to the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer within four weeks of notification of the decision. The application should include the reasons for seeking the review. The review will be conducted by a committee comprising a senior officer of the University and a nominee of the National Tertiary Education Industry Union.

(6) The committee shall conduct its review as expeditiously as possible and shall have access to all relevant information, records and persons. The committee shall present a report and recommendation to the Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar for determination within four weeks of lodgement of the application. The staff member will be provided with a copy of the report and recommendation of the committee at the same time.

(7) Incremental progression is available for professional staff as outlined in the QUT Enterprise Agreement (Professional Staff) (Clause 16).

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Section 6 - Accelerated Incremental Progression - Academic and Professional Staff

(8) Where a Supervisor determines that a staff member's performance against the performance expectations is exceptional, the Supervisor may recommend to the authorising officer advancement of a staff member through more than one salary increment. The authorising officer may approve accelerated progression only where the staff member's performance is clearly exceptional against the performance expectations.

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Section 7 - Exceptions to Policy

(9) The Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer is authorised to approve variations to this Policy in exceptional circumstances. Any such variation will be recorded by Human Resources.