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Quality and Standards Framework

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) QUT’s Quality and Standards Framework is intended to guide quality assurance activities, promote continuous improvement and ensure alignment or compliance with relevant external standards, including Australian Higher Education Standards. By utilising the quality principles along with the Quality Improvement Cycle of Approach, Deployment, Results, Improvement (ADRI), QUT’s approach to quality aims to support sustainable organisational development, establish good practices and achieve the University’s goals and priorities articulated in Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to all quality assurance, continuous improvement and compliance activities undertaken by the University and encompasses all areas of University activity, including:

  1. corporate and academic governance;
  2. University management;
  3. student participation, learning and support;
  4. environments for learning and teaching, and research;
  5. learning and teaching;
  6. research and research training;
  7. representation, external engagement and reputation management; and
  8. information and communications management.
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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

(3) Quality assurance, improvement and compliance with higher education standards is the responsibility of all stakeholders within the University and all policies and procedures of the University contribute wholly, or in part, to quality and regulatory requirements. The high-level roles and responsibilities for quality assurances activities are provided in the following table, including the governance arrangements for the reporting of quality initiatives.

Provides corporate governance to all of QUT’s quality assurance, improvement and compliance activities. Council approves the Quality and Standards Framework.
University Academic Board
Provides academic governance to all of QUT's quality assurance, improvement and compliance activities.
Other University committees
Provide advice, as required, to Council and University Academic Board, in relation to relevant QUT quality assurance, improvement and compliance activities.
Vice-Chancellor and President
Accountable to Council for quality assurance, improvement and compliance with higher education standards across all aspects of the University’s management and operations.
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Responsible for quality assurance, improvement and compliance with relevant higher education standards relating to academic governance, including oversight of learning and teaching, and research and research training quality activities.
Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Vice-Presidents and Pro-Vice-Chancellors
Responsible for quality assurance, improvement and compliance with relevant higher education standards relating to specific areas of their portfolios, including: learning and teaching, and student support and success; research, research training and innovation; and international education and development.
Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Responsible for quality assurance, improvement and compliance with relevant higher education standards relating to corporate governance, and where activities relate to specific areas of the portfolio.
Is the primary responsible officer (Compliance Policy) for compliance with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (Cwth).
Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Financial Officer
Responsible for quality assurance, improvement and compliance with relevant higher education standards relating to financial management, information and communications technology and specific areas of the portfolio.
Vice-President (Digital) and Chief Digital Officer 
Responsible for quality assurance, improvement and compliance with relevant higher education standards relating to information and communications technology and specific areas of the portfolio.
Executive Deans
Responsible for leading the approach to quality assurance and improvement activities, as well as ensuring compliance with relevant higher education standards, within their organisational areas.
Heads of Portfolios, Departments and Independent Sections
Responsible for implementing the University's quality system, quality assurance, continuous improvement and compliance with relevant higher education standards, within the School, organisational unit/s or University-wide functional areas that they lead.
QUT community
Responsible for contributing to quality assurance and continuous improvement at QUT, including implementing the University’s quality system and compliance with higher education standards as they relate to their respective area/s of operation.
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Section 4 - Quality Principles

(4) The following quality principles along with the Quality Improvement Cycle form QUT’s Quality and Standards Framework for quality assurance, improvement and compliance with higher education standards.

Leadership and Governance

(5) Ensuring activities are led by the senior officer/s with the highest level of responsibility and are governed by Council and its committees, in order to provide strategic oversight of quality and compliance activities.

Strategy and Planning

(6) Aligning initiatives with the University’s intent, goals and priorities as articulated in QUT's Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 and any supporting strategic statements.


(7) Using evidence-based practice and utilising qualitative information and quantitative data to identify improvement opportunities, monitor impact and evaluate the effectiveness of quality initiatives.

External Reference Points

(8) Using external reference points and higher education sector benchmarks to inform the development and review of plans, policies, procedures, practices and new initiatives.

Collaborative Partnerships

(9) Embracing a collaborative and inclusive approach where the University community and partners’ participation and feedback informs all phases of the Quality Improvement Cycle.

Clients and Partners

(10) Actively engaging with the University community, and external clients and partners to ensure that initiatives reflect their needs and that University services are designed with the end-users in mind, as well as providing timely support and accurate information to staff and students relevant to their current or future studies, research and other engagement activities.

People and Culture

(11) Supporting all staff and students in the pursuit of quality and maintenance of standards to create a culture of continuous improvement across the University that is embedded in everyday practices.

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Section 5 - Quality Improvement Cycle

(12) QUT uses the Approach, Deployment, Results, Improvement (ADRI) Quality Improvement Cycle to provide a systematic and structured method to continually improve current performance, refine changes and provide insight to future success.

Approach (A)

(13) The Approach dimension relates to the intent of the improvement activity and requires planning or designing the approach by:

  1. clarifying the purpose or intent;
  2. developing a plan;
  3. understanding the needs of key stakeholders;
  4. setting goals and predicting outcomes - the achievement of the University’s goals and priorities;
  5. ensuring the approach aligns with Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027 and supporting strategic statements;
  6. designing strategies, structures and processes to meet the outcomes and to track progress;
  7. identifying measures of success; and
  8. adopting an evidence-based approach.

Deployment (D)

(14) The Deployment dimension relates to bringing the plan and resources into effective action by:

  1. prioritising the potential area/s for improvement;
  2. implementing the plan;
  3. collecting additional evidence and information;
  4. communicating with staff, students and other stakeholders;
  5. reporting on progress; and
  6. integrating with current practices, where possible.

Results (R)

(15) The Results dimension focuses on completing the analysis, monitoring and evaluating the outcomes by:

  1. analysing the trends developed as part of the Approach;
  2. measuring the effectiveness of the Approach and its Deployment by monitoring the impact of the Results against the goals, predictions and measures of success; and
  3. making adjustments based on the Results and best-known or benchmarked performance.

Improvement (I)

(16) The Improvement dimension focuses on identifying opportunities and areas for continuous improvement by:

  1. evaluating each of the A-D-R dimensions to bring about improvements;
  2. examining the processes used to review and improve the activity; and
  3. reviewing and adapting the Approach and its Deployment to achieve improvements to the Results.

(17) The Quality Improvement Cycle diagram illustrates the ADRI (Approach-Deployment-Results-Improvement).

(18) Internal and external sources to support the use of the ADRI Quality Improvement Cycle are accessible from the related documents below.