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Other Types of Leave Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) The University is committed to providing staff with leave arrangements that enable access to paid and unpaid leave to support gender affirmation, community service and trade union participation.

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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to all staff, unless otherwise specified.

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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Position Responsibility
Staff member
Provides as much notice as possible of the proposed leave.
Informs their Supervisor/Manager of the proposed leave.

Submits an application for leave.
Supervisor Considers a staff member’s application for leave.

Approves a staff member’s application for leave.
Human Resources Provides support to staff/supervisors applying this Policy.
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Section 4 - Leave Application and Approval

(3) A staff member should endeavour to provide as much notice as possible. If it is not possible for the staff member to give prior notice, the staff member will notify the supervisor of such absence at the earliest opportunity on the first day of absence.

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Section 5 - Gender Affirmation


(4) Gender affirmation is the process by which trans and gender diverse people affirm their gender identity.


(5) All ongoing and fixed-term staff members (regardless of mode of employment) are entitled to up to 40 days paid gender affirmation leave during any employment with the University for the purposes of undergoing gender affirmation.

(6) Once the full entitlement has been exhausted, there is no further gender affirmation leave available to the staff member, including in any subsequent employment with the University.

(7) Gender affirmation leave can be taken in one continuous period or over several shorter periods and taken at a time mutually convenient to the staff member and the University and is approved by the authorising officer.

Purpose of Gender Affirmation Leave

(8) The gender affirmation leave may be taken for reasons that include, but are not limited to:

  1. attending counselling, medical or legal practitioner appointments; or
  2. implementing other aspects of the staff member's gender affirmation plan.

Application for Gender Affirmation Leave

(9) A staff member should endeavour to provide their Supervisor as much notice as possible of the requested leave. If it is not possible for the staff member to give prior notice, the staff member will notify the Supervisor of such absence at the earliest opportunity.

(10) For gender affirmation leave in excess of two weeks, the staff member must provide no less than four weeks' notice.

(11) An application for gender affirmation leave will be submitted to the authorising officer online for approval in accordance with the Register of Authorities and Delegations prior to the leave being taken or, where this is not possible, upon return to work.


(12) The University understands that confidentiality and privacy are paramount.

(13) Information will be disclosed only as required to those involved in approving the staff member’s application for gender affirmation leave or where the staff member has provided consent generally. Any need to disclose confidential information will be discussed with the staff member in advance of such disclosure where possible.

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Section 6 - Defence Reserve Forces

(14) Staff who formally advise the University of their enlistment in the Defence Reserve Forces may be granted leave to attend Navy, Army or Air Force peacetime training or deployment (Defence Service) in accordance with the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 (Cth).

(15) Staff (excluding casual professional and sessional academic staff) have the following entitlements, in accordance with the Australian Federal Government’s recommendations as follows:

Defence service duty Entitlement
Reserve member undertaking defence service 4 weeks (20 working or 28 calendar days) paid leave per annum. This entitlement accumulates and can be taken over a two-year period.
Reserve member required to attend defence service recruitment/initial employment training Additional 2 weeks (10 working or 14 calendar days) paid leave during first year of defence service.

(16) After the above paid leave entitlements are exhausted in accordance with this provision, a reserve member may take unpaid Defence Reserve Forces leave in accordance with the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 (Cth). Any continuous period of leave without pay exceeding 10 working days:

  1. is not recognised as service for the purpose of calculating long service leave, recreation leave and sick/carer’s leave;
  2. will affect the staff member’s average service fraction for the purpose of calculating paid parental leave entitlements.

(17) For academic and professional staff, leave without pay in excess of one month will result in the staff member’s increment date being changed by the total period of leave. If leave without pay is taken during a period of probation, the probation will be suspended for the period of the leave without pay.

(18) Defence Reserve Forces leave granted (paid or without pay) for any period will not break continuity of service in accordance with the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 (Cth).

(19) The University will not require a reserve member to pay their reserve salary to the University while rendering Defence Service.

(20) A reserve member’s entitlement to access approved remuneration package benefits (other than the payment of their salary by the University) will be unaffected by their absence on Defence Reserve Forces leave.

(21) The University will make reasonable attempts to keep reserve members undertaking Defence Service abreast of relative developments and workplace changes in their absence.

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Section 7 - Community Service

Jury Service

(22) Staff (excluding casual professional and sessional academic staff) have the option for jury service to be taken as either full pay or without pay.

(23) Casual professional and sessional academic staff may only access jury service leave without pay.

(24) A staff member may elect to:

  1. take leave without pay and retain all jury fees; or
  2. apply for jury service leave on full pay, and refund all jury fees to the University.

(25) A staff member is required to produce reasonable evidence in support of an application for leave for the purposes of jury service such as a certificate or other suitable evidence issued by the court indicating the number of appearances, cases involved and payments received. Further information on jury service leave is available on the Digital Workplace (QUT staff access only).

State Emergency Service

(26) A staff member (excluding casual professional and sessional academic staff) who is a member of the State Emergency Service (SES) can take paid leave during an emergency declared as per the Disaster Management Act 2003, or at the discretion of the Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer. A staff member is required to provide evidence of State Emergency Service membership.

Other Recognised Emergency Management Bodies

(27) A staff member who is a member of a recognised emergency management body can take unpaid leave for a voluntary emergency management activity or other eligible community service activity. Evidence of membership is required prior to accessing the leave.

(28) Prior formal application and approval for leave are not required to attend such emergencies at short notice if prior arrangements have been approved by the authorising officer.

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Section 8 - Trade Union

(29) A staff member (excluding casual professional and sessional academic staff) may be granted five days per calendar year to attend trade union or similar courses or seminars associated with their membership. The authorising officer will consider requests for more than five days leave per year. A staff member may be required to produce reasonable evidence in support of an application for trade union leave.

(30) Trade union delegates in nominated position(s) within their union may use trade union leave to attend conferences associated with their position(s).

(31) Trade union leave will be granted at the ordinary rate of pay.

(32) The approval of trade union leave is subject to the operation of the work area not being unduly affected or inconvenienced and the staff member applying at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the leave. The University will not be liable for any expenses associated with a staff member's attendance at trade union courses or seminars.

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Section 9 - Exceptions to Policy

(33) Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer is authorised to approve variations to this policy in exceptional circumstances. Any such variation will be recorded by Human Resources.

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Section 10 - Definitions

Term Definition
Recognised Emergency Management Body
  1. a body that has a role or function under a plan that is for coping with emergencies / natural disasters (prepared by the Commonwealth or a state or territory);
  2. a fire-fighting, civil defence or rescue body;
  3. any other body which has a substantial purpose in responding to an emergency or natural disaster, such as the State Emergency Service (SES).
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Section 11 - Delegations

(34) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (VC108, VC110) (QUT staff access only).