(1) The Queensland University of Technology Act 1998 (the QUT Act) provides for the chair of the academic committee to be one of three official members of QUT Council [section 13(c)]. QUT’s academic committee is known as University Academic Board. (2) Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee on delegated authority from Council, is responsible for nominating prospective members of Council to relevant appointment authorities. (3) A person eligible for the role of Chair of University Academic Board is a member of the Professoriate of the University (Level D or E), and excludes the elected academic staff members on Council. (4) An existing Chair of University Academic Board is eligible to express a further interest in the role at the conclusion of their current term, for a maximum of two terms. (5) The requirements of section 23(2) of the QUT Act setting out a maximum term for Council members should be taken into account as part of the eligibility criteria. (6) Council has determined the characteristics and attributes sought for the role of Chair of University Academic Board, as set out in the role statement at section 3 of this procedure. (7) The term of office for the Chair of University Academic Board will be not more than four years. (8) Council will establish a Chair of University Academic Board Selection Panel: (9) The Panel will normally consist of: (10) The Secretary to Council will be the Secretary to the Chair of University Academic Board Selection Panel. (11) The Chair of University Academic Board Selection Panel is responsible for identifying a suitable candidate. (12) The Panel will determine a shortlist of candidates based on the initial university-wide expression of interest process set out in clause (15) of this Procedure. (13) The Panel will meet with the shortlisted candidates to determine their interest, and provide information on the role and the level of commitment required. Candidates should be invited to respond to the chair of the Panel within two weeks to indicate their availability. (14) The Panel will then select a preferred candidate for confirmation of appointment by Council. (15) An initial university-wide expression of interest process will be conducted. (16) Expressions of interest for the role of Chair of University Academic Board are formally called by the Secretary to Council by email to the Professoriate (Levels D and E), as soon as practicable after any vacancy occurs. In case of a vacancy which will arise due to the conclusion of the incumbent’s term, expressions of interest should be called a minimum of 90 days prior to the expiration of the term. (17) An expression of interest of an eligible person as a candidate for appointment by Council must: (18) Expressions of interest remain open for a minimum of 14 days. (19) The Chair of University Academic Board Selection Panel will select a preferred candidate for confirmation of appointment by Council identified by the Panel’s selection process. (20) The Deputy Chair carries out on behalf of the Chair of University Academic Board, or assists the Chair to carry out, such functions as University Academic Board or the Chair may determine. (21) Whenever the Chair of University Academic Board is unable to carry out the role, or if there is a vacancy in the Chair, the Deputy Chair is deemed to have been appointed to act in the role and will discharge all the functions of the Chair as described in section 3. (22) Members of the University Academic Board will elect a Deputy Chair of University Academic Board from current elected Faculty academic professoriate members for a term up to three years in accordance with Council Procedure 7 – Conduct of Elections. (23) The Deputy Chair is elected following the reconstitution of the elected Faculty academic staff. Where there is a vacancy in the position it will be filled in accordance with Council Procedure 1 – Committees, Casual and continuing vacancies. (24) The Chair of University Academic Board is responsible for the efficient operation of University Academic Board and for providing academic leadership to ensure it carries out its academic governance responsibilities in an effective manner, specifically: (25) The specific duties of the Chair of University Academic Board include, but are not limited to:Council Procedure 5 - Appointment of the Chair of University Academic Board
Section 1 - Chair of University Academic Board
Requirements of the Queensland University of Technology Act 1998
Governance, Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Term of Office
Chair of University Academic Board Selection Panel
Candidate Search
Expression of Interest
Section 2 - Deputy Chair of University Academic Board
Requirements for the Deputy Chair
Process for Election of a Deputy Chair
Section 3 - Role Statement for the Chair of University Academic Board
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