(1) The purpose of this Policy is to set out the framework for the appointment and management of International Recruitment Representatives. (2) QUT employs the services of a large number of International Recruitment Representatives around the world to assist in its international marketing and student recruitment activity. The appointment of, and ongoing communication with, International Recruitment Representatives is managed by QUT International on behalf of the University. (3) International Recruitment Representatives act as QUT agents only for the purpose of international student recruitment and may not represent themselves as having any other function within the University. They are bound, inasmuch as they act on the University's behalf, by the rules and provisions of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) and the associated National Code of Practice. (4) International Recruitment Representatives enter into formal contracts with the University. (5) All contracts must comply with current QUT policies, including the University's Information Privacy Policy, and Australian Government Legislation. (6) Contracts are valid for an agreed maximum period and may be renewed by the Executive Director, QUT International, after considering the performance of the International Recruitment Representatives. (7) Further information on the appointment of International Recruitment Representatives and the contract review process, including renewals and terminations, is provided in the Protocols for International Recruitment Representatives (QUT staff access only). (8) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (VC019) (QUT staff access only).International Recruitment Representatives Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Roles and Responsibilities
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Section 3 - Appointment of International Recruitment Representatives
Section 4 - Delegations
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Executive Director, QUT International
Signs contracts with International Recruitment Representatives on behalf of QUT in respect of recruitment and placement of international students at QUT.
May terminate a representative’s contract prior to expiry date.
Head of International Recruitment (QUT International)
Leads appropriate risk assessment of contract (due diligence) and manages identified risks.
Leads monitoring of performance of the contract.
Reports on performance to Executive Director, QUT International.