(1) The purpose of this Policy is to outline: (2) This Policy applies to any member of the University community granted permission to access or borrow QUT's library resources including: (3) The use of library resources by specific user groups is outlined on the QUT Library website. (4) Users of the physical and digital library resources must comply with the following conditions of use: (5) The University Librarian may impose or recommend the imposition of a penalty on a borrower who fails to comply in accordance with the Library Borrowing Conditions. (6) Failure to comply with the databases and search tools conditions of use or product licence agreements is managed in accordance with Acceptable Use of Information and Communications Technology Resources Policy, and individual product licences. Each vendor determines penalties for an individual’s failure to comply with access requirements specified in the relevant licence. (7) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) will specify procedures for appealing against the imposition of penalties in the Library Borrowing Conditions. A Compliance Officer will consider the waiving of penalties where borrowers provide reasonable explanation of exceptional circumstances. The Library Review Officer will make a final decision relating to an appeal against a decision made by a Compliance Officer. All appeals should be submitted and finalised within the calendar year. (8) Each vendor will assess appeals by individual users following contravention of their product licence. (9) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (VC035, VC040, VC041, C066) (QUT staff access only).Library Resources' Access and Borrowing Conditions Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Users and borrowers of library resources
Uses and borrows resources in accordance with the conditions of use outlined below in Section 4.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)
Designates the Library Borrowing Conditions.
University Librarian
Ensures library collection adequately supports learning and teaching and research.
Imposes penalties on borrowers for failure to comply with this Policy.
Appoints the library review officer and compliance officers.
Manages licence infractions with the licencing vendor of the digital resource.
Library review officer
Makes a final decision on appeals against the imposition of a penalty in accordance with Section 6 below, previously made by a Compliance Officer.
Compliance Officer
Waives penalties where borrowers provide reasonable explanation of exceptional circumstances.
Removes library sanctions once all conditions of the Library Borrowing Conditions have been met.Section 4 - Conditions of Use
Top of PageSection 5 - Failure to Comply
Section 6 - Appeals against Imposition of Penalties
Section 7 - Definitions
Top of Page
Users and Borrowers
Mean any person granted permission to use or borrow QUT’s library resources.
Library Borrowing Conditions
Library Resources
Means any library resource (physical or digital) service provided by the University to assist or support learning and teaching, research, administrative and business activities.
Library Review Officer
Means a member of the University staff appointed in writing by the University Librarian to make final decisions relating to an appeal against a decision made by a Compliance Officer to impose a penalty under this Policy in accordance with Section 6 above.
Compliance Officer
Means a member of the University staff appointed in writing by the University Librarian to consider the waiving of penalties where borrowers provide reasonable explanation of exceptional circumstances.
Section 8 - Delegations
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Provides library information resources to the University community.
Promotes awareness of borrowing and access conditions to borrowers and users.
Makes recommendation on imposition of academic sanctions on borrowers who continue to fail to comply with this Policy.
Means any conditions designated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) which govern the borrowing of QUT's library resources, including: