(1) The Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Financial Officer, is responsible for recommending to the Vice-Chancellor and President any proposals for student charging. Such recommendation will be contingent upon the proper process for establishment of new or revised student charges being undertaken by the responsible organisational area, according to the procedures in User Charging Policy. (2) At the completion of the annual review of user charges, a revised Register of User Charges is submitted via the Vice-President (Finance) and Chief Financial Officer, to the Vice-Chancellor and President for approval, after consideration by University Executive Committee. (3) A proposed student charge which is not approved and registered may not be levied. (4) A Student User Charge is raised when: (5) A student, for the purposes of this Policy, is defined as: (6) Students currently enrolled in a non-award course are considered under External User Charging Policy. (7) Consistent with Australian Government legislation and guidelines, Commonwealth supported and domestic fee-paying students must be able to complete the requirements of their courses without facing charges for those courses. This precludes the imposition of charges for compulsory or essential components of the course or its assessment and award. (8) QUT students should have equitable access to classrooms, study facilities provided by faculties, central facilities, Library borrowing, computer laboratory usage, etc without charge. (9) The University may however charge a fee for goods and services that are incidental to a student's course of study. The government's Guidelines for Commonwealth Grant Scheme outline the criteria under which a fee may be charged. These include where the fee is for: (10) Examples of the types of fees that may be charged are outlined in the Higher Education Administrative Information for Providers (Section 19). (11) Student charges should not be raised where: (12) In courses where additional course-related costs are involved, the faculty should ensure access to necessary services (eg reasonable access to computers, library books, scientific equipment). (13) Furthermore, under State and Federal anti-discrimination legislation, the University may not discriminate against students with disabilities by charging extra fees for services provided as reasonable accommodation to enable access to and progress in their education. (14) The Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009 requires that in determining the appropriate level of charges, the following should be considered by the organisational area providing the good or service. (15) In deciding charges for the goods or services, that accountable officer can structure user charges to either cover full cost or decide to charge less than full cost if it is satisfied as appropriate. (16) Further information in relation to these pricing requirements, including definitions of direct and indirect costs is provided in the User Charging Policy, Section 5. Information about methods of charge calculation for student charges (including Category A, Category B, Category C, penalties and fines, and donations and contributions) is available in the User Charging Policy, Section 4. (17) All pricing options are appropriate for the calculation of student user charges. GST should be included in the price calculation for all student user charges unless deemed to be GST exempt (User Charging Policy, Sections 4 and 5). (18) QUT is required to adhere to the requirements and principles of the National Competition Policy in terms of competitive neutrality through full cost pricing of the good/service offered on a competitive basis. Inclusion of all costs will ensure the price is comparable to external providers of a similar good/service. (19) The University may charge fines or penalties provided the charge is levied principally as a disincentive and not in order to raise revenue or cover administrative costs. (20) Any fees charged for non-essential or non-compulsory course materials, field trips, equipment or services should not exceed the total costs of these materials. (21) Government legislation allows the University to charge fees to students undertaking units of study during a summer school period provided the unit is also available as part of a course of study within normal semester periods to Commonwealth supported students.Student User Charging Policy
Section 1 - Student User Charging
Section 2 - Definitions
Section 3 - Principles for Student User Charging
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