(1) The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework for the delivery of best value procurement in a consistent and transparent manner, embracing the principles of the Queensland Procurement Policy 2021. (2) This Policy applies to the acquisition and supply of all goods and services to QUT, including contractors and consultants, regardless of the source of funding. (3) It applies to all staff members, contractors and consultants working for, or on behalf of, QUT, that may undertake procurement and/or purchasing activities. (4) QUT will ensure its procurement activities (including contract management) contribute to achieving sound commercial outcomes and enable efficient delivery of goods and services in line with the priorities outlined in QUT’s strategic priorities. Procurement will be conducted in an ethical, transparent and responsible manner, with a focus on value for money, improved sustainability, service and quality. (5) QUT’s procurement principles align to the Queensland Procurement Policy, while ensuring a focus on QUT’s strategic direction and core business of teaching, learning, and research. (6) QUT is committed to: (7) QUT will deliver value-for-money solutions, taking into account total, whole-of-life costs, aligned to QUT’s strategic direction, where risks are effectively managed, while ensuring safe and sustainable outcomes. Decisions will not be made on lowest cost alone. (8) QUT will conduct business with ethically, environmentally and socially responsible suppliers (including Indigenous and social enterprises), and provide a fair and reasonable opportunity for Queensland suppliers, including local suppliers and small and medium enterprises. QUT will pursue these objectives in its procurement decision making, both holistically and in individual procurement activities. QUT will actively seek to improve sustainable development by engaging businesses and industries that demonstrate sustainability. (9) QUT will conduct procurement activities in a transparent manner, ensuring that the procurement process is appropriately documented and defensible and undertaken in accordance with the probity and accountability standards set out in the Finance Manual. (10) QUT will manage any conflicts of interests in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy. QUT will handle complaints effectively, manage confidentiality matters appropriately and behave fairly, impartially, lawfully, ethically and responsibly. (11) QUT will plan in advance (where possible) and manage risk through effective oversight, accountability and appropriate internal controls. Its approach to governance facilitates consultation and value for money outcomes. (12) QUT will take the size, complexity, risk, criticality and value of what is being procured into account when buying goods and services in order to manage the procurement and contract management process in an effective manner. (13) QUT sets clear performance measures and effectively monitors and manages contracts to ensure high quality delivery, commercial benefits and consider opportunities for improvement. (14) While seeking the best value, QUT will look for opportunities to innovate, do things differently and build our procurement capability. QUT continually improves its procurement practices and provides visibility internally and externally to ensure an enterprise-wide view to procurement. QUT communicates and engages with stakeholders, as early as possible, in an open and effective manner. (15) QUT will use a consistent, five-stage procurement process to assist in achieving its procurement principles: (16) QUT’s expenditure and contract signing delegations (Register of Authorities and Delegations (QUT staff access only)) set out dollar thresholds and mandate the correct oversight, contractual protection and ensure risks are managed appropriately. Approval for procurement activities must be in line with this schedule. (17) Staff with an expenditure delegation must ensure: (18) The value of the procurement activity dictates the procurement method required to ensure the best commercial outcome is achieved for QUT. QUT has set quotation thresholds that apply to the procurement process to ensure the principles of this policy are met. Further information is available in QUT’s Finance Manual – Chapter 4.1 Procurement and purchasing (QUT staff access only). (19) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (VC042, VC043, VC044, VC045, VC046, VC047, VC048, VC049) (QUT staff access only).Procurement Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Procurement Principles
Making sound Commercial Decisions
Advancing Local, Socially Responsible, Indigenous, Environmental and Sustainable Outcomes
Acting with Integrity
Effectively Governing, Planning and Managing Contracts
Innovating and Engaging with Stakeholders
Section 5 - Procurement Approach
Top of Page
Section 6 - Delegations and Purchasing Thresholds
Top of PageSection 7 - Definitions
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Commercial decisions/outcomes
Encompasses the whole process of obtaining goods and services. Beginning with the identification of needs, procurement can include the functions of planning, design, standards determination, specification writing, selection of suppliers, financing, contract management, disposals and other related functions. Procurement does not include grants.
Significant Procurement
Total cost of ownership
Includes all significant costs, total aggregate value (if the contract has multiple year options), whole of life costs and transactions costs.
Section 8 - Delegations
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All staff undertaking procurement activities at QUT
Ensures all purchasing and procurement activities are conducted in line with QUT’s Procurement Policy and procedures.
Ensures funds are available and appropriate approval is obtained from the relevant financial delegate before entering into financial commitments.
Heads of organisational areas
Ensures compliance of their organisational area with QUT’s procurement procedures and processes.
Ensures staff undertaking procurement activities have adequate training on relevant financial procedures.
Provides information on significant procurement activities for QUT Strategic Procurement Plan.
Associate Director, Finance Services
Develops, implements, and administers QUT’s procurement processes, procedures, systems and reporting.
Monitors compliance with QUT’s procurement policy, procedures and processes.
Prepares and reviews QUT's Strategic Procurement Plan.
Co-ordinates suitable training for staff undertaking procurement activities to assist them in understanding their responsibilities under this policy.
1. Identify need
Identify the need, including assessing the size, value, complexity and risk of the procurement activity for QUT.
2. Plan
Plan the procurement and the essential elements needed. Based on the value and risk, develop the strategy (including analysis and research) to ensure best commercial outcomes, and develop the relevant market and contract documentation.
3. Evaluate and negotiate
Execute the procurement strategy including evaluation in an open, transparent manner. Negotiate to ensure the best outcomes for QUT.
4. Execute and transition
Approval and award of contract/s, transition and communication to key stakeholders.
5. Manage (contracts and suppliers)
Effectively manage contracts over their life cycle including optimising value, ensuring objectives are realised and delivered, performance is managed and supplier relationships are maximised and continuous improvement embedded.
Means getting the best result that meets QUT’s business needs. Commercial outcomes are achieved by taking into account a range of factors including (but not limited to):
Includes goods and services identified by QUT as being high expenditure and/or for which there is a high degree of business risk. Value for money means more than the lowest price, including: