(1) QUT is committed to the protection of (2) This Policy applies to all members of the University community, including the following: (3) It applies to activities held physically on QUT campuses, on other QUT premises and at off-site venues; QUT activities held by virtual means; while using QUT facilities or under the auspices of QUT’s authority; and to publications, archives, commentary and other manifestations of QUT academic and corporate activity. (4) This Policy will be taken into account by QUT while exercising, formulating, reviewing and amending other relevant policies, procedures and agreements. It is to be read in conjunction with related QUT policies, procedures or agreements, on an equal footing. (5) QUT holds that (6) QUT recognises that (7) The enjoyment at QUT of (8) QUT staff and students shall enjoy (9) A person’s lawful (10) QUT staff and students shall enjoy (11) The exercise of (12) QUT shall take all reasonable steps to minimise restrictions on the (13) QUT shall determine the terms and conditions under which visiting speakers may speak on (14) Other than as outlined in Principle 6, QUT shall not refuse permission for the use of its land or facilities by a visiting speaker, nor attach conditions to its permission, solely on the basis of the content of the proposed (15) QUT may take reasonable steps to ensure that all prospective students have an opportunity to be fully informed of the content of courses. While staff must comply with any policies and rules supportive of QUT’s (16) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (VC221) (QUT staff access only).Protection of Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Context
Defining Precepts
Interaction with Other Rights and Responsibilities
Section 5 - Principles
Principle 1
Principle 2
Principle 3
Principle 4
Principle 5
Principle 6
Principle 7
Principle 8
Section 6 - Definitions
Top of Page
Means academic and professional staff members employed in any capacity by QUT; members of QUT Council , advisory bodies and other committees, in the capacity of that membership; and affiliates such as academic title holders, visiting academics, emeritus professors, adjunct and honorary title holders, industry fellows, conjoint appointments, consultants, contractors and authorised volunteers.
Means any person enrolled as a student or undertaking courses, programs or units at QUT.
Section 7 - Delegations
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QUT Council
Adopt and maintain principles for the protection of academic freedom and freedom of speech .
Vice-Chancellor and President
Ensures compliance with principles for the protection of academic freedom and freedom of speech .
Provides advice on interpretation of this policy (without limiting the application of other QUT policies, procedures or agreements).
Provide an annual report to Council detailing actions and developments at QUT regarding academic freedom and freedom of speech .
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Assists the Vice-Chancellor and President in ensuring compliance with principles for the protection of academic freedom and freedom of speech .
Oversees development and provision of academic freedom and freedom of speech training.
Vice-President (Administration) and University Registrar
Assists the Vice-Chancellor and President in ensuring compliance with principles for the protection of academic freedom and freedom of speech , particularly with respect to human resources, student life and facilities management matters.
Grants approval for visiting speakers to speak on QUT land or in connection to a QUT event (this authority may be delegated).
Determines conditions that shall apply to visiting speakers, including their classification as either invited or external visiting speakers.
Head of Research Portfolio
Assists the Vice-Chancellor and President in ensuring compliance with principles for the protection of academic freedom and freedom of speech , particularly with respect to research and innovation matters.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)
Assists the Vice-Chancellor and President in ensuring compliance with principles for the protection of academic freedom and freedom of speech , particularly with respect to learning and teaching matters.
All QUT office-bearers, staff and students, as well as visiting staff, students and other guests
Respect rights and responsibilities of academic freedom and freedom of speech on QUT land , while using QUT facilities or while engaged in QUT activities.
Visiting Speaker
Means a person who is not a QUT staff member or student, and who is either: