(1) The Policy establishes the principles and processes which the University uses to support performance expectations, development, career planning, outcomes and metrics for the relevant promotion and probation milestones. The University strives for a culture where giving and receiving feedback in a constructive and respectful manner is a part of all staff members’ duties. (2) This Policy applies to all staff covered by the QUT Enterprise Agreement (Academic Staff) at all academic levels. (3) Career planning, development and performance expectations for sessional staff is undertaken at the discretion of the University with an approach appropriate to sessional working arrangements. (4) Academic probation is not applicable for sessional staff members. (5) Academic promotion is not available for sessional staff members. (6) QUT is committed to enabling fulfilling careers for academics and will ensure that University processes support academic achievements and sustained high performance through the following principles: (7) The performance of a staff member during the probation period will be assessed as part of a probation plan. (8) A probation plan will outline the relevant performance expectations, outcomes and metrics for the relevant milestones during the probation period. (9) A final review will be conducted by the supervisor before the conclusion of the probation period. (10) The probation process is confidential and should only be disclosed on a need to know basis. (11) Ongoing and fixed term staff are expected to participate in regular communication with their Supervisor to discuss, where relevant: (12) A request for feedback or performance planning can be initiated by either the staff member or their supervisor. (13) Feedback should be focused both on opportunities for future capability and development and reflection of past successes and learnings. (14) A Career planning, development and performance expectations form (QUT staff access only), has been developed for use by staff members and Supervisors. This form, or part thereof, is only mandatory to the extent that it is requested by either the staff member or Supervisor. (15) The University will relevantly take into account, the impact of COVID-19 on the working environment, personal lives, and performance of staff when discussing career planning, development and performance expectations. (16) A framework, standards and procedures are in place to support and implement the various processes: (17) Templates for probation and career planning, development and performance expectations are available from Human Resources. (18) A committee structure has been established to support decision making and assist in fulfilling the Academic Career Framework (ACF). This committee structure consists of the University Academic Staffing Committee (UASC) and a Faculty Academic Staffing Committee (FASC) for each faculty as required. (19) The University Academic Staffing Committee is established to facilitate promotions at senior levels and other staffing matters. (20) One Faculty Academic Staffing Committee is established per faculty under the leadership of the Executive Dean. With approval, other areas outside faculties may establish a committee if required. (21) The Committees operate in accordance with Council Procedure 1 – Committees. (22) The Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer is authorised to approve variations to this Policy in exceptional circumstances. Any such variation will be recorded by Human Resources. (23) Refer to Register of Authorities and Delegations (VC022, VC068, VC070, VC092, VC093) (QUT staff access only).Promotion, Probation and Career Planning, Development and Performance Expectations for Academic Staff Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
Top of Page
Section 4 - Academic Promotion
Top of PageSection 5 - Probation
Section 6 - Career Planning, Development and Performance Expectations
Section 7 - Supporting Frameworks
Section 8 - Academic Staffing Committees
Section 9 - Exceptions to Policy
Section 10 - Delegations
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Vice-Chancellor and President
Approves academic promotion to level E.
Approves the Academic Career Framework.
Approves establishment of additional committees at faculty/division levels.
Provost/Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Approves academic promotion to level D.
Approves Faculty Standards of Performance.
Confirms probation to all academic staff positions at levels D and E.
Executive Deans of faculty/Heads of Portfolio
Approve academic promotion to levels B and C.
Confirm probation to all academic staff positions at levels A to C.
Recommend level D and E promotions to the university academic staffing committee.
Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer
Approves the related procedures.
Provides relevant resources, training and development to ensure academic staff can successfully participate in this process.
Heads of School
Provide guidance and coaching to staff within the school on promotion readiness and preparation.
Recommend level B and C promotions to faculty academic staffing committees.
Identify and delegate appropriately to supervisors for the purpose of career planning, development and performance.
Identify training and development needs for Supervisors and provide coaching and support to supervisors in undertaking this role.
Provide guidance to staff for whom they are the designated Supervisor on promotion readiness and preparation.
Actively participate in regular communication with staff members on career planning, development and performance expectation to ensure staff have clear goals, ongoing feedback and support for professional development.
Oversees a staff member's period of probation.
Academic staff members
Participate in regular communication with supervisors on career planning, development and performance expectation.
Seek feedback from supervisors and other stakeholders including additional reviewers, peers, external stakeholders and students regarding contributions and performance.
Actively participate in the probation process.