(1) This Policy ensures that QUT meets its obligations under the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 to assure the quality of courses and the student experience and supports the achievement of the University’s overall vision for learning and teaching as articulated in the Real World Learning Vision and the objectives in Connections - the QUT Strategy 2023 to 2027. (2) This Policy applies to the: (3) This Policy does not apply to (4) This Policy complies with standards 5.1 Course Approval and Accreditation and 5.3 Monitoring, Review and Improvement mandated in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 made under section 58(1) of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011. (5) (6) A proposal to develop a new course is endorsed by the (7) University Academic Board approves the accreditation of a new course on the recommendation of the Curriculum Standards Committee. (8) In approving the accreditation of a new course, consideration is given to, among other matters: (9) The maximum accreditation period for any course is seven (7) years and conditions may be attached to the accreditation. (10) Courses accredited for less than seven (7) years may apply for an extension of the accreditation period to extend the period to up to the maximum of seven (7) years. (11) All courses must be comprehensively reviewed for reaccreditation at least once within the accreditation period. The comprehensive review is informed by the regular monitoring of the course as required by the Course Quality Assurance Policy. (12) A comprehensive review may be required at other times as deemed appropriate by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic). (13) The review must commence to allow sufficient time for review activities to take place, for consideration be given to the feedback and findings to support decisions, and for proposals to meet the required standard for consideration by committees. (14) Comprehensive course review requires: (15) Curriculum Standards Committee, as the delegated authority of University Academic Board, approves the reaccreditation of courses, except for courses identified as higher risk. (16) Accredited award courses that are identified as higher risk must be endorsed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) before commencing course review for reaccreditation. (17) In approving the reaccreditation of a course, consideration is given to the same matters as stated in section 6, clause (8). (18) In approving revisions to (19) Revisions to courses during the accreditation period are approved by the faculty academic board unless the cumulative change to the course within the accreditation period is classified as material (see clause(24)) or fundamental (see clause (26)). (20) Faculty Academic Boards are responsible for approving new and revised (21) Revisions to (22) In approving (23) Cumulative change to a course that is classified as material requires the approval of the Curriculum Standards Committee for reaccreditation. (24) Material change includes: (25) Cumulative change to a course that is classified as fundamental requires that the course be treated as if it is new and University Academic Board must approve the accreditation. (26) Fundamental change includes: (27) Refer to the Register of Authorities and Delegations (C097, C098, C159) (QUT staff access only).Curriculum Approval and Course Review Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Application
Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities
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Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)
University Academic Board
Curriculum Standards Committee
Faculty Academic Board and other entities delegated by University Academic Board
Endorses the following for submission to Curriculum Standards Committee:
Approves the following:
Provides assurance to their academic boards and University Academic Board that the proposed
Head of School
Assigns responsibility for award course accreditations, course reviews and other
Curriculum Quality and Academic Integrity, Education Portfolio
Academic curriculum leader
Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching)
Reviews proposals for award course accreditation, reaccreditation and other
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)
Provides appropriate support and advice during
Section 4 - Relationship to TEQSA Threshold Standards
Section 5 - Principles
Top of Page
Section 6 - Approval of New Courses
Section 7 - Course Review for Reaccreditation
Approval of reaccreditation
Section 8 - Approval of Curriculum During Accreditation Period
Unit information
Material change to a course
Fundamental change to a course
Top of PageSection 9 - Definitions
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Course review
External referencing
Comparing the design of the course and assuring student achievement of learning outcomes with that of a similar course offered by another university with a focus on informing improvements in the course.
Higher risk course
A transnational award course or a course that has been included in an Annual Course Performance Report Implementation Plan for at least two years of the last three years due to being flagged as under performing in the key performance measures. See Course Quality Assurance Policy.
Section 10 - Delegations
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Approves the Curriculum Approval and Course Review Protocol.
Endorses the following:
Reports to Council on accredited award courses.
Approves the following:
Provides feedback on the accreditation and reaccreditation of award courses to Faculty Academic Boards.
Endorses accreditation of new award courses for accreditation by University Academic Board.
Endorses reaccreditation of higher risk award courses, including transnational award courses, for accreditation by University Academic Board.
Approves the following:
Provides feedback and advice on University policies and curriculum approval pathways to faculty academic boards and other stakeholders.
Provides advice on the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 and the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Leads and carries out the activities required for award course accreditation and course review for reaccreditation.
Consults and liaises with other faculties and relevant divisions.
A comprehensive review and analysis of the design, content, learning outcomes, methods of assessment, students’ achievement of the learning outcomes, emerging developments in the field of education, modes of delivery, changing needs of the student cohort, and any identified risks to quality, to improve the course and the student experience. Course reviews include external referencing of the success of the student cohort against comparable courses, including analysis of progression and attrition rates, completion times and rates, assessment methods and grading of students’ achievement of learning outcomes for selected units in the courses. Comprehensive reviews at QUT are informed and supported by the Annual Course Performance Report and overall delivery of units in courses.
See the Curriculum Approval and Course Review Protocol for guidance on review and improvement activities that form part of a comprehensive review of a course.