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Student Transitions and First Year Experience Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) Supported transitions is a crucial part of the student experience. The purpose of this Policy is to: 

  1. identify key transitions for students, including first year experience;
  1. provide principles to guide the organisation of services that foster engagement, progression, retention and features of student success including connection and a sense of belonging; and
  1. comply with the Higher Education Support Act 2003.
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Section 2 - Application

(2) This Policy applies to:

  1. all undergraduate, postgraduate and diploma coursework students of QUT;
  2. all QUT staff in roles supporting students at the University; and
  3. this Policy does not apply to research higher degree students or Foundation programs.
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Section 3 - Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibility
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) Approves protocols and procedures made under this Policy.
Executive Deans of Faculty and Executive Director, QUT College
Promotes a culture of shared responsibility for student transitions for all staff and students.
Encourages relevant teaching staff to participate in Transitions and First Year Experience training and development.                                                                            
Teaching staff within Faculties and QUT College
Intentionally design curricular and co-curricular experiences for first year students and facilitate student transitions into, through and out of university.
Provide quality learning experiences and high quality teaching as per QUT’s approach to whole of course curriculum design and to meet the diverse learning needs of students.  
Promote and support engagement through staff-student interactions that enhance first year student experience and transitions for all students. 
Engage with Divisions and university-wide programs that support students in their first year and other transition points.
Work with executive leadership teams to identify key academic roles relevant to student transition and encourage participation in the First Year Experience and Transition Community of Practice. 
Provide appropriate support and advice to faculties, including quality data that informs best practice.
Promote and support engagement between students and staff, and student peer interactions that enhance first year experience, retention and transition strategies.
Ensure there is easy and timely access to services and programs that aid administrative, academic and social orientation, integration, connection and support.
In partnership with faculties, develop, deliver evaluate engagement and retention campaigns and/or activities.
Develop, implement and evaluate intentionally designed co-curricular experiences for students.
Participate in Student Transitions and First Year Experience Communities of Practice.
Director, Student Success and Teaching Advancement
Oversees activities described in this Policy.
Reports to the University Academic Board and University Learning and Teaching Committee, on related matters.
Vice-President (People) and Chief People Officer 
Oversees activities described in this Policy. 
Reports to the University Learning and Teaching Committee, University Equity Committee and University Health, Safety and Environment Committee on related matters.
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Section 4 - Principles

(3) QUT recognises the transitional challenges QUT students face as they enter, undertake and exit their course of study.  Support during transition can increase the likelihood of progression and retention.

(4) The first year experience is a particular focus for student support, to foster student success, engagement and retention.

(5) Staff support the transition, engagement, progression and retention of our students. QUT focuses on providing the best possible experience for students in an environment where they are supported to take responsibility for their own learning, and to embrace an active role in succeeding to their full potential (academically and personally). 

(6) QUT is committed to a comprehensive, integrated and coordinated approach to Student Transitions and First Year Experience that: 

  1. provides a positive first year experience, which connects students to their educators and peers in a community committed to learning, as a critical foundation for transition to later years' learning success and career attainment; 
  2. fosters engagement across the student lifecycle from pre-commencement through to post-graduation that normalises help-seeking behaviour and builds a sense of agency, belonging and connection; 
  3. delivers opportunities to engage that are accessible, timely and high quality in terms of learning environments, teaching, and support. Engagement opportunities can be curricula, co-curricular, peer to peer, and designed to support academic success and social connection; and
  4. uses scholarly, evidence-based approaches to student success, transition pedagogy, retention, progression and well-being that are evaluated regularly.   
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Section 5 - Student Transitions

(7) QUT recognises that students undertake transitions which may involve large-scale academic, social, financial, cultural and environmental changes.

(8) All students are likely to experience the following transitions

  1. pre-commencement;
  2. orientation and first year experience;
  3. progression from first to subsequent years of study through to final year;
  4. progression from studies to their chosen career.

(9) Students may also experience the following transitions:  

  1. direct entry into second year of their course;
  2. changing course of study, study plans, and/or major and minor choices;
  3. changing enrolment status to/from full-time to part-time, remote to on campus;
  4. failing an assessment or unit;
  5. taking, or returning from, a leave of absence;
  6. undertaking work integrated learning and/or a study abroad experience; and
  7. responding to academic probation, academic misconduct and/or exclusion.
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Section 6 - Strategies to Support Students in Transition 

(10) QUT provides intentional, informed, accessible and engaging processes, services and/or activities to support students through transitions at all stages of their studies. QUT aims to facilitate positive and successful transitions for all students. 

(11) Relevant course/unit/cohort/student progress data and best practice standards are used in the design, implementation and evaluation of support strategies.

(12) Strategic activities, programs of interventions may be led by faculties or divisions following consultation regarding the focus, methodology, evaluation and resourcing. These may vary in aims, scope and resourcing as relevant to the purpose and desired outcomes. The active participation of student partners in design and delivery is encouraged.

(13) Strategies and services for transitions related to pre-commencement and first year experience include: 

  1. Pre-commencement contact with students to direct them to administrative, academic and/or non-academic support. 
  2. Comprehensive orientation program, including Welcome Week, intended to build familiarisation with their discipline(s) of study, campus (including online and on-campus), and learning environments. The orientation program aims to familiarise students with QUT’s community, processes, expectations, learning opportunities and support while embracing the diversity of their previous experiences.    
  3. Curricula and co-curricular activities, opportunities and events to foster a positive first year experience through access to timely, relevant and useful support. 
  4. QUT supports programs, at faculty and university level, that proactively support student engagement, particularly during their first year of study, and provides early warning and interventions.   

(14) Strategies and services to support students through all transitions include: 

  1. A range of student-centred services, including administrative and academic support, support for career development, and social, financial, health and wellbeing support. Students may also have access to dedicated cohort-based services for groups under-represented in higher education (such as low socio-economic status, regional and remote, and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students) and/or who may experience discrimination (such as students with a disability, culturally and linguistically diverse students, LGBTIQA+ students).   
  2. Inviting and inclusive digital and physical campuses that foster engagement.  
  3. Opportunities to engage in formal peer to peer activities.  
  4. Career development and employability support that encompasses the continuous formation and refinement of professional identity and transferable skills and capabilities.  
  5. Programs that support student engagement, particularly during their first year of study.
  6. Campaigns to contact and support students who demonstrate indicators of disengagement. Students can also self-nominate for support.   

(15) QUT encourages the development and sharing of ideas and practices in the support of students through communities of practice. QUT values the student voice in shaping the student experience and support services. 

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Section 7 - Delegations

(16) There are no delegations made under this policy included in the Register of Authorities and Delegations.